blob: d0f6d042bd48a2875adf96f75c648ce0f4ce4b54 [file] [log] [blame]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a Europe-based topology (with regions) using ONOS null provider
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# config
### start up null provider
onos ${host} null-simulation stop custom
onos ${host} wipe-out please
onos ${host} null-simulation start custom
## unfortunately, it takes a time for the sim to start up
# this is not ideal...
echo "Sleeping while sim starts up... (${sleepfor} seconds)..."
sleep ${sleepfor}
### Start by adding Country regions
# Note that Long/Lat places region icon nicely in the country center
# region-add <region-id> <region-name> <region-type> <lat/Y> <long/X> <region-master>
onos ${host} <<-EOF
region-add rUK "United Kingdom" COUNTRY 52.206035 -1.310384 ${host}
region-add rIT "Italy" COUNTRY 44.447951 11.093161 ${host}
region-add rFR "France" COUNTRY 47.066264 2.711458 ${host}
region-add rDE "Germany" COUNTRY 50.863152 9.761971 ${host}
region-add rES "Spain" COUNTRY 40.416704 -3.7035824 ${host}
### Add layouts, associating backing regions, and optional parent.
# layout-add <layout-id> <bg-ref> \
# [ <region-id> <parent-layout-id> <scale> <offset-x> <offset-y> ]
onos ${host} <<-EOF
# -- root layout
layout-add root @europe . . 6.664 -2992.552 -2473.084
# -- layouts for top level regions
layout-add lUK @europe rUK root 31.43 -14979.6 -12644.8
layout-add lIT @europe rIT root 14.72 -7793.2 -6623.8
layout-add lFR @europe rFR root 16.91 -8225.7 -7198.1
layout-add lDE @europe rDE root 17.63 -9119.6 -7044.9
layout-add lES @europe rES root 21.41 -9994.5 -10135.6
# -- layouts for country sub-regions
# -- summary of installed layouts
### Add devices, hosts and links for each of the regions
onos ${host} <<-EOF
# -- UK devices
null-create-device switch London ${nports} 51.5073 -0.1276
null-create-device switch Reading ${nports} 51.4543 -0.9781
null-create-device switch Portsmouth ${nports} 50.8198 -1.0880
null-create-device switch Bristol ${nports} 51.4545 -2.5879
null-create-device switch Warrington ${nports} 53.3900 -2.5970
null-create-device switch Leeds ${nports} 53.8008 -1.5491
# -- Assign UK devices to UK region
region-add-devices rUK \
null:0000000000000001 \
null:0000000000000002 \
null:0000000000000003 \
null:0000000000000004 \
null:0000000000000005 \
null:0000000000000006 \
# -- UK hosts
null-create-host London 51.8697 -0.0287
null-create-host London 51.7225 0.7624
null-create-host London 51.1437 0.4694
null-create-host Bristol 51.7500 -2.6000
# -- UK connectivity
null-create-link direct London Reading
null-create-link direct London Portsmouth
null-create-link direct Reading Bristol
null-create-link direct Portsmouth Bristol
null-create-link direct Reading Warrington
null-create-link direct London Leeds
null-create-link direct Leeds Warrington
# -- UK Peers
# rUK_rES 50.4060 -3.3860
# rUK_rFR 50.4060 -1.8482
# rUK_rIT 50.4060 -0.1361
# rUK_rDE 50.4060 1.2491
# -- France Devices
null-create-device switch Paris ${nports} 48.8566 2.3522
null-create-device switch Lyon ${nports} 45.7640 4.8357
null-create-device switch Bordeaux ${nports} 44.8378 -0.5792
null-create-device switch Marseille ${nports} 43.2965 5.3698
null-create-device switch Nice ${nports} 43.7102 7.2620
# -- Assign France devices to France region
region-add-devices rFR \
null:0000000000000007 \
null:0000000000000008 \
null:0000000000000009 \
null:000000000000000a \
null:000000000000000b \
# -- France hosts
null-create-host Paris 49.5134 2.8882
null-create-host Lyon 46.4590 5.2380
# -- France connectivity
null-create-link direct Paris Lyon
null-create-link direct Paris Bordeaux
null-create-link direct Lyon Bordeaux
null-create-link direct Marseille Bordeaux
null-create-link direct Marseille Lyon
null-create-link direct Marseille Nice
null-create-link direct Lyon Nice
# -- France Peers
# rFR_rES 42.6806 -2.1273
# rFR_rUK 50.6164 -2.1013
# rFR_rIT 45.1105 9.7450
# rFR_rDE 49.6307 7.9326
### Set up debug log messages for classes we care about
onos ${host} <<-EOF
log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo.Topo2ViewMessageHandler
log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo.Topo2Jsonifier
log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.UiWebSocket
log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.UiTopoSession