blob: 5d1f34d3a402432308adf36274cd4a4c08cdc3c5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.onlab.onos.cluster;
* Service responsible for determining the controller instance mastership of
* a device in a clustered environment. This is the central authority for
* determining mastership, but is not responsible for actually applying it
* to the devices; this falls on the device service.
public interface MastershipService {
// InstanceId getMasterFor(DeviceId deviceId)
// Set<DeviceId> getDevicesOf(InstanceId instanceId);
// MastershipRole requestRoleFor(DeviceId deviceId);
// addListener/removeLister(MastershipListener listener);
// types of events would be MASTER_CHANGED (subject ==> deviceId; master ==> instanceId)