blob: dd767c3be6b6f12ee5ea1de5ae0c288b886e5d0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
* Default implementation of immutable port description.
public class DefaultPortDescription extends AbstractDescription
implements PortDescription {
private static final long DEFAULT_SPEED = 1_000;
private final PortNumber number;
private final boolean isEnabled;
private final boolean isRemoved;
private final Type type;
private final long portSpeed;
* Creates a DEFAULT_SPEED COPPER port description using the supplied information.
* @param number port number
* @param isEnabled port enabled state
* @param annotations optional key/value annotations map
public DefaultPortDescription(PortNumber number, boolean isEnabled,
SparseAnnotations... annotations) {
this(number, isEnabled, Type.COPPER, DEFAULT_SPEED, annotations);
* Creates a port description using the supplied information.
* @param number port number
* @param isEnabled port enabled state
* @param type port type
* @param portSpeed port speed in Mbps
* @param annotations optional key/value annotations map
public DefaultPortDescription(PortNumber number, boolean isEnabled,
Type type, long portSpeed,
SparseAnnotations...annotations) {
this(number, isEnabled, false, type, portSpeed, annotations);
* Creates a port description using the supplied information.
* @param number port number
* @param isEnabled port enabled state
* @param isRemoved port removed state
* @param type port type
* @param portSpeed port speed in Mbps
* @param annotations optional key/value annotations map
public DefaultPortDescription(PortNumber number, boolean isEnabled, boolean isRemoved,
Type type, long portSpeed,
SparseAnnotations...annotations) {
this.number = checkNotNull(number);
this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
this.isRemoved = isRemoved;
this.type = type;
this.portSpeed = portSpeed;
// Default constructor for serialization
protected DefaultPortDescription() {
this.number = null;
this.isEnabled = false;
this.isRemoved = false;
this.portSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED;
this.type = Type.COPPER;
* Creates a port description using the supplied information.
* @param base PortDescription to get basic information from
* @param annotations optional key/value annotations map
public DefaultPortDescription(PortDescription base,
SparseAnnotations annotations) {
this(base.portNumber(), base.isEnabled(), base.type(), base.portSpeed(),
* Creates a port description using the supplied information.
* @param base port description to copy fields from
* @param annotations to be used in the copied description.
* Note: Annotations on {@code base} will be ignored.
* @return copied port description
public static DefaultPortDescription copyReplacingAnnotation(PortDescription base,
SparseAnnotations annotations) {
return new DefaultPortDescription(base, annotations);
public PortNumber portNumber() {
return number;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return isEnabled;
public boolean isRemoved() {
return isRemoved;
public Type type() {
return type;
public long portSpeed() {
return portSpeed;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("number", number)
.add("isEnabled", isEnabled)
.add("type", type)
.add("portSpeed", portSpeed)
.add("annotations", annotations())
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), number, isEnabled, type,
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object != null && getClass() == object.getClass()) {
if (!super.equals(object)) {
return false;
DefaultPortDescription that = (DefaultPortDescription) object;
return Objects.equal(this.number, that.number)
&& Objects.equal(this.isEnabled, that.isEnabled)
&& Objects.equal(this.type, that.type)
&& Objects.equal(this.portSpeed, that.portSpeed);
return false;
* Creates port description builder with default parameters.
* @return builder
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* Creates port description builder inheriting with default parameters,
* from specified port description.
* @param desc to inherit default from
* @return builder
public static Builder builder(PortDescription desc) {
return new Builder(desc);
public static class Builder {
private PortNumber number;
private boolean isEnabled = true;
private boolean isRemoved = false;
private Type type = Type.COPPER;
private long portSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED;
private SparseAnnotations annotations = DefaultAnnotations.EMPTY;
Builder() {}
Builder(PortDescription desc) {
this.number = desc.portNumber();
this.isEnabled = desc.isEnabled();
this.isRemoved = desc.isRemoved();
this.type = desc.type();
this.portSpeed = desc.portSpeed();
this.annotations = desc.annotations();
* Sets mandatory field PortNumber.
* @param number to set
* @return self
public Builder withPortNumer(PortNumber number) {
this.number = checkNotNull(number);
return this;
* Sets enabled state.
* @param enabled state
* @return self
public Builder isEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.isEnabled = enabled;
return this;
* Sets removed state.
* @param removed state
* @return self
public Builder isRemoved(boolean removed) {
this.isRemoved = removed;
return this;
* Sets port type.
* @param type of the port
* @return self
public Builder type(Type type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
* Sets port speed.
* @param mbps port speed in Mbps
* @return self
public Builder portSpeed(long mbps) {
this.portSpeed = mbps;
return this;
* Sets annotations.
* @param annotations of the port
* @return self
public Builder annotations(SparseAnnotations annotations) {
this.annotations = checkNotNull(annotations);
return this;
* Builds the port description.
* @return port description
public DefaultPortDescription build() {
return new DefaultPortDescription(number, isEnabled, isRemoved, type, portSpeed, annotations);