blob: b8ca57fb465d38db5a8a66e8ffdf9f2011cdc68f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.ui.table;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.onosproject.ui.table.TableModel.SortDir;
import org.onosproject.ui.table.cell.DefaultCellFormatter;
import org.onosproject.ui.table.cell.HexFormatter;
import java.util.Collection;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Unit tests for {@link TableModel}.
public class TableModelTest {
private static final String UNEX_SORT = "unexpected sort: index ";
private static final String FOO = "foo";
private static final String BAR = "bar";
private static final String ZOO = "zoo";
private static final String ID = "id";
private static final String ALPHA = "alpha";
private static final String NUMBER = "number";
private enum StarWars {
private static class ParenFormatter implements CellFormatter {
public String format(Object value) {
return "(" + value + ")";
private TableModel tm;
private TableModel.Row[] rows;
private TableModel.Row row;
private CellFormatter fmt;
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void guardAgainstNull() {
tm = new TableModel((String[]) null);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void guardAgainstEmpty() {
tm = new TableModel();
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void guardAgainstDuplicateCols() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR, FOO);
public void basic() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR);
assertEquals("column count", 2, tm.columnCount());
assertEquals("row count", 0, tm.rowCount());
public void defaultFormatter() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO);
fmt = tm.getFormatter(FOO);
assertTrue("Wrong formatter", fmt instanceof DefaultCellFormatter);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void formatterBadColumn() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO);
fmt = tm.getFormatter(BAR);
public void altFormatter() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR);
tm.setFormatter(BAR, new ParenFormatter());
fmt = tm.getFormatter(FOO);
assertTrue("Wrong formatter", fmt instanceof DefaultCellFormatter);
assertEquals("Wrong result", "2", fmt.format(2));
fmt = tm.getFormatter(BAR);
assertTrue("Wrong formatter", fmt instanceof ParenFormatter);
assertEquals("Wrong result", "(2)", fmt.format(2));
public void emptyRow() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR);
assertEquals("bad row count", 1, tm.rowCount());
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void rowBadColumn() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR);
tm.addRow().cell(ZOO, 2);
public void simpleRow() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, 3).cell(BAR, true);
assertEquals("bad row count", 1, tm.rowCount());
row = tm.getRows()[0];
assertEquals("bad cell", 3, row.get(FOO));
assertEquals("bad cell", true, row.get(BAR));
private static final String ONE = "one";
private static final String TWO = "two";
private static final String THREE = "three";
private static final String FOUR = "four";
private static final String ELEVEN = "eleven";
private static final String TWELVE = "twelve";
private static final String TWENTY = "twenty";
private static final String THIRTY = "thirty";
private static final String[] NAMES = {
private static final String[] SORTED_NAMES = {
private static final int[] NUMBERS = {
4, 3, 2, 1, 11, 12, 30, 20
private static final int[] SORTED_NUMBERS = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 20, 30
private static final String[] SORTED_HEX = {
"0x1", "0x2", "0x3", "0x4", "0xb", "0xc", "0x14", "0x1e"
public void verifyTestData() {
// not a unit test per se, but will fail if we don't keep
// the three test arrays in sync
int nalen = NAMES.length;
int snlen = SORTED_NAMES.length;
int nulen = NUMBERS.length;
if (nalen != snlen || nalen != nulen) {
fail("test data array size discrepancy");
private void initUnsortedTable() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR);
for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) {
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, NAMES[i]).cell(BAR, NUMBERS[i]);
public void tableStringSort() {
// sort by name
tm.sort(FOO, SortDir.ASC, null, null);
// verify results
rows = tm.getRows();
int nr = rows.length;
assertEquals("row count", NAMES.length, nr);
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
assertEquals(UNEX_SORT + i, SORTED_NAMES[i], rows[i].get(FOO));
// now the other way
tm.sort(FOO, SortDir.DESC, null, null);
// verify results
rows = tm.getRows();
nr = rows.length;
assertEquals("row count", NAMES.length, nr);
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
assertEquals(UNEX_SORT + i,
SORTED_NAMES[nr - 1 - i], rows[i].get(FOO));
public void tableNumberSort() {
// sort by number
tm.sort(BAR, SortDir.ASC, null, null);
// verify results
rows = tm.getRows();
int nr = rows.length;
assertEquals("row count", NUMBERS.length, nr);
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
assertEquals(UNEX_SORT + i, SORTED_NUMBERS[i], rows[i].get(BAR));
// now the other way
tm.sort(BAR, SortDir.DESC, null, null);
// verify results
rows = tm.getRows();
nr = rows.length;
assertEquals("row count", NUMBERS.length, nr);
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
assertEquals(UNEX_SORT + i,
SORTED_NUMBERS[nr - 1 - i], rows[i].get(BAR));
public void sortAndFormat() {
// set hex formatter
tm.setFormatter(BAR, HexFormatter.INSTANCE);
// sort by number
tm.sort(BAR, SortDir.ASC, null, null);
// verify results
rows = tm.getRows();
int nr = rows.length;
assertEquals("row count", SORTED_HEX.length, nr);
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
assertEquals(UNEX_SORT + i, SORTED_HEX[i], rows[i].getAsString(BAR));
private static final String[][] SORTED_NAMES_AND_HEX = {
{ELEVEN, "0xb"},
{FOUR, "0x4"},
{ONE, "0x1"},
{THIRTY, "0x1e"},
{THREE, "0x3"},
{TWELVE, "0xc"},
{TWENTY, "0x14"},
{TWO, "0x2"},
public void sortAndFormatTwo() {
tm.setFormatter(BAR, HexFormatter.INSTANCE);
tm.sort(FOO, SortDir.ASC, null, null);
rows = tm.getRows();
int nr = rows.length;
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
String[] exp = SORTED_NAMES_AND_HEX[i];
String[] act = rows[i].getAsFormattedStrings();
assertArrayEquals(UNEX_SORT + i, exp, act);
private static final String[] FBZ = {FOO, BAR, ZOO};
public void getColumnIds() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO, BAR, ZOO);
assertArrayEquals("col IDs", FBZ, tm.getColumnIds());
public void sortDirAsc() {
assertEquals("asc sort dir", SortDir.ASC, TableModel.sortDir("asc"));
public void sortDirDesc() {
assertEquals("desc sort dir", SortDir.DESC, TableModel.sortDir("desc"));
public void sortDirOther() {
assertEquals("other sort dir", SortDir.ASC, TableModel.sortDir("other"));
public void sortDirNull() {
assertEquals("null sort dir", SortDir.ASC, TableModel.sortDir(null));
public void enumSort() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, StarWars.HAN_SOLO);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, StarWars.C3PO);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, StarWars.JABBA_THE_HUTT);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, StarWars.LEIA_ORGANA);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, StarWars.R2D2);
tm.addRow().cell(FOO, StarWars.LUKE_SKYWALKER);
tm.sort(FOO, SortDir.ASC, null, null);
// verify expected results
StarWars[] ordered = StarWars.values();
TableModel.Row[] rows = tm.getRows();
assertEquals("wrong length?", ordered.length, rows.length);
int nr = rows.length;
for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
assertEquals(UNEX_SORT + i, ordered[i], rows[i].get(FOO));
// ------------------------
// Second sort column tests
private static final String A1 = "a1";
private static final String A2 = "a2";
private static final String A3 = "a3";
private static final String B1 = "b1";
private static final String B2 = "b2";
private static final String B3 = "b3";
private static final String C1 = "c1";
private static final String C2 = "c2";
private static final String C3 = "c3";
private static final String A = "A";
private static final String B = "B";
private static final String C = "C";
private static final String[] UNSORTED_IDS = {
A3, B2, A1, C2, A2, C3, B1, C1, B3
private static final String[] UNSORTED_ALPHAS = {
A, B, A, C, A, C, B, C, B
private static final int[] UNSORTED_NUMBERS = {
3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3
private static final String[] ROW_ORDER_AA_NA = {
A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3
private static final String[] ROW_ORDER_AD_NA = {
C1, C2, C3, B1, B2, B3, A1, A2, A3
private static final String[] ROW_ORDER_AA_ND = {
A3, A2, A1, B3, B2, B1, C3, C2, C1
private static final String[] ROW_ORDER_AD_ND = {
C3, C2, C1, B3, B2, B1, A3, A2, A1
private void testAddRow(TableModel tm, int index) {
tm.addRow().cell(ID, UNSORTED_IDS[index])
private TableModel unsortedDoubleTableModel() {
tm = new TableModel(ID, ALPHA, NUMBER);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
testAddRow(tm, i);
return tm;
private void verifyRowOrder(String tag, TableModel tm, String[] rowOrder) {
int i = 0;
for (TableModel.Row row : tm.getRows()) {
assertEquals(tag + ": unexpected row id", rowOrder[i++], row.get(ID));
public void sortAlphaAscNumberAsc() {
tm = unsortedDoubleTableModel();
verifyRowOrder("unsorted", tm, UNSORTED_IDS);
tm.sort(ALPHA, SortDir.ASC, NUMBER, SortDir.ASC);
verifyRowOrder("aana", tm, ROW_ORDER_AA_NA);
public void sortAlphaDescNumberAsc() {
tm = unsortedDoubleTableModel();
verifyRowOrder("unsorted", tm, UNSORTED_IDS);
tm.sort(ALPHA, SortDir.DESC, NUMBER, SortDir.ASC);
verifyRowOrder("adna", tm, ROW_ORDER_AD_NA);
public void sortAlphaAscNumberDesc() {
tm = unsortedDoubleTableModel();
verifyRowOrder("unsorted", tm, UNSORTED_IDS);
tm.sort(ALPHA, SortDir.ASC, NUMBER, SortDir.DESC);
verifyRowOrder("aand", tm, ROW_ORDER_AA_ND);
public void sortAlphaDescNumberDesc() {
tm = unsortedDoubleTableModel();
verifyRowOrder("unsorted", tm, UNSORTED_IDS);
tm.sort(ALPHA, SortDir.DESC, NUMBER, SortDir.DESC);
verifyRowOrder("adnd", tm, ROW_ORDER_AD_ND);
// ----------------
// Annotation tests
public void stringAnnotation() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO);
tm.addAnnotation(BAR, ZOO);
Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots = tm.getAnnotations();
assertEquals("wrong size", 1, annots.size());
TableModel.Annot annot = annots.iterator().next();
assertEquals("wrong key", BAR, annot.key());
assertEquals("wrong value", ZOO, annot.value());
private static final String K_INT = "int";
private static final String K_BOOL = "bool";
private static final String K_FLOAT = "float";
private static final String K_DOUBLE = "double";
private static final String K_ENUM = "enum";
private TableModel.Annot getAnnotation(Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots, String key) {
final TableModel.Annot[] annot = {null};
annots.forEach(a -> {
if (a.key().equals(key)) {
annot[0] = a;
return annot[0];
private void verifyCollectionContains(Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots,
String key, int i) {
TableModel.Annot a = getAnnotation(annots, key);
assertEquals("wrong int value", i, a.value());
private void verifyCollectionContains(Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots,
String key, boolean b) {
TableModel.Annot a = getAnnotation(annots, key);
assertEquals("wrong boolean value", b, a.value());
private void verifyCollectionContains(Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots,
String key, float f) {
TableModel.Annot a = getAnnotation(annots, key);
assertEquals("wrong float value", f, a.value());
private void verifyCollectionContains(Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots,
String key, double d) {
TableModel.Annot a = getAnnotation(annots, key);
assertEquals("wrong double value", d, a.value());
private void verifyCollectionContains(Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots,
String key, Enum<?> e) {
TableModel.Annot a = getAnnotation(annots, key);
assertEquals("wrong double value", e, a.value());
public void primitivesAnnotation() {
tm = new TableModel(FOO);
tm.addAnnotation(K_INT, 1);
tm.addAnnotation(K_BOOL, true);
tm.addAnnotation(K_FLOAT, 3.14f);
tm.addAnnotation(K_DOUBLE, 2.71828);
tm.addAnnotation(K_ENUM, StarWars.LUKE_SKYWALKER);
Collection<TableModel.Annot> annots = tm.getAnnotations();
assertEquals("wrong size", 5, annots.size());
verifyCollectionContains(annots, K_INT, 1);
verifyCollectionContains(annots, K_BOOL, true);
verifyCollectionContains(annots, K_FLOAT, 3.14f);
verifyCollectionContains(annots, K_DOUBLE, 2.71828);
verifyCollectionContains(annots, K_ENUM, StarWars.LUKE_SKYWALKER);
// TODO: add support for compound object value