blob: 3d7544e404ae50748bb7ccc459b69655452108e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
import java.util.Collection;
* Represents a generalized meter cell configuration to be deployed on a device.
public interface Meter extends PiTranslatable {
enum Unit {
* Packets per second.
* Kilo bits per second.
* The target device for this meter.
* @return a device id
DeviceId deviceId();
* This meters id.
* @return a meter id
* @deprecated in Nightingale release (version 1.13.0). Use {@link #meterCellId()} instead.
MeterId id();
* Returns the meter cell identifier of this meter.
* @return a meter identifier
MeterCellId meterCellId();
* The id of the application which created this meter.
* @return an application id
ApplicationId appId();
* The unit used within this meter.
* @return the unit
Unit unit();
* Signals whether this meter applies to bursts only.
* @return a boolean
boolean isBurst();
* The collection of bands to apply on the dataplane.
* @return a collection of bands.
Collection<Band> bands();
* Fetches the state of this meter.
* @return a meter state
MeterState state();
* The lifetime in seconds of this meter.
* @return number of seconds
long life();
* The number of flows pointing to this meter.
* @return a reference count
long referenceCount();
* Number of packets processed by this meter.
* @return a packet count
long packetsSeen();
* Number of bytes processed by this meter.
* @return a byte count
long bytesSeen();
* A meter builder.
interface Builder {
* Assigns the target device for this meter.
* @param deviceId a device id
* @return this
Builder forDevice(DeviceId deviceId);
* Assigns the id to this meter.
* @param id a e
* @return this
* @deprecated in Nightingale release (version 1.13.0). Use {@link
* #withCellId(MeterCellId)} instead.
Builder withId(MeterId id);
* Assigns the id to this meter cell.
* @param meterId a meter cell identifier
* @return this
Builder withCellId(MeterCellId meterId);
* Assigns the application that built this meter.
* @param appId an application id
* @return this
Builder fromApp(ApplicationId appId);
* Assigns the @See Unit to use for this meter.
* Defaults to kb/s
* @param unit a unit
* @return this
Builder withUnit(Unit unit);
* Sets this meter as applicable to burst traffic only.
* Defaults to false.
* @return this
Builder burst();
* Assigns bands to this meter. There must be at least one band.
* @param bands a collection of bands
* @return this
Builder withBands(Collection<Band> bands);
* Builds the meter based on the specified parameters.
* @return a meter
Meter build();