blob: 57cc0256f2bee318d404c5c07a36baa8e6ae3a70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.drivers.lumentum;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.onlab.util.Frequency;
import org.onlab.util.Spectrum;
import org.onosproject.drivers.odtn.impl.DeviceConnectionCache;
import org.onosproject.drivers.utilities.XmlConfigParser;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfController;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfException;
import org.onosproject.netconf.NetconfSession;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static;
* Implementation of FlowRuleProgrammable interface for Lumentum ROADM-A Whitebox devices using NETCONF.
public class LumentumNetconfRoadmFlowRuleProgrammable extends AbstractHandlerBehaviour implements FlowRuleProgrammable {
private static final Logger log =
private static final String DN = "dn";
private static final String DN_PORT = "port=";
private static final String DN_CARD1 = "ne=1;chassis=1;card=1;port=";
private static final String CONNECTION = "connection";
private static final String CONNECTIONS = "data.connections.connection";
private static final String CONFIG = "config";
private static final String STATE = "state";
private static final String START_FREQ = "start-freq";
private static final String END_FREQ = "end-freq";
private static final String MODULE = "module";
private static final String SEMI_COLON = ";";
private static final String EQUAL = "=";
private static final String INPUT_PORT_REFERENCE = "input-port-reference";
private static final String OUTPUT_PORT_REFERENCE = "output-port-reference";
private static final String CHANNEL_ATTENUATION = "attenuation";
private static final String CHANNEL_INPUT_POWER = "input-channel-attributes.power";
private static final String CHANNEL_OUTPUT_POWER = "output-channel-attributes.power";
protected static final long LINE_PORT = 3001;
protected static final PortNumber LINE_PORT_NUMBER = PortNumber.portNumber(LINE_PORT);
protected static final long MUX_OUT = 4201;
protected static final long DEMUX_IN = 5101;
protected static final long GHZ = 1_000_000_000L;
protected static final int LUMENTUM_ROADM20_MAX_CONNECTIONS = 100;
/**Get the flow entries that are present on the Lumentum device, called by FlowRuleDriverProvider.
* The flow entries must match exactly the FlowRule entries in the ONOS store. If they are not an
* exact match the device will be requested to remove those flows.
* @return A collection of Flow Entries
public Collection<FlowEntry> getFlowEntries() {
Collection<FlowEntry> fetched = fetchConnectionsFromDevice().stream()
.map(conn -> buildFlowrule(conn))
.map(fr -> new DefaultFlowEntry(fr, FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.ADDED, 0, 0, 0))
//Print out number of rules actually found on the device that are also included in the cache
log.debug("Device {} getFlowEntries fetched connections {}", did(), fetched.size());
return fetched;
/**Apply the flow entries specified in the collection rules.
* @param rules A collection of Flow Rules to be applied to the Lumentum device
* @return The collection of added Flow Entries
public Collection<FlowRule> applyFlowRules(Collection<FlowRule> rules) {
//Check NETCONF session
NetconfSession session = getNetconfSession();
if (session == null) {
log.error("Device {} null session", did());
return ImmutableList.of();
// Apply the rules on the device and add to cache if success
Collection<FlowRule> added = new ArrayList<>();
for (FlowRule flowRule : rules) {
LumentumFlowRule lumFlowRule = new LumentumFlowRule(flowRule, getLinePorts());
if (rpcAddConnection(lumFlowRule)) {
getConnectionCache().add(did(), lumFlowRule.getConnectionName(), lumFlowRule);
//Print out number of rules sent to the device (without receiving errors)
log.debug("Device {} applyFlowRules added {}", did(), added.size());
return added;
public Collection<FlowRule> removeFlowRules(Collection<FlowRule> rules) {
NetconfSession session = getNetconfSession();
if (session == null) {
log.error("Device {} null session", did());
return ImmutableList.of();
// Remove the rules from the device and from the cache
List<FlowRule> removed = new ArrayList<>();
for (FlowRule r : rules) {
try {
LumentumFlowRule flowRule = new LumentumFlowRule(r, getLinePorts());
getConnectionCache().remove(did(), r);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Device {} Error {}", did(), e);
//Print out number of removed rules from the device (without receiving errors)
log.debug("Device {} removeFlowRules removed {}", did(), removed.size());
return removed;
private List<PortNumber> getLinePorts() {
DeviceService deviceService = this.handler().get(DeviceService.class);
return deviceService.getPorts(data().deviceId()).stream()
.filter(p -> p.number().toLong() == LINE_PORT)
.map(p -> p.number())
* Fetches list of connections from device.
* @return list of connections as XML hierarchy
private List<HierarchicalConfiguration> fetchConnectionsFromDevice() {
String reply;
StringBuilder requestBuilder = new StringBuilder();
requestBuilder.append("<connections xmlns=\"\">");
NetconfSession session = getNetconfSession();
if (session == null) {
log.error("Lumentum NETCONF - session not found for {}", handler().data().deviceId());
return ImmutableList.of();
try {
reply = session.get(requestBuilder.toString(), null);
log.debug("Lumentum NETCONF - fetchConnectionsFromDevice reply {}", reply);
} catch (NetconfException e) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve configuration details for device {}",
handler().data().deviceId(), e);
return ImmutableList.of();
HierarchicalConfiguration cfg =
XmlConfigParser.loadXml(new ByteArrayInputStream(reply.getBytes()));
return cfg.configurationsAt(CONNECTIONS);
// Example input dn: ne=1;chassis=1;card=1;module=2;connection=89
private Pair<Short, Short> parseDn(String dn) {
Short module = null;
Short connection = null;
for (String entry : dn.split(SEMI_COLON)) {
String[] keyVal = entry.split(EQUAL);
if (keyVal.length != 2) {
if (keyVal[0].equals(MODULE)) {
module = Short.valueOf(keyVal[1]);
if (keyVal[0].equals(CONNECTION)) {
connection = Short.valueOf(keyVal[1]);
if (module != null && connection != null) {
return Pair.of(module, connection);
return null;
* Builds a flow rule from a connection hierarchy.
* @param connection the connection hierarchy
* @return the flow rule
private FlowRule buildFlowrule(HierarchicalConfiguration connection) {
String dn = connection.getString(DN);
Pair<Short, Short> pair = parseDn(dn);
short connId = pair.getRight();
short moduleId = pair.getLeft();
if (pair == null) {
log.error("Lumentum NETCONF - device {} error in retrieving DN field", did());
return null;
log.debug("Lumentum NETCONF - retrieved FlowRule module {} connection {}", moduleId, connId);
HierarchicalConfiguration config = connection.configurationAt(CONFIG);
double startFreq = config.getDouble(START_FREQ);
double endFreq = config.getDouble(END_FREQ);
String inputPortReference = config.getString(INPUT_PORT_REFERENCE);
String outputPortReference = config.getString(OUTPUT_PORT_REFERENCE);
HierarchicalConfiguration state = connection.configurationAt(STATE);
double attenuation = state.getDouble(CHANNEL_ATTENUATION);
double inputPower = state.getDouble(CHANNEL_INPUT_POWER);
double outputPower = state.getDouble(CHANNEL_OUTPUT_POWER);
PortNumber portNumber = getPortNumber(moduleId, inputPortReference, outputPortReference);
//If rule is on module 1 it means input port in the Flow rule is contained in portNumber.
//Otherwise the input port in the Flow rule must is the line port.
TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
.matchInPort(moduleId == 1 ? portNumber : LINE_PORT_NUMBER)
.add(Criteria.matchLambda(toOchSignal(startFreq, endFreq)))
log.debug("Lumentum NETCONF - retrieved FlowRule startFreq {} endFreq {}", startFreq, endFreq);
//Lookup of connection
//Retrieved rules, cached rules are considered equal if the selector is equal
FlowRule cacheRule = null;
if (getConnectionCache().size(did()) != 0) {
cacheRule = getConnectionCache().get(did()).stream()
.filter(r -> (r.selector().equals(selector)))
if (cacheRule == null) {
//TODO consider a way to keep "external" FlowRules
log.error("Lumentum NETCONF connection not in the cache {}", pair.getRight());
rpcDeleteExternalConnection(moduleId, connId);
return null;
} else {
//Update monitored values
log.debug("Attenuation retrieved {} dB for connection {}",
attenuation, ((LumentumFlowRule) cacheRule).getConnectionId());
((LumentumFlowRule) cacheRule).setAttenuation(attenuation);
((LumentumFlowRule) cacheRule).setInputPower(inputPower);
((LumentumFlowRule) cacheRule).setOutputPower(outputPower);
return cacheRule;
* Get the port number.
* If this is a MUX connection return input-port. Outport is always MUX_OUT = 4201.
* If this is a DEMUX connection return output-port. Inport is always DEMUX_IN= 5101.
* @param module the module (1 for MUX/ADD, 2 for DEMUX/DROP)
* @return the add/drop port number
private PortNumber getPortNumber(short module, String inputPort, String outputPort) {
checkArgument(module == 1 || module == 2, "Module must be 1 (MUX/ADD) or 2 (DEMUX/DROP)");
if (module == 1) {
return PortNumber.portNumber(inputPort.split(DN_PORT)[1]);
} else {
return PortNumber.portNumber(outputPort.split(DN_PORT)[1]);
* Converts cross connect flow rule to module and connection.
* Connection number is incremental within the class and associated to the rule hash.
* @param xc the cross connect flow rule
* @return pair of module (1 for MUX/ADD, 2 for DEMUX/DROP) and connection number
private Pair<Short, Short> setModuleConnection(LumentumFlowRule xc, Integer id) {
if (xc.isAddRule()) {
xc.setConnectionModule((short) 1);
return Pair.of((short) 1, id.shortValue());
} else {
xc.setConnectionModule((short) 2);
return Pair.of((short) 2, id.shortValue());
//Following Lumentum documentation rpc operation to configure a new connection
private boolean rpcAddConnection(LumentumFlowRule xc) {
int currentConnectionId = generateConnectionId();
if (currentConnectionId == 0) {
log.error("Lumentum driver - 100 connections are already configured on the device");
return false;
Pair<Short, Short> pair = setModuleConnection(xc, currentConnectionId);
String module = pair.getLeft().toString();
String connectionId = pair.getRight().toString();
//Conversion of ochSignal format (center frequency + diameter) to Lumentum frequency slot format (start - end)
Frequency freqRadius = Frequency.ofHz(xc.ochSignal().channelSpacing().frequency().asHz() / 2);
Frequency center = xc.ochSignal().centralFrequency();
String startFreq = String.valueOf(center.subtract(freqRadius).asHz() / GHZ);
String endFreq = String.valueOf(center.add(freqRadius).asHz() / GHZ);
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<add-connection xmlns=\"\">" + "\n");
"<dn>ne=1;chassis=1;card=1;module=" + module + ";connection=" + connectionId + "</dn>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<start-freq>" + startFreq + "</start-freq>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<end-freq>" + endFreq + "</end-freq>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<attenuation>" + "0.0" + "</attenuation>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<blocked>" + "false" + "</blocked>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<maintenance-state>" + "in-service" + "</maintenance-state>" + "\n");
if (xc.isAddRule()) {
"<input-port-reference>" + DN_CARD1 + xc.addDrop().toString() + "</input-port-reference>" + "\n");
"<output-port-reference>" + DN_CARD1 + MUX_OUT + "</output-port-reference>" + "\n");
} else {
"<input-port-reference>" + DN_CARD1 + DEMUX_IN + "</input-port-reference>" + "\n");
"<output-port-reference>" + DN_CARD1 + xc.addDrop().toString() + "</output-port-reference>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<custom-name>" + "onos-connection" + "</custom-name>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</add-connection>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</rpc>" + "\n");"Lumentum ROADM20 - RPC add-connection sent to device {}", did());
log.debug("Lumentum ROADM20 - RPC add-connection sent to device {} {}", did(), stringBuilder);
return editCrossConnect(stringBuilder.toString());
//Following Lumentum documentation <edit-config> operation to edit connection parameter
//Currently only edit the "attenuation" parameter
private boolean editConnection(String moduleId, String connectionId, int attenuation) {
double attenuationDouble = ((double) attenuation) / 100;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<edit-config>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<target>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<running/>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</target>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<config>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<connections xmlns=\"\">" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<connection>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("" +
"<dn>ne=1;chassis=1;card=1;module=" + moduleId + ";connection=" + connectionId + "</dn>" + "\n");
//Other configurable parameters
//stringBuilder.append("<custom-name/>" + "\n");
//stringBuilder.append("<maintenance-state>" + "in-service" + "</maintenance-state>" + "\n");
//stringBuilder.append("<start-freq>" + startFreq + "</start-freq>" + "\n");
//stringBuilder.append("<end-freq>" + endFreq + "</end-freq>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<config>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<attenuation>" + attenuationDouble + "</attenuation>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</config>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</connection>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</connections>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</config>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</edit-config>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</rpc>" + "\n");"Lumentum ROADM20 - edit-connection sent to device {}", did());
log.debug("Lumentum ROADM20 - edit-connection sent to device {} {}", did(), stringBuilder);
return editCrossConnect(stringBuilder.toString());
//Following Lumentum documentation rpc operation to delete a new connection
private boolean rpcDeleteConnection(LumentumFlowRule xc) {
//Look for corresponding rule into the cache
FlowRule cacheRule = getConnectionCache().get(did()).stream()
.filter(r -> (r.selector().equals(xc.selector()) && r.treatment().equals(xc.treatment())))
if (cacheRule == null) {
log.error("Lumentum RPC delete-connection, connection not found on the local cache");
throw new IllegalStateException("Lumentum RPC delete-connection, connection not found on the local cache");
int moduleId = ((LumentumFlowRule) cacheRule).getConnectionModule();
int connId = ((LumentumFlowRule) cacheRule).getConnectionId();
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<delete-connection xmlns=\"\">" + "\n");
"<dn>ne=1;chassis=1;card=1;module=" + moduleId + ";connection=" + connId + "</dn>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</delete-connection>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</rpc>" + " \n");"Lumentum ROADM20 - RPC delete-connection sent to device {}", did());
log.debug("Lumentum ROADM20 - - RPC delete-connection sent to device {} {}", did(), stringBuilder);
return editCrossConnect(stringBuilder.toString());
//Following Lumentum documentation rpc operation to delete a new connection
//Executed if for some reason a connection not in the cache is detected
private boolean rpcDeleteExternalConnection(short moduleId, short connectionId) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("<rpc xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("<delete-connection xmlns=\"\">" + "\n");
+ moduleId + ";connection=" + connectionId + "</dn>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</delete-connection>" + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("</rpc>" + "\n");"Lumentum ROADM20 - RPC delete-external-connection sent to device {}", did());
log.debug("Lumentum ROADM20 - - RPC delete-external-connection sent to device {} {}", did(), stringBuilder);
return editCrossConnect(stringBuilder.toString());
private boolean editCrossConnect(String xcString) {
NetconfSession session = getNetconfSession();
if (session == null) {
log.error("Lumentum NETCONF - session not found for device {}", handler().data().deviceId());
return false;
try {
return session.editConfig(xcString);
} catch (NetconfException e) {
log.error("Failed to edit the CrossConnect edid-cfg for device {}",
handler().data().deviceId(), e);
log.debug("Failed configuration {}", xcString);
return false;
* Convert start and end frequencies to OCh signal.
* FIXME: assumes slots of 12.5 GHz while devices allows granularity 6.25 GHz
* FIXME: supports channel spacing 50 and 100
* @param start starting frequency as double in GHz
* @param end end frequency as double in GHz
* @return OCh signal
public static OchSignal toOchSignal(double start, double end) {
int slots = (int) ((end - start) / ChannelSpacing.CHL_12P5GHZ.frequency().asGHz());
int multiplier = 0;
//Conversion for 50 GHz slots
if (end - start == 50) {
multiplier = (int) (((end - start) / 2 + start - Spectrum.CENTER_FREQUENCY.asGHz())
/ ChannelSpacing.CHL_50GHZ.frequency().asGHz());
return new OchSignal(GridType.DWDM, ChannelSpacing.CHL_50GHZ, multiplier, slots);
//Conversion for 100 GHz slots
if (end - start == 100) {
multiplier = (int) (((end - start) / 2 + start - Spectrum.CENTER_FREQUENCY.asGHz())
/ ChannelSpacing.CHL_100GHZ.frequency().asGHz());
return new OchSignal(GridType.DWDM, ChannelSpacing.CHL_100GHZ, multiplier, slots);
return null;
* Generate a valid connectionId, the connectionId is a field required by the device every time
* a connection is created/edited/removed.
* Device only supports connection id < 100
private int generateConnectionId() {
//LUMENTUM_ROADM20_MAX_CONNECTIONS = 100, device only supports connection id < 100
for (int i = 1; i < LUMENTUM_ROADM20_MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) {
Set<FlowRule> rulesForDevice = getConnectionCache().get(did());
if (rulesForDevice == null) {
return 1;
} else {
Set<Integer> connIds =
.map(flow -> ((LumentumFlowRule) flow).getConnectionId())
if (!connIds.contains(i)) {
return i;
return 0;
private DeviceConnectionCache getConnectionCache() {
return DeviceConnectionCache.init();
* Helper method to get the device id.
private DeviceId did() {
return data().deviceId();
* Helper method to get the Netconf session.
private NetconfSession getNetconfSession() {
NetconfController controller =
return controller.getNetconfDevice(did()).getSession();