blob: 9b76f32867fa38e3eb4deff05bf3852769b7bc41 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.onlab.onos.ApplicationId;
* Represents a generalized match & action pair to be applied to
* an infrastucture device.
public interface FlowRule {
static final int MAX_TIMEOUT = 60;
static final int MIN_PRIORITY = 0;
public enum FlowRuleState {
* Indicates that this rule has been created.
* Indicates that this rule has been submitted for addition.
* Not necessarily in the flow table.
* Rule has been added which means it is in the flow table.
* Flow has been marked for removal, might still be in flow table.
* Flow has been removed from flow table and can be purged.
* Returns the flow rule state.
* @return flow rule state
FlowRuleState state();
//TODO: build cookie value
* Returns the ID of this flow.
* @return the flow ID
FlowId id();
* Returns the application id of this flow.
* @return an applicationId
ApplicationId appId();
* Returns the flow rule priority given in natural order; higher numbers
* mean higher priorities.
* @return flow rule priority
int priority();
* Returns the identity of the device where this rule applies.
* @return device identifier
DeviceId deviceId();
* Returns the traffic selector that identifies what traffic this
* rule should apply to.
* @return traffic selector
TrafficSelector selector();
* Returns the traffic treatment that applies to selected traffic.
* @return traffic treatment
TrafficTreatment treatment();
* Returns the number of milliseconds this flow rule has been applied.
* @return number of millis
long life();
* Returns the number of packets this flow rule has matched.
* @return number of packets
long packets();
* Returns the number of bytes this flow rule has matched.
* @return number of bytes
long bytes();
* Returns the timeout for this flow requested by an application.
* @return integer value of the timeout
int timeout();