blob: f3db47d71ccbc5ba7ae7f50c5489dabfff101883 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import org.onosproject.event.ListenerService;
import java.util.Set;
* Service for tracking network configurations which specify how the discovered
* network information should be interpreted and how the core or applications
* should act on or configure the network.
public interface NetworkConfigService
extends ListenerService<NetworkConfigEvent, NetworkConfigListener> {
* Returns the set of subject classes for which configuration may be
* available.
* @return set of subject classes
Set<Class> getSubjectClasses();
* Returns the subject factory with the specified key.
* @param subjectClassKey subject class key
* @return subject class
SubjectFactory getSubjectFactory(String subjectClassKey);
* Returns the subject factory for the specified class.
* @param subjectClass subject class
* @return subject class factory
SubjectFactory getSubjectFactory(Class subjectClass);
* Returns the configuration class with the specified key.
* @param subjectClassKey subject class key
* @param configKey subject class name
* @return subject class
Class<? extends Config> getConfigClass(String subjectClassKey, String configKey);
* Returns the set of subjects for which some configuration is available.
* @param subjectClass subject class
* @param <S> type of subject
* @return set of configured subjects
<S> Set<S> getSubjects(Class<S> subjectClass);
* Returns the set of subjects for which the specified configuration is
* available.
* @param subjectClass subject class
* @param configClass configuration class
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param <C> type of configuration
* @return set of configured subjects
<S, C extends Config<S>> Set<S> getSubjects(Class<S> subjectClass, Class<C> configClass);
* Returns all configurations for the specified subject.
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param <S> type of subject
* @return set of configurations
<S> Set<? extends Config<S>> getConfigs(S subject);
* Returns the configuration for the specified subject and configuration
* class if one is available; null otherwise.
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param configClass configuration class
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param <C> type of configuration
* @return configuration or null if one is not available
<S, C extends Config<S>> C getConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass);
* Creates a new configuration for the specified subject and configuration
* class. If one already exists, it is simply returned.
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param configClass configuration class
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param <C> type of configuration
* @return configuration or null if one is not available
<S, C extends Config<S>> C addConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass);
* Applies configuration for the specified subject and configuration
* class using the raw JSON node. If configuration already exists, it
* will be updated.
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param configClass configuration class
* @param json raw JSON node containing the configuration data
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param <C> type of configuration
* @return configuration or null if one is not available
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied JSON node contains
* invalid data
<S, C extends Config<S>> C applyConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass,
JsonNode json);
* Applies configuration for the specified subject and configuration
* key using the raw JSON object. If configuration already exists, it
* will be updated. If the specified configuration key does not yet have
* a registered class associated with it, the configuration will be pending
* and null value will be returned. Once the backing configuration class is
* registered, the configuration will be validated and accepted.
* @param subjectClassKey subject class key
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param configKey configuration class key
* @param json raw JSON node containing the configuration data
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param <C> type of configuration
* @return configuration object or null if configuration key does not have
* a registered class yet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied JSON node contains
* invalid data
<S, C extends Config<S>> C applyConfig(String subjectClassKey, S subject,
String configKey, JsonNode json);
* Clears any configuration for the specified subject and configuration
* class. If one does not exist, this call has no effect.
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param configClass configuration class
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param <C> type of configuration
<S, C extends Config<S>> void removeConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass);
* Clears any configuration for the specified subject and configuration
* key. If one does not exist, this call has no effect.
* @param subjectClassKey subject class key
* @param subject configuration subject
* @param configKey configuration key
* @param <S> type of subject
<S> void removeConfig(String subjectClassKey, S subject, String configKey);
* Clears the configuration including queued based on the subject.
* If does not exists this call has no effect.
* @param <S> type of subject
* @param subject configuration subject
<S> void removeConfig(S subject);
* Clears the complete configuration including queued.
* If does not exists this call has no effect.
* @param <S> type of subject
<S> void removeConfig();