blob: 6a994c95890f6a30f5a57adee93587eb988cb7f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.utils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Represents utilities constants which are used while generating java files.
public final class UtilConstants {
* Creates an instance of util constants.
private UtilConstants() {
* JavaDocs for impl class.
public static final String IMPL_CLASS_JAVA_DOC = " * Reperesents the implementation of ";
* JavaDocs for builder class.
public static final String BUILDER_CLASS_JAVA_DOC = " * Reperesents the builder implementation of ";
* JavaDocs for interface class.
public static final String INTERFACE_JAVA_DOC = " * Abstraction of an entity which Reperesents the"
+ " functionalities of ";
* JavaDocs for builder interface class.
public static final String BUILDER_INTERFACE_JAVA_DOC = " * Builder for ";
* JavaDocs for package info class.
public static final String PACKAGE_INFO_JAVADOC = " * Implementation of YANG file ";
* JavaDocs's first line.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_FIRST_LINE = "/**\n";
* JavaDocs's last line.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_END_LINE = " */\n";
* JavaDocs's param annotation.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_PARAM = " * @param ";
* JavaDocs's return annotation.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_RETURN = " * @return ";
* JavaDocs's throw annotation.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_THROWS = " * @throws ";
* JavaDocs's description for setter method.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_SETTERS = " * Returns the builder object of ";
* JavaDocs's description for OF method.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_OF = " * Returns the object of ";
* JavaDocs's description for typedef' setter method.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_SETTERS_COMMON = " * Sets the value of ";
* JavaDocs's description for getter method.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_GETTERS = " * Returns the attribute ";
* JavaDocs's description for constructor.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_CONSTRUCTOR = " * Creates an instance of ";
* JavaDocs's description for build method.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_BUILD = " * Builds object of ";
* JavaDocs's return statement for build method.
public static final String JAVA_DOC_BUILD_RETURN = "object of ";
* JavaDocs's statement for builder object.
public static final String BUILDER_OBJECT = "builder object of ";
* Static attribute for new line.
public static final String NEW_LINE = "\n";
* Static attribute for multiple new line.
public static final String MULTIPLE_NEW_LINE = "\n\n";
* Static attribute for empty line.
public static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
* Static attribute for new line with asterisk.
public static final String NEW_LINE_ASTERISK = " *\n";
* Static attribute for period.
public static final String PERIOD = ".";
* Static attribute for colan.
public static final String COLAN = ":";
* Static attribute for underscore.
public static final String UNDER_SCORE = "_";
* Static attribute for semi-colan.
public static final String SEMI_COLAN = ";";
* Static attribute for hyphen.
public static final String HYPHEN = "-";
* Static attribute for space.
public static final String SPACE = " ";
* Static attribute for tab.
public static final String TAB = "\t";
* Static attribute for new line.
public static final String EQUAL = "=";
* Static attribute for slash syntax.
public static final String SLASH = File.separator;
* Static attribute for add syntax.
public static final String ADD = "+";
* Static attribute for asterisk.
public static final String ASTERISK = "*";
* Static attribute for at.
public static final String AT = "@";
* Static attribute for quotes.
public static final String QUOTES = "\"";
* Static attribute for ampersand.
public static final String AND = "&";
* Static attribute for comma.
public static final String COMMA = ",";
* Static attribute for add syntax.
public static final String ADD_STRING = "add";
* Static attribute for check not null syntax.
public static final String CHECK_NOT_NULL_STRING = "checkNotNull";
* Static attribute for hash code syntax.
public static final String HASH_CODE_STRING = "hashCode";
* Static attribute for equals syntax.
public static final String EQUALS_STRING = "equals";
* Static attribute for object.
public static final String OBJECT_STRING = "Object";
* Static attribute for instance of syntax.
public static final String INSTANCE_OF = " instanceof ";
* Static attribute for value syntax.
public static final String VALUE = "value";
* Static attribute for suffix s.
public static final String SUFFIX_S = "s";
* Static attribute for if.
public static final String IF = "if";
* Static attribute for for.
public static final String FOR = "for";
* Static attribute for while.
public static final String WHILE = "while";
* Static attribute for of.
public static final String OF = "of";
* Static attribute for other.
public static final String OTHER = "other";
* Static attribute for obj syntax.
public static final String OBJ = "obj";
* Static attribute for hash syntax.
public static final String HASH = "hash";
* Static attribute for to syntax.
public static final String TO = "to";
* Static attribute for true syntax.
public static final String TRUE = "true";
* Static attribute for false syntax.
public static final String FALSE = "false";
* Static attribute for org.
public static final String ORG = "org";
* Static attribute for temp.
public static final String TEMP = "temp";
* Static attribute for YANG file directory.
public static final String YANG_RESOURCES = "yang/resources";
* Static attribute for diamond close bracket syntax.
public static final String DIAMOND_OPEN_BRACKET = "<";
* Static attribute for diamond close bracket syntax.
public static final String DIAMOND_CLOSE_BRACKET = ">";
* Static attribute for square open bracket syntax.
public static final String SQUARE_OPEN_BRACKET = "[";
* Static attribute for square close bracket syntax.
public static final String SQUARE_CLOSE_BRACKET = "]";
* Static attribute for open parenthesis syntax.
public static final String OPEN_PARENTHESIS = "(";
* Static attribute for close parenthesis syntax.
public static final String CLOSE_PARENTHESIS = ")";
* Static attribute for open curly bracket syntax.
public static final String OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET = "{";
* Static attribute for close curly bracket syntax.
public static final String CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET = "}";
* Static attribute for getter method prefix.
public static final String GET_METHOD_PREFIX = "get";
* Static attribute for setter method prefix.
public static final String SET_METHOD_PREFIX = "set";
* Static attribute for four space indentation.
public static final String FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION = " ";
* Static attribute for eight space indentation.
* Static attribute for twelve space indentation.
* Static attribute for sixteen space indentation.
* Static attribute for generated code path.
public static final String YANG_GEN_DIR = "src/main/java/";
* Static attribute for base package.
public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_PKG = "org.onosproject.yang.gen";
* Static attribute for YANG date prefix.
public static final String REVISION_PREFIX = "rev";
* Static attribute for YANG version perifx.
public static final String VERSION_PREFIX = "v";
* Static attribute for private modifier.
public static final String PRIVATE = "private";
* Static attribute for public modifier.
public static final String PUBLIC = "public";
* Static attribute for protected modifier.
public static final String PROTECTED = "protected";
* Void java type.
public static final String VOID = "void";
* String built in java type.
public static final String STRING_DATA_TYPE = "String";
* java.lang.* packages.
public static final String JAVA_LANG = "java.lang";
* boolean built in java type.
public static final String BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE = "boolean";
* byte java built in type.
public static final String BYTE = "byte";
* short java built in type.
public static final String SHORT = "short";
* int java built in type.
public static final String INT = "int";
* long java built in type.
public static final String LONG = "long";
* float java built in type.
public static final String FLOAT = "float";
* double java built in type.
public static final String DOUBLE = "double";
* boolean built in java wrapper type.
public static final String BOOLEAN_WRAPPER = "Boolean";
* byte java built in wrapper type.
public static final String BYTE_WRAPPER = "Byte";
* short java built in wrapper type.
public static final String SHORT_WRAPPER = "Short";
* Integer java built in wrapper type.
public static final String INTEGER_WRAPPER = "Integer";
* long java built in wrapper type.
public static final String LONG_WRAPPER = "Long";
* float java built in wrapper type.
public static final String FLOAT_WRAPPER = "Float";
* double java built in wrapper type.
public static final String DOUBLE_WRAPPER = "Double";
* List of keywords in java, this is used for checking if the input does not contain these keywords.
public static final List<String> JAVA_KEY_WORDS = Arrays.asList(
"abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue",
"default", "do", "double", "else", "extends", "false", "final", "finally", "float", "for", "goto", "if",
"implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "null", "package",
"private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", "super", "switch",
"synchronized", "this", "throw", "throws", "transient", "true", "try", "void", "volatile", "while");
* Static attribute for regex for special char.
public static final String REGEX_WITH_SPECIAL_CHAR = "[ : / - @ $ # ' * + , ; = ]+";
* Static attribute for regex for digits.
public static final String REGEX_FOR_FIRST_DIGIT = "\\d.*";
* Static attribute for class syntax.
public static final String CLASS = "class";
* Static attribute for builder syntax.
public static final String BUILDER = "Builder";
* Static attribute for interface syntax.
public static final String INTERFACE = "interface";
* Static attribute for enum syntax.
public static final String ENUM = "enum";
* Static attribute for static syntax.
public static final String STATIC = "static";
* Static attribute for final syntax.
public static final String FINAL = "final";
* Static attribute for package syntax.
public static final String PACKAGE = "package";
* Static attribute for import syntax.
public static final String IMPORT = "import ";
* Static attribute for null syntax.
public static final String NULL = "null";
* Static attribute for return syntax.
public static final String RETURN = "return";
* Static attribute for java new syntax.
public static final String NEW = "new";
* Static attribute for this syntax.
public static final String THIS = "this";
* Static attribute for implements syntax.
public static final String IMPLEMENTS = "implements";
* Static attribute for extends syntax.
public static final String EXTEND = "extends";
* Static attribute for impl syntax.
public static final String IMPL = "Impl";
* Static attribute for build method syntax.
public static final String BUILD = "build";
* Static attribute for object.
public static final String OBJECT = "Object";
* Static attribute for override annotation.
public static final String OVERRIDE = "@Override";
* Static attribute for new line.
public static final String COLLECTION_IMPORTS = "java.util";
* Static attribute for more object import package.
public static final String GOOGLE_MORE_OBJECT_IMPORT_PKG = "";
* Static attribute for more object import class.
public static final String GOOGLE_MORE_OBJECT_IMPORT_CLASS = "MoreObjects;\n";
* Static attribute for to string method.
public static final String GOOGLE_MORE_OBJECT_METHOD_STRING = " MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())";
* Static attribute for java utilities import package.
public static final String JAVA_UTIL_OBJECTS_IMPORT_PKG = "java.util";
* Static attribute for java utilities objects import class.
public static final String JAVA_UTIL_OBJECTS_IMPORT_CLASS = "Objects;\n";
* Static attribute for abstract collection.
public static final String ABSTRACT_COLLECTION = "AbstractCollection";
* Static attribute for list.
public static final String LIST = "List";
* Static attribute for linked list.
public static final String LINKED_LIST = "LinkedList";
* Static attribute for array list.
public static final String ARRAY_LIST = "ArrayList";
* Static attribute for abstract list.
public static final String ABSTRACT_LIST = "AbstractList";
* Static attribute for abstract sequential list.
public static final String ABSTRACT_SEQUENTAIL_LIST = "AbstractSequentialList";
* Static attribute for set.
public static final String SET = "Set";
* Static attribute for hash set.
public static final String HASH_SET = "HashSet";
* Static attribute for abstract set.
public static final String ABSTRACT_SET = "AbstractSet";
* Static attribute for linked has set.
public static final String LINKED_HASH_SET = "LinkedHashSet";
* Static attribute for tree set.
public static final String TREE_SET = "TreeSet";
* Static attribute for map.
public static final String MAP = "Map";
* Static attribute for abstract map.
public static final String ABSTRACT_MAP = "AbstractMap";
* Static attribute for hash map.
public static final String HASH_MAP = "HashMap";
* Static attribute for tree map.
public static final String TREE_MAP = "TreeMap";
* Static attribute for concurrent map.
public static final String CONCURRENT_MAP = "ConcurrentMap";
* Static attribute for eventually consistent map.
public static final String EVENTUALLY_CONSISTENT_MAP = "EventuallyConsitentMap";
* Static attribute for stack syntax.
public static final String STACK = "stack";