blob: e70bbf201acce47b2023c2c52734bbc28e3d2ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Set;
import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
* Manages inventory of end-station hosts; not intended for direct use.
public interface HostStore {
* Creates a new host or updates the existing one based on the specified
* description.
* @param providerId provider identification
* @param hostId host identification
* @param hostDescription host description data
* @return appropriate event or null if no change resulted
HostEvent createOrUpdateHost(ProviderId providerId, HostId hostId,
HostDescription hostDescription);
* Removes the specified host from the inventory.
* @param hostId host identification
* @return remove event or null if host was not found
HostEvent removeHost(HostId hostId);
* Returns the number of hosts in the store.
* @return host count
int getHostCount();
* Returns a collection of all hosts in the store.
* @return iterable collection of all hosts
Iterable<Host> getHosts();
* Returns the host with the specified identifer.
* @param hostId host identification
* @return host or null if not found
Host getHost(HostId hostId);
* Returns the set of all hosts within the specified VLAN.
* @param vlanId vlan id
* @return set of hosts in the vlan
Set<Host> getHosts(VlanId vlanId);
* Returns the set of hosts with the specified MAC address.
* @param mac mac address
* @return set of hosts with the given mac
Set<Host> getHosts(MacAddress mac);
* Returns the set of hosts with the specified IP address.
* @param ip ip address
* @return set of hosts with the given IP
Set<Host> getHosts(IpPrefix ip);
* Returns the set of hosts whose location falls on the given connection point.
* @param connectPoint connection point
* @return set of hosts
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Returns the set of hosts whose location falls on the given device.
* @param deviceId infrastructure device identifier
* @return set of hosts
Set<Host> getConnectedHosts(DeviceId deviceId);
* Updates the address information for a given port. The given address
* information is added to any previously held information for the port.
* @param addresses the port and address information
void updateAddressBindings(PortAddresses addresses);
* Removes the given addresses from the set of address information held for
* a port.
* @param addresses the port and address information
void removeAddressBindings(PortAddresses addresses);
* Removes any previously stored address information for a given connection
* point.
* @param connectPoint the connection point
void clearAddressBindings(ConnectPoint connectPoint);
* Returns the address bindings stored for all connection points.
* @return the set of address bindings
Set<PortAddresses> getAddressBindings();
* Returns the address bindings for a particular connection point.
* @param connectPoint the connection point to return address information
* for
* @return address information for the connection point
PortAddresses getAddressBindingsForPort(ConnectPoint connectPoint);