blob: 81f6d038aa057deccc5a907613158ba16a948756 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -xe
function wait_vm_shutdown {
set +x
while vboxmanage showvminfo $1 | grep -c "running (since"; do
echo "Waiting for VM to shutdown..."
sleep 1
sleep 2
set -x
function wait_for_tcp_port {
set +x
while ! nc -z $1 $2; do
echo "Waiting for TCP port $2 on $1 to be open..."
sleep 1
sleep 2
set -x
# Remove references to the existing vagrant-built VM (if any).
# We want to build a new one from scratch, not start an existing one.
rm -rf .vagrant/
vagrant up
SSH_PORT=`vagrant port --guest 22`
VB_UUID=`cat .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/id`
# Take snapshot before cleanup for local use
# e.g. to avoid re-building P4 tools from scratch
vboxmanage controlvm ${VB_UUID} acpipowerbutton
wait_vm_shutdown ${VB_UUID}
VBoxManage snapshot ${VB_UUID} take "pre-cleanup"
# Cleanup
vagrant up
# SSH port forwarding might change after vagrant up.
SSH_PORT=`vagrant port --guest 22`
wait_for_tcp_port ${SSH_PORT}
sshpass -p 'rocks' \
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-p ${SSH_PORT} sdn@ "bash /vagrant/"
sleep 5
vboxmanage controlvm ${VB_UUID} acpipowerbutton
wait_vm_shutdown ${VB_UUID}
# Remove vagrant shared folder
vboxmanage sharedfolder remove ${VB_UUID} -name "vagrant"
rm -f onos-p4-${VM_TYPE}.ova
vboxmanage export ${VB_UUID} -o onos-p4-${VM_TYPE}.ova
sleep 1
vboxmanage snapshot ${VB_UUID} restore pre-cleanup
sleep 1
vboxmanage snapshot ${VB_UUID} delete pre-cleanup