blob: 902651df4544568a91cf247ee6beddab270e8f3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.netconf;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.onosproject.netconf.rpc.ErrorSeverity;
import org.onosproject.netconf.rpc.ErrorTag;
import org.onosproject.netconf.rpc.ErrorType;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
public class NetconfRpcParserUtilTest {
static final String OK_DATA1 =
"<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"3\">\n" +
" <ok/>\n" +
static final String ERROR_XPATH1 =
static final String ERROR_DATA1 =
"<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"4\">\n" +
" <rpc-error>\n" +
" <error-type>application</error-type>\n" +
" <error-tag>invalid-value</error-tag>\n" +
" <error-severity>error</error-severity>\n" +
" <error-path xmlns:oc-if=\"\">\n" +
" /rpc/edit-config/config/oc-if:interfaces/oc-if:interface[oc-if:name='foo']/oc-if:config/oc-if:type\n" +
" </error-path>\n" +
" <error-message xml:lang=\"en\">\"fastEther\" is not a valid value.</error-message>\n" +
" <error-info>\n" +
" <bad-element>type</bad-element>\n" +
" <something>value</something>" +
" </error-info>\n" +
" </rpc-error>\n" +
static final String RESPONSE_BODY1 =
"<data>\n" +
" <interfaces xmlns=\"\">\n" +
" <interface>\n" +
" <name>foo</name>\n" +
" <config>\n" +
" <name>foo</name>\n" +
" <type xmlns:ianaift=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type\">ianaift:fastEther</type>\n" +
" </config>\n" +
" </interface>\n" +
" </interfaces>\n" +
" <components xmlns=\"\">\n" +
" <component>\n" +
" <name>comp1</name>\n" +
" <config>\n" +
" <name>comp1</name>\n" +
" </config>\n" +
" </component>\n" +
" <component>\n" +
" <name>comp2</name>\n" +
" <config>\n" +
" <name>comp2</name>\n" +
" </config>\n" +
" </component>\n" +
" </components>\n" +
" <aaa xmlns=\"\">\n" +
" <authentication>\n" +
" <users>\n" +
" <user>\n" +
" <name>admin</name>\n" +
" <uid>9000</uid>\n" +
" <gid>20</gid>\n" +
" <password>$1$3iwdPGZ1$PBh0MaDjzSFf1jozKYJUI1</password>\n" +
" <ssh_keydir>/var/confd/homes/admin/.ssh</ssh_keydir>\n" +
" <homedir>/var/confd/homes/admin</homedir>\n" +
" </user>\n" +
" <user>\n" +
" <name>oper</name>\n" +
" <uid>9000</uid>\n" +
" <gid>20</gid>\n" +
" <password>$1$hJImrsyG$Ey294aLU/8wE.Y5vgjqzm/</password>\n" +
" <ssh_keydir>/var/confd/homes/oper/.ssh</ssh_keydir>\n" +
" <homedir>/var/confd/homes/oper</homedir>\n" +
" </user>\n" +
" <user>\n" +
" <name>private</name>\n" +
" <uid>9000</uid>\n" +
" <gid>20</gid>\n" +
" <password>$1$f85WqsO0$GdtqBqa0yAZXXm5sSCv/M/</password>\n" +
" <ssh_keydir>/var/confd/homes/private/.ssh</ssh_keydir>\n" +
" <homedir>/var/confd/homes/private</homedir>\n" +
" </user>\n" +
" <user>\n" +
" <name>public</name>\n" +
" <uid>9000</uid>\n" +
" <gid>20</gid>\n" +
" <password>$1$lYiRxyl.$0ofHPegBlwr7asbjz/a/Q.</password>\n" +
" <ssh_keydir>/var/confd/homes/public/.ssh</ssh_keydir>\n" +
" <homedir>/var/confd/homes/public</homedir>\n" +
" </user>\n" +
" </users>\n" +
" </authentication>\n" +
" <ios>\n" +
" <level>\n" +
" <nr>0</nr>\n" +
" <prompt>\\h>\n" +
" </prompt>\n" +
" </level>\n" +
" <level>\n" +
" <nr>15</nr>\n" +
" <prompt>\\h#\n" +
" </prompt>\n" +
" </level>\n" +
" <privilege>\n" +
" <mode>exec</mode>\n" +
" <level>\n" +
" <nr>0</nr>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>action</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>autowizard</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>enable</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>exit</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>help</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>startup</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" </level>\n" +
" <level>\n" +
" <nr>15</nr>\n" +
" <command>\n" +
" <name>configure</name>\n" +
" </command>\n" +
" </level>\n" +
" </privilege>\n" +
" </ios>\n" +
" </aaa>\n" +
" <nacm xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-acm\">\n" +
" <write-default>permit</write-default>\n" +
" <groups>\n" +
" <group>\n" +
" <name>admin</name>\n" +
" <user-name>admin</user-name>\n" +
" <user-name>private</user-name>\n" +
" </group>\n" +
" <group>\n" +
" <name>oper</name>\n" +
" <user-name>oper</user-name>\n" +
" <user-name>public</user-name>\n" +
" </group>\n" +
" </groups>\n" +
" <rule-list>\n" +
" <name>admin</name>\n" +
" <group>admin</group>\n" +
" <rule>\n" +
" <name>any-access</name>\n" +
" <action>permit</action>\n" +
" </rule>\n" +
" </rule-list>\n" +
" <rule-list>\n" +
" <name>any-group</name>\n" +
" <group>*</group>\n" +
" <rule>\n" +
" <name>tailf-aaa-authentication</name>\n" +
" <module-name>tailf-aaa</module-name>\n" +
" <path>/aaa/authentication/users/user[name='$USER']</path>\n" +
" <access-operations>read update</access-operations>\n" +
" <action>permit</action>\n" +
" </rule>\n" +
" <rule>\n" +
" <name>tailf-aaa-user</name>\n" +
" <module-name>tailf-aaa</module-name>\n" +
" <path>/user[name='$USER']</path>\n" +
" <access-operations>create read update delete</access-operations>\n" +
" <action>permit</action>\n" +
" </rule>\n" +
" <rule>\n" +
" <name>tailf-webui-user</name>\n" +
" <module-name>tailf-webui</module-name>\n" +
" <path>/webui/data-stores/user-profile[username='$USER']</path>\n" +
" <access-operations>create read update delete</access-operations>\n" +
" <action>permit</action>\n" +
" </rule>\n" +
" </rule-list>\n" +
" </nacm>\n" +
" </data>";
static final String RESPONSE_DATA1 =
"<rpc-reply xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\" message-id=\"5\">\n" +
" " + RESPONSE_BODY1 + "\n" +
static final String ERROR_DATA2 =
"<rpc-reply message-id=\"101\"\n" +
" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\"\n" +
" xmlns:xc=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">\n" +
" <rpc-error>\n" +
" <error-type>application</error-type>\n" +
" <error-tag>invalid-value</error-tag>\n" +
" <error-severity>error</error-severity>\n" +
" <error-path xmlns:t=\"\">\n" +
" /t:top/t:interface[t:name=\"Ethernet0/0\"]/t:mtu\n" +
" </error-path>\n" +
" <error-message xml:lang=\"en\">\n" +
" MTU value 25000 is not within range 256..9192\n" +
" </error-message>\n" +
" </rpc-error>\n" +
" <rpc-error>\n" +
" <error-type>application</error-type>" +
" <error-tag>invalid-value</error-tag>\n" +
" <error-severity>error</error-severity>\n" +
" <error-path xmlns:t=\"\">\n" +
" /t:top/t:interface[t:name=\"Ethernet1/0\"]/t:address/t:name\n" +
" </error-path>\n" +
" <error-message xml:lang=\"en\">\n" +
" Invalid IP address for interface Ethernet1/0\n" +
" </error-message>\n" +
" </rpc-error>\n" +
" </rpc-reply>";
public void testOkParse() {
NetconfRpcReply ok = NetconfRpcParserUtil.parseRpcReply(OK_DATA1);
assertThat(ok.isOk(), is(true));
assertThat(ok.messageId(), is("3"));
public void testErrorWithAnyParse() {
NetconfRpcReply reply = NetconfRpcParserUtil.parseRpcReply(ERROR_DATA1);
assertThat(reply.messageId(), is("4"));
List<NetconfRpcError> errs = reply.errors();
assertThat(errs, hasSize(1));
NetconfRpcError err = errs.get(0);
assertThat(err.type(), is(ErrorType.APPLICATION));
assertThat(err.tag(), is(ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE));
assertThat(err.severity(), is(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
assertThat(err.path().isPresent(), is(true));
assertThat(err.path().get().trim(), is(ERROR_XPATH1));
assertThat(err.message(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(err.message(), is("\"fastEther\" is not a valid value."));
assertThat(, is(endsWith("type")));
assertThat(, is(1));
assertThat(err.infoAny(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(err.infoAny().get(0), is(instanceOf(Node.class)));
assertThat(err.appTag().isPresent(), is(false));
public void testErrorParse() {
NetconfRpcReply reply = NetconfRpcParserUtil.parseRpcReply(ERROR_DATA2);
assertThat(reply.messageId(), is("101"));
List<NetconfRpcError> errs = reply.errors();
assertThat(errs, hasSize(2));
NetconfRpcError err1 = errs.get(0);
assertThat(err1.type(), is(ErrorType.APPLICATION));
assertThat(err1.tag(), is(ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE));
assertThat(err1.severity(), is(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
assertThat(err1.path().isPresent(), is(true));
assertThat(err1.path().get().trim(), is("/t:top/t:interface[t:name=\"Ethernet0/0\"]/t:mtu"));
assertThat(err1.message(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(err1.message().trim(), is("MTU value 25000 is not within range 256..9192"));
assertThat(, is(0));
assertThat(err1.infoAny(), hasSize(0));
assertThat(err1.appTag().isPresent(), is(false));
NetconfRpcError err2 = errs.get(1);
assertThat(err2.type(), is(ErrorType.APPLICATION));
assertThat(err2.tag(), is(ErrorTag.INVALID_VALUE));
assertThat(err2.severity(), is(ErrorSeverity.ERROR));
assertThat(err2.path().isPresent(), is(true));
assertThat(err2.path().get().trim(), is("/t:top/t:interface[t:name=\"Ethernet1/0\"]/t:address/t:name"));
assertThat(err2.message(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(err2.message().trim(), is("Invalid IP address for interface Ethernet1/0"));
assertThat(, is(0));
assertThat(err2.infoAny(), hasSize(0));
assertThat(err2.appTag().isPresent(), is(false));
public void testGetResponseParse() {
NetconfRpcReply rep = NetconfRpcParserUtil.parseRpcReply(RESPONSE_DATA1);
assertThat(rep.isOk(), is(false));
assertThat(rep.messageId(), is("5"));
assertThat(rep.responses(), hasSize(1));
// Can't do below: response contains xmlns attribute for netconf base
//assertThat(rep.responses().get(0), is(RESPONSE_BODY1));