blob: 2a10dcf298ff8c84b5cea72a8fc051ba9dd617da [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.pce.pceservice;
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.onosproject.pce.pcestore.api.PceStore;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* PCE SR-BE and SR-TE functionality.
* SR-BE: Each node (PCC) is allocated a node-SID (label) by the PCECC. The PCECC sends PCLabelUpd to
* update the label map of each node to all the nodes in the domain.
* SR-TE: apart from node-SID, Adj-SID is used where each adjacency is allocated an Adj-SID (label) by the PCECC.
* The PCECC sends PCLabelUpd to update the label map of each Adj to the corresponding nodes in the domain.
public final class PceccSrTeBeHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PceccSrTeBeHandler.class);
private static final String LABEL_RESOURCE_ADMIN_SERVICE_NULL = "Label Resource Admin Service cannot be null";
private static final String LABEL_RESOURCE_SERVICE_NULL = "Label Resource Service cannot be null";
private static final String PCE_STORE_NULL = "PCE Store cannot be null";
private static final String DEVICE_SERVICE_NULL = "Device Service cannot be null";
private static final String DEVICE_ID_NULL = "Device-Id cannot be null";
private static final String LSR_ID_NULL = "LSR-Id cannot be null";
private static final String DEVICE_ID_LSR_ID_MAP_NULL = "Device-Id and LSR-Id map cannot be null";
private static final String LINK_NULL = "Link cannot be null";
private static final String PATH_NULL = "Path cannot be null";
private static final String LSR_ID = "lsrId";
private static final int PREFIX_LENGTH = 32;
private static PceccSrTeBeHandler srTeHandlerInstance = null;
private LabelResourceAdminService labelRsrcAdminService;
private LabelResourceService labelRsrcService;
private PceStore pceStore;
* Initializes default values.
private PceccSrTeBeHandler() {
* Returns single instance of this class.
* @return this class single instance
public static PceccSrTeBeHandler getInstance() {
if (srTeHandlerInstance == null) {
srTeHandlerInstance = new PceccSrTeBeHandler();
return srTeHandlerInstance;
* Initialization of label manager interfaces and pce store.
* @param labelRsrcAdminService label resource admin service
* @param labelRsrcService label resource service
* @param pceStore PCE label store
public void initialize(LabelResourceAdminService labelRsrcAdminService,
LabelResourceService labelRsrcService, PceStore pceStore) {
this.labelRsrcAdminService = labelRsrcAdminService;
this.labelRsrcService = labelRsrcService;
this.pceStore = pceStore;
* Reserves the global label pool.
* @param beginLabel minimum value of global label space
* @param endLabel maximum value of global label space
* @return success or failure
public boolean reserveGlobalPool(long beginLabel, long endLabel) {
checkNotNull(labelRsrcAdminService, LABEL_RESOURCE_ADMIN_SERVICE_NULL);
return labelRsrcAdminService.createGlobalPool(LabelResourceId.labelResourceId(beginLabel),
* Allocates node label from global node label pool to specific device.
* Configure this device with labels and lsrid mapping of all other devices and vice versa.
* @param specificDeviceId node label needs to be allocated to specific device
* @param specificLsrId lsrid of specific device
* @param deviceIdLsrIdMap deviceid and lsrid mapping
* @return success or failure
public boolean allocateNodeLabel(DeviceId specificDeviceId, String specificLsrId,
Map<DeviceId, String> deviceIdLsrIdMap) {
long applyNum = 1; // For each node only one node label
LabelResourceId specificLabelId = null;
checkNotNull(specificDeviceId, DEVICE_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(specificLsrId, LSR_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(deviceIdLsrIdMap, DEVICE_ID_LSR_ID_MAP_NULL);
checkNotNull(labelRsrcService, LABEL_RESOURCE_SERVICE_NULL);
checkNotNull(pceStore, PCE_STORE_NULL);
// The specificDeviceId is the new device and is not there in the deviceIdLsrIdMap.
// So, first generate its label and configure label and its lsr-id to it.
Collection<LabelResource> result = labelRsrcService.applyFromGlobalPool(applyNum);
if (result.size() > 0) {
// Only one element (label-id) to retrieve
Iterator<LabelResource> iterator = result.iterator();
DefaultLabelResource defaultLabelResource = (DefaultLabelResource);
specificLabelId = defaultLabelResource.labelResourceId();
if (specificLabelId == null) {
log.error("Unable to retrieve global node label for a device id {}.", specificDeviceId.toString());
return false;
} else {
log.error("Unable to allocate global node label for a device id {}.", specificDeviceId.toString());
return false;
pceStore.addGlobalNodeLabel(specificDeviceId, specificLabelId);
//TODO: uncomment below line once advertiseNodeLabelRule() is ready
// Push its label information into specificDeviceId
//advertiseNodeLabelRule(specificDeviceId, specificLabelId,
// IpPrefix.valueOf(IpAddress.valueOf(specificLsrId), PREFIX_LENGTH),
// Configure (node-label, lsr-id) mapping of each devices in list to specific device and vice versa.
for (Map.Entry element:deviceIdLsrIdMap.entrySet()) {
DeviceId otherDevId = (DeviceId) element.getKey();
String otherLsrId = (String) element.getValue();
if (otherLsrId == null) {
log.error("The lsr-id of device id {} is null.", otherDevId.toString());
releaseNodeLabel(specificDeviceId, specificLsrId, deviceIdLsrIdMap);
return false;
// Label for other device in list should be already allocated.
LabelResourceId otherLabelId = pceStore.getGlobalNodeLabel(otherDevId);
if (otherLabelId == null) {
log.error("Unable to find global node label in store for a device id {}.", otherDevId.toString());
releaseNodeLabel(specificDeviceId, specificLsrId, deviceIdLsrIdMap);
return false;
// Push to device
// TODO: uncomment below line once advertiseNodeLabelRule() is ready
// Push label information of specificDeviceId to otherDevId in list and vice versa.
//advertiseNodeLabelRule(otherDevId, specificLabelId, IpPrefix.valueOf(IpAddress.valueOf(specificLsrId),
// PREFIX_LENGTH), Objective.Operation.ADD);
//advertiseNodeLabelRule(specificDeviceId, otherLabelId, IpPrefix.valueOf(IpAddress.valueOf(otherLsrId),
// PREFIX_LENGTH), Objective.Operation.ADD);
return true;
* Releases assigned node label of specific device from global node label pool and pce store.
* and remove configured this node label from all other devices.
* @param specificDeviceId node label needs to be released for specific device
* @param specificLsrId lsrid of specific device
* @param deviceIdLsrIdMap deviceid and lsrid mapping
* @return success or failure
public boolean releaseNodeLabel(DeviceId specificDeviceId, String specificLsrId,
Map<DeviceId, String> deviceIdLsrIdMap) {
checkNotNull(specificDeviceId, DEVICE_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(specificLsrId, LSR_ID_NULL);
checkNotNull(deviceIdLsrIdMap, DEVICE_ID_LSR_ID_MAP_NULL);
checkNotNull(labelRsrcService, LABEL_RESOURCE_SERVICE_NULL);
checkNotNull(pceStore, PCE_STORE_NULL);
boolean retValue = true;
// Release node label entry of this specific device from all other devices
// Retrieve node label of this specific device from store
LabelResourceId labelId = pceStore.getGlobalNodeLabel(specificDeviceId);
if (labelId == null) {
log.error("Unable to retrieve label of a device id {} from store.", specificDeviceId.toString());
return false;
// Go through all devices in the map and remove label entry
for (Map.Entry element:deviceIdLsrIdMap.entrySet()) {
DeviceId otherDevId = (DeviceId) element.getKey();
// Remove this specific device label information from all other nodes except
// this specific node where connection already lost.
if (!specificDeviceId.equals(otherDevId)) {
//TODO: uncomment below lines once advertiseNodeLabelRule() is ready
//advertiseNodeLabelRule(otherDevId, labelId, IpPrefix.valueOf(IpAddress.valueOf(specificLsrId),
// PREFIX_LENGTH), Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
// Release from label manager
Set<LabelResourceId> release = new HashSet<>();
if (!labelRsrcService.releaseToGlobalPool(release)) {
log.error("Unable to release label id {} from label manager.", labelId.toString());
retValue = false;
// Remove from store
if (!pceStore.removeGlobalNodeLabel(specificDeviceId)) {
log.error("Unable to remove global node label id {} from store.", labelId.toString());
retValue = false;
return retValue;
* Allocates adjacency label to a link from local resource pool by a specific device id.
* @param link between devices
* @return success or failure
public boolean allocateAdjacencyLabel(Link link) {
long applyNum = 1; // Single label to each link.
DeviceId srcDeviceId = link.src().deviceId();
Collection<LabelResource> labelList;
checkNotNull(link, LINK_NULL);
checkNotNull(labelRsrcService, LABEL_RESOURCE_SERVICE_NULL);
checkNotNull(pceStore, PCE_STORE_NULL);
// Allocate adjacency label to a link from label manager.
// Take label from source device pool to allocate.
labelList = labelRsrcService.applyFromDevicePool(srcDeviceId, applyNum);
if (labelList.size() <= 0) {
log.error("Unable to allocate label to a device id {}.", srcDeviceId.toString());
return false;
// Currently only one label to a device. So, no need to iterate through list
Iterator<LabelResource> iterator = labelList.iterator();
DefaultLabelResource defaultLabelResource = (DefaultLabelResource);
LabelResourceId labelId = defaultLabelResource.labelResourceId();
if (labelId == null) {
log.error("Unable to allocate label to a device id {}.", srcDeviceId.toString());
return false;
log.debug("Allocated adjacency label {} to a link {}.", labelId.toString(),
// Push adjacency label to device
//TODO: uncomment below line once installAdjLabelRule() method is ready
//installAdjLabelRule(srcDeviceId, labelId, link.src().port(), link.dst().port(), Objective.Operation.ADD);
// Save in store
pceStore.addAdjLabel(link, labelId);
return true;
* Releases unused adjacency labels from device pools.
* @param link between devices
* @return success or failure
public boolean releaseAdjacencyLabel(Link link) {
checkNotNull(link, LINK_NULL);
checkNotNull(labelRsrcService, LABEL_RESOURCE_SERVICE_NULL);
checkNotNull(pceStore, PCE_STORE_NULL);
boolean retValue = true;
// Retrieve link label from store
LabelResourceId labelId = pceStore.getAdjLabel(link);
if (labelId == null) {
log.error("Unabel to retrieve label for a link {} from store.", link.toString());
return false;
// Device
DeviceId srcDeviceId = link.src().deviceId();
// Release adjacency label from device
//TODO: uncomment below line once installAdjLabelRule() method is ready
//installAdjLabelRule(srcDeviceId, labelId, link.src().port(), link.dst().port(), Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
// Release link label from label manager
Multimap<DeviceId, LabelResource> release = ArrayListMultimap.create();
DefaultLabelResource defaultLabelResource = new DefaultLabelResource(srcDeviceId, labelId);
release.put(srcDeviceId, defaultLabelResource);
if (!labelRsrcService.releaseToDevicePool(release)) {
log.error("Unable to release label id {} from label manager.", labelId.toString());
retValue = false;
// Remove adjacency label from store
if (!pceStore.removeAdjLabel(link)) {
log.error("Unable to remove adjacency label id {} from store.", labelId.toString());
retValue = false;
return retValue;
* Computes label stack for a path.
* @param path lsp path
* @return label stack
public LabelStack computeLabelStack(Path path) {
checkNotNull(path, PATH_NULL);
// Label stack is linked list to make labels in order.
List<LabelResourceId> labelStack = new LinkedList<>();
List<Link> linkList = path.links();
if ((linkList != null) && (linkList.size() > 0)) {
// Path: [x] ---- [y] ---- [z]
// For other than last link, add only source[x] device label.
// For the last link, add both source[y] and destination[z] device labels.
// For all links add adjacency label
Link link = null;
LabelResourceId nodeLabelId = null;
LabelResourceId adjLabelId = null;
DeviceId deviceId = null;
for (Iterator<Link> iterator = linkList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
link = (Link);
// Add source device label now
deviceId = link.src().deviceId();
nodeLabelId = pceStore.getGlobalNodeLabel(deviceId);
if (nodeLabelId == null) {
log.error("Unable to find node label for a device id {} in store.", deviceId.toString());
return null;
// Add adjacency label for this link
adjLabelId = pceStore.getAdjLabel(link);
if (adjLabelId == null) {
log.error("Adjacency label id is null for a link {}.", link.toString());
return null;
// This is the last link in path
// Add destination device label now.
if (link != null) {
deviceId = link.dst().deviceId();
nodeLabelId = pceStore.getGlobalNodeLabel(deviceId);
if (nodeLabelId == null) {
log.error("Unable to find node label for a device id {} in store.", deviceId.toString());
return null;
} else {
log.debug("Empty link in path.");
return null;
return new DefaultLabelStack(labelStack);