blob: aa65a86ab143aa3b9c16686dee1d94c46067b612 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Primitive service.
* <p>
* This service provides builders for various distributed primitives.
* <p>
* It is expected that services and applications will leverage the primitives indirectly provided by
* this service for their distributed state management and coordination.
public interface PrimitiveService {
* Creates a new EventuallyConsistentMapBuilder.
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return builder for an eventually consistent map
<K, V> EventuallyConsistentMapBuilder<K, V> eventuallyConsistentMapBuilder();
* Creates a new ConsistentMapBuilder.
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return builder for a consistent map
<K, V> ConsistentMapBuilder<K, V> consistentMapBuilder();
* Creates a new ConsistentMapBuilder.
* @param <V> value type
* @return builder for a document tree
<V> DocumentTreeBuilder<V> documentTreeBuilder();
* Creates a new {@code AsyncConsistentTreeMapBuilder}.
* @param <V> value type
* @return builder for a consistent tree map
<V> ConsistentTreeMapBuilder<V> consistentTreeMapBuilder();
* Creates a new {@code AsyncConsistentSetMultimapBuilder}.
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return builder for a set based consistent multimap
<K, V> ConsistentMultimapBuilder<K, V> consistentMultimapBuilder();
* Creates a new {@code AtomicCounterMapBuilder}.
* @param <K> key type
* @return builder for an atomic counter map
<K> AtomicCounterMapBuilder<K> atomicCounterMapBuilder();
* Creates a new DistributedSetBuilder.
* @param <E> set element type
* @return builder for a distributed set
<E> DistributedSetBuilder<E> setBuilder();
* Creates a new AtomicCounterBuilder.
* @return atomic counter builder
AtomicCounterBuilder atomicCounterBuilder();
* Creates a new AtomicIdGeneratorBuilder.
* @return atomic ID generator builder
AtomicIdGeneratorBuilder atomicIdGeneratorBuilder();
* Creates a new AtomicValueBuilder.
* @param <V> atomic value type
* @return atomic value builder
<V> AtomicValueBuilder<V> atomicValueBuilder();
* Creates a new DistributedLockBuilder.
* @return lock builder
DistributedLockBuilder lockBuilder();
* Creates a new LeaderElectorBuilder.
* @return leader elector builder
LeaderElectorBuilder leaderElectorBuilder();
* Creates a new transaction context builder.
* @return a builder for a transaction context.
TransactionContextBuilder transactionContextBuilder();
* Returns an instance of {@code AsyncAtomicCounter} with specified name.
* @param name counter name
* @return AsyncAtomicCounter instance
AsyncAtomicCounter getAsyncAtomicCounter(String name);
* Returns an instance of {@code AsyncAtomicIdGenerator} with specified name.
* @param name ID generator name
* @return AsyncAtomicIdGenerator instance
AsyncAtomicIdGenerator getAsyncAtomicIdGenerator(String name);
* Returns an instance of {@code AtomicCounter} with specified name.
* @param name counter name
* @return AtomicCounter instance
default AtomicCounter getAtomicCounter(String name) {
return getAsyncAtomicCounter(name).asAtomicCounter();
* Returns an instance of {@code AtomicIdGenerator} with specified name.
* @param name ID generator name
* @return AtomicIdGenerator instance
default AtomicIdGenerator getAtomicIdGenerator(String name) {
return getAsyncAtomicIdGenerator(name).asAtomicIdGenerator();
* Returns an instance of {@code WorkQueue} with specified name.
* @param <E> work element type
* @param name work queue name
* @param serializer serializer
* @return WorkQueue instance
<E> WorkQueue<E> getWorkQueue(String name, Serializer serializer);
* Returns an instance of {@code AsyncDocumentTree} with specified name.
* @param <V> tree node value type
* @param name document tree name
* @param serializer serializer
* @return AsyncDocumentTree instance
<V> AsyncDocumentTree<V> getDocumentTree(String name, Serializer serializer);
* Returns a set backed instance of {@code AsyncConsistentMultimap} with
* the specified name.
* @param name the multimap name
* @param serializer serializer
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return set backed {@code AsyncConsistentMultimap} instance
<K, V> AsyncConsistentMultimap<K, V> getAsyncSetMultimap(String name, Serializer serializer);
* Returns an instance of {@code AsyncConsistentTreeMap} with the specified
* name.
* @param name the treemap name
* @param serializer serializer
* @param <V> value type
* @return set backed {@code AsyncConsistentTreeMap} instance
<V> AsyncConsistentTreeMap<V> getAsyncTreeMap(String name, Serializer serializer);
* Returns an instance of {@code Topic} with specified name.
* @param <T> topic message type
* @param name topic name
* @param serializer serializer
* @return Topic instance
<T> Topic<T> getTopic(String name, Serializer serializer);