blob: 540bdb1ad6272db2c7f71b622e1980a75c749164 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.rabbitmq.api;
* Declares the constants used in this module.
public final class MQConstants {
// No instantiation
private MQConstants() {
* MQ correlation id.
public static final String CORRELATION_ID = "correlation_id";
* MQ exchange name.
* MQ routing key.
* MQ queue name.
public static final String QUEUE_NAME_PROPERTY = "QUEUE_NAME_PROPERTY";
* Switch id connected to onos controller published via json.
public static final String SWITCH_ID = "switch_id";
* Switch's infrastructure device name published via json.
public static final String INFRA_DEVICE_NAME = "infra_device_name";
* Captured event type published via json.
public static final String EVENT_TYPE = "event_type";
* Signifies device event in json.
public static final String DEVICE_EVENT = "DEVICE_EVENT";
* Port connect via switch.
public static final String PORT_NUMBER = "port_number";
* Describes port status enabled or disabled.
public static final String PORT_ENABLED = "port_enabled";
* Specifies port speed.
public static final String PORT_SPEED = "port_speed";
* Specifies sub event types like device added, device updated etc.
public static final String SUB_EVENT_TYPE = "sub_event_type";
* Specifies hardware version of the switch.
public static final String HW_VERSION = "hw_version";
* Specifies switch's manufacturer.
public static final String MFR = "mfr";
* Specifies the serial number of the connected switch.
public static final String SERIAL = "serial";
* Specifies software version of the switch.
public static final String SW_VERSION = "sw_version";
* Specifies chassis id of the switch.
public static final String CHASIS_ID = "chassis_id";
* Specifies event occurrence time.
public static final String OCC_TIME = "occurrence_time";
* Specifies switch's available time.
public static final String AVAILABLE = "available_time";
* Specifies packet_in port details.
public static final String IN_PORT = "in_port";
* Specifies port is logical or not.
public static final String LOGICAL = "logical";
* Specifies packet received time.
public static final String RECEIVED = "received";
* Specifies message type.
public static final String MSG_TYPE = "msg_type";
* Specifies packet type.
public static final String PKT_TYPE = "PACKET_IN";
* Specifies sub message type under msg_type.
public static final String SUB_MSG_TYPE = "sub_msg_type";
* Specifies Ethernet type of the packet.
public static final String ETH_TYPE = "eth_type";
* Source MAC address of the packet.
public static final String SRC_MAC_ADDR = "src_mac_address";
* Destination MAC address of the packet.
public static final String DEST_MAC_ADDR = "dest_mac_address";
* Specifies VLAN ID of the packet.
public static final String VLAN_ID = "vlan_id";
* Specifies if the packet is a Broadcast or not.
public static final String B_CAST = "is_bcast";
* Specifies if the packet is a Multicast or not.
public static final String M_CAST = "is_mcast";
* Specifies if the packet is padded or not.
public static final String PAD = "pad";
* Specifies priority of the packet.
public static final String PRIORITY_CODE = "priority_code";
* Specifies length of the payload.
public static final String DATA_LEN = "data_length";
* Packet payload(raw) in unicode format.
public static final String PAYLOAD = "payload";
* Network topology type TopologyEvent.Type.
public static final String TOPO_TYPE = "topology_type";
* Represents number of strongly connected components in the topology.
public static final String CLUSTER_COUNT = "cluster_count";
* Cost for doing topology computation.
public static final String COMPUTE_COST = "compute_cost";
* Represents topology creation time.
public static final String CREATE_TIME = "creation_time";
* Represents number of infrastructure devices in the topology.
public static final String DEVICE_COUNT = "device_count";
* Represents number of links in the topology.
public static final String LINK_COUNT = "link_count";
* Represents links destination DeviceId.
public static final String DEST = "dst";
* Represents links source DeviceId.
public static final String SRC = "src";
* True if the link is expected, false otherwise.
public static final String EXPECTED = "expected";
* Represents link state ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
public static final String STATE = "state";
* Represents link type like LINK_ADDED, LINK_UPDATE, LINK_REMOVED.
public static final String LINK_TYPE = "link_type";
* Represents the rabbit mq server properties stored in resources directory.
public static final String MQ_PROP_NAME = "";
* Represents rabbit mq module name for app initialization.
public static final String ONOS_APP_NAME = "org.onosproject.rabbitmq";
* Represents rabbit mq publisher correlation identifier.
public static final String SENDER_COR_ID = "";
* Represents rabbit mq server protocol.
public static final String SERVER_PROTO = "rmq.server.protocol";
* Represents rabbit mq server user name.
public static final String SERVER_UNAME = "rmq.server.username";
* Represents rabbit mq server password.
public static final String SERVER_PWD = "rmq.server.password";
* Represents rabbit mq server address.
public static final String SERVER_ADDR = "rmq.server.ip.address";
* Represents rabbit mq server port.
public static final String SERVER_PORT = "rmq.server.port";
* Represents rabbit mq server vhost.
public static final String SERVER_VHOST = "rmq.server.vhost";
* Represents rabbit mq server exchange.
public static final String SENDER_EXCHG = "";
* Represents rabbit mq server routing key binds exchange and queue.
public static final String ROUTE_KEY = "rmq.sender.routing.key";
* Represents rabbit mq server queue for message delivery.
public static final String SENDER_QUEUE = "rmq.sender.queue";
* Represents rabbit mq server topic.
public static final String TOPIC = "topic";
* Represents correlation ID of the sender.
public static final String COR_ID = "onos->rmqserver";