Initial P4 tutorial instructions plus minor fix

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+# ONOS+P4 Tutorial
+This directory contains the source code and instructions to run the ONOS+P4
+tutorial exercises.
+For help, please write to the mailing list
+[]( or check the
+[mailing list archives](!forum/brigade-p4).
+## mytunnel.p4
+These exercises are based on a simple P4 program called
+[mytunnel.p4](./pipeconf/src/main/resources/mytunnel.p4) designed for this
+To start, have a look a the P4 source code. Even if this is the first time you
+see P4 code, the program has been commented to provide an understanding of the
+pipeline behavior to anyone with basic programming and networking background
+and an high level knowledge of P4. While checking the P4 program, try answering
+to the following questions:
+* Which protocol headers are being extracted from each packet?
+* How can the parser distinguish a packet with MyTunnel encapsulation from one
+    without? 
+* How many match+action tables are defined in the P4 program?
+* What is the first table in the pipeline applied to every packet?
+* Which headers can be matched on table `t_l2_fwd`?
+* Which type of match is applied to `t_l2_fwd`? E.g. exact match, ternary, or
+    longest-prefix match?
+* Which actions can be executed on matched packets?
+* Which action can be used to send a packet to the controller?
+* What happens if a matching entry is not found in table `t_l2_fwd`? What's the
+    next table applied to the packet?
+## MyTunnel Pipeconf
+The `mytunnel.p4` program is provided to ONOS as part of a "pipeconf", along
+with the Java implementations of some ONOS driver behaviors necessary to
+control this pipeline.
+The following Java classes are provided:
+* [](./pipeconf/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4tutorial/pipeconf/
+This class is declared as an OSGi component which is "activated" once the
+pipeconf application is loaded in ONOS. The main purpose of this class is to
+instantiate the Pipeconf object and register that with the corresponding service
+in ONOS. This is where we associate ONOS driver behaviors with the pipeconf, and
+also define the necessary pipeconf extensions to be able to program and control
+a BMv2 switch via P4Runtime, namelly the BMv2 JSON configuration and the P4Info
+* [](./pipeconf/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4tutorial/pipeconf/
+Implementation of the `PipelineInterpreter` ONOS driver behavior. The main
+purpose of this class is to provide a mapping between ONOS constructs and P4
+program-specific ones, for example methods to map ONOS well-known header fields
+and actions to those defined in the P4 program.
+* [](./pipeconf/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4tutorial/pipeconf/
+Implementation of the `PortStatisticsDiscovery` ONOS driver behavior. As the
+name suggests, this behavior is used to report statistics on the switch ports to
+ONOS, e.g. number of packets/bytes received and transmitted for each port. This
+implementation works by reading the value of two P4 counters defined in
+`mytunnel.p4`, `tx_port_counter` and `rx_port_counter`.
+## MyTunnel App
+This application is used to provide connectivity between each pair of hosts via
+the MyTunnel protocol. The implementation can be found
+The application works by registering an host listener with the ONOS Host
+Service. Every time a new host is discovered, the application creates two
+unidirectional tunnels between that host and any other host previously
+## Tutorial exercises
+### Exercise 1
+[Click here to go to this exercise instructions](./
+This exercise shows how to start ONOS and Mininet with BMv2, it also
+demonstrates connectivity between hosts using the pipeline-agnostic application
+Reactive Forwarding, in combination with other well known ONOS services such as
+Proxy ARP, Host Location Provider, and LLDP Link Discovery.
+### Exercise 2
+[Click here to go to this exercise instructions](./
+Similar to exercise 1, but here connectivity between hosts is demonstrated using
+pipeline-specific application "MyTunnel".
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+# ONOS+P4 Tutorial: Exercise 1
+The goal of this exercise is to introduce P4 and P4Runtime support in ONOS,
+along with the tools to practically experiment with it. This integration allows
+existing applications in ONOS to communicate to and program P4 devices on the
+network, and to operate in a pipeline agnostic manner, i.e. independently of the
+P4 program.
+To run this exercise you will need multiple terminal windows (or tabs) to
+operate with the CLI of Mininet, ONOS, and BMv2. We use the following convention
+to distinguish between commands of different CLIs:
+* Commands starting with `$` are intended to be executed in the Ubuntu terminal
+    prompt;
+* `onos>` for commands in the ONOS CLI;
+* `mininet>` for the Mininet CLI;
+* `RuntimeCmd:` for the BMv2 CLI.
+## Exercise steps
+1. On terminal window 1, **start ONOS with a small subset of the applications**
+by executing the following command:
+    ```
+    $ cd $ONOS_ROOT
+    $ ONOS_APPS=proxyarp,hostprovider,lldpprovider ok clean
+    ```
+    The `$ONOS_ROOT` environment variable points to the root ONOS directory. The
+    `ok` command is an alias to run ONOS locally in your dev machine. Please
+    note that if this the first time you run ONOS on this machine, or if you
+    haven't built ONOS before, it can take some time (5-10 minutes depending on
+    your Internet speed).
+    Once ONOS has started you should see log messages being print on the screen.
+2. On terminal window 2, **activate the BMv2 driver and tutorial pipeconf** via
+    the ONOS CLI.
+    1. Use the following command to **access the ONOS CLI**:
+        ```
+        $ onos localhost
+        ```
+    2. Enter the following command to **activate the BMv2 driver**:
+        ```
+        onos> app activate org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2
+        ```
+        You should see the following message on the ONOS log:
+        ```
+        Application org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2 has been activated
+        ```
+    3. Enter the following command to **activate the pipeconf**:
+        ```
+        onos> app activate org.onosproject.p4tutorial.pipeconf
+        ```
+        You should see the following messages on the log:
+        ```
+        New pipeconf registered: p4-tutorial-pipeconf
+        Application org.onosproject.p4tutorial.pipeconf has been activated
+        ```
+        Note the specific name used for this pipeconf `p4-tutorial-pipeconf`. We
+        will later use this name to tell ONOS to deploy that specific P4 program
+        to the switches.
+    4. To **verify that you have activated all the required apps**, run the
+        following command:
+        ```
+        onos> apps -a -s
+        ```
+        Make sure you see the following list of applications displayed:
+        ```
+        org.onosproject.generaldeviceprovider ... General Device Provider
+        org.onosproject.drivers               ... Default Drivers
+        org.onosproject.proxyarp              ... Proxy ARP/NDP
+        org.onosproject.lldpprovider          ... LLDP Link Provider
+        org.onosproject.protocols.grpc        ... gRPC Protocol Subsystem
+        org.onosproject.protocols.p4runtime   ... P4Runtime Protocol Subsystem
+        org.onosproject.p4runtime             ... P4Runtime Provider
+        org.onosproject.drivers.p4runtime     ... P4Runtime Drivers
+        org.onosproject.hostprovider          ... Host Location Provider
+        org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2          ... BMv2 Drivers
+        org.onosproject.p4tutorial.pipeconf   ... P4 Tutorial Pipeconf
+        ```
+    5. (optional) **Change flow rule polling interval**. Run the following
+        command in the ONOS CLI:
+        ```
+        onos> cfg set fallbackFlowPollFrequency 5
+        ```
+        This command tells ONOS to check the state of flow rules on switches
+        every 5 seconds (default is 30). This is used to obtain more often flow
+        rules stats such as byte/packet counters. It helps also resolving more
+        quickly issues where some flow rules are installed in the ONOS store but
+        not on the device (which can often happen when emulating a large number
+        of devices in the same VM).
+3. On terminal window 3, **run Mininet to set up a topology of BMv2 devices**.
+    1. To **run Mininet**, use the following command:
+        ```
+        $ sudo -E mn --custom $BMV2_MN_PY --switch onosbmv2,pipeconf=p4-tutorial-pipeconf --controller remote,ip=
+        ```
+        The `--custom` argument tells Mininet to use the `` custom script
+        to execute the BMv2 switch. The environment variable `$BMV2_MN_PY`
+        points to the exact location of the script (you can use the command
+        `echo $BMV2_MN_PY` to find out the location).
+        The `--switch` argument specifies the kind of switch instance we want to
+        run inside Mininet. In this case we are running a version of BMv2 that
+        also produces some configuration files used by ONOS to discover the
+        device (see steps below), hence the name `onosbmv2`. The `pipeconf`
+        sub-argument is used to tell ONOS which pipeconf to deploy on all
+        devices.
+        If needed, you can run BMv2 with debug logging enabled by passing the
+        sub-argument `loglevel=debug`. For example:
+        ```
+        $ sudo -E mn [...] --switch onosbmv2,loglevel=debug,pipeconf=p4-tutorial-pipeconf [...]
+        ```
+    2. A set of **files are generated in the `/tmp` folder as part of this
+        startup process**, to view them (on a separate terminal window):
+        ```
+        $ ls /tmp
+        ```
+    3. You will **find ONOS netcfg JSON files in this folder** for each BMv2
+        switch, open this file up, for example:
+        ```
+        $ cat /tmp/bmv2-1-netcfg.json
+        ```
+        It contains the configuration for (1) the gRPC server and port used by the
+        BMv2 switch process for the P4Runtime service, (2) the ID of pipeconf to
+        deploy on the device, (3) switch ports details, and other
+        driver-specific information.
+        **This file is pushed to ONOS automatically by Mininet when executing
+        the switch instance**. If everything went as expected, you should see
+        the ONOS log populating with messages like:
+        ```
+        Connecting to device device:bmv2:1 with driver bmv2
+        [...]
+        Setting pipeline config for device:bmv2:1 to p4-tutorial-pipeconf...
+        [...]
+        Device device:bmv2:1 connected
+        [...]
+        ```
+    4. **Check the BMv2 switch instance log**:
+        ```
+        $ less /tmp/bmv2-1-log
+        ```
+        By scrolling the BMv2 log, you should see a number of P4Runtime messages
+        processed by the switch. These messages are used to install table
+        entries and to read counters. You should also see many `PACKET_IN` and
+        `PACKET_OUT` messages corresponding to packet-in/out processed by the
+        switch and used for LLDP-based link discovery.
+        Table entry messages are generated by ONOS according to the flow rules
+        generated by each application and based on the P4Info associated with
+        the `p4-tutorial-pipeconf`.
+        If you prefer to watch the BMv2 log updating in real time, you can use
+        the following command to print on screen all new messages:
+        ```
+        $ bm-log 1
+        ```
+        This command will show the log of the switch instance with ID "1". Such
+        ID was specified when starting the `simple_switch_grpc` process (look in
+        the Mininet output for `Starting BMv2 target: simple_switch_grpc
+        --device-id 1 [...]`).
+    5. **Check the flow rules inserted by each application in ONOS**. In the
+        ONOS CLI type:
+        ```
+        onos> flows -s
+        ```
+        You should see 3 flow rules:
+        ```
+        deviceId=device:bmv2:1, flowRuleCount=3
+            ADDED, bytes=798, packets=19, table=0, priority=40000, selector=[ETH_TYPE:arp], treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], clearDeferred]
+            ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, table=0, priority=40000, selector=[ETH_TYPE:bddp], treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], clearDeferred]
+            ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, table=0, priority=40000, selector=[ETH_TYPE:lldp], treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], clearDeferred]
+        ```
+        These flow rules are installed automatically for each device by the
+        Proxy ARP and LLDP Link Discovery applications. The first one is used to
+        intercept ARP requests (`selector=[ETH_TYPE:arp]`), which are sent to
+        the controller (`treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER]`), who in turn
+        will reply with an ARP response or broadcast the requests to all hosts.
+        The other two flow rules are used to intercept LLDP and BBDP packets
+        (for the purpose of link discovery).
+        These flow rules appear to be installed on table "0". This is a logical
+        table number mapped by the pipeconf's interpreter to the P4 table named
+        `t_l2_fwd` in [mytunnel.p4 (line 191)](./pipeconf/src/main/resources/mytunnel.p4#L191).
+        This mapping is defined in
+        [ (line 103)](./pipeconf/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4tutorial/pipeconf/
+    6. **Compare ONOS flow rules to the table entries installed on the BMv2
+        switch**.
+        We can **use the BMv2 CLI to dump all table entries currently
+            installed on the switch**. On a separate terminal window type:
+        ```
+         $ bm-cli 1
+        ```
+        This will start the CLI for the BMv2 switch instance with ID "1" (where
+        the ID can be derived in the same way as for the `bm-log` command).
+        On the BMv2 CLI prompt, type the following command:
+         ```
+        RuntimeCmd: table_dump c_ingress.t_l2_fwd
+        ```
+        You should see exactly 3 entries, each one corresponding to a flow rule
+        in ONOS. For example, the flow rule matching on ARP packets should look
+        like this in the BMv2 CLI:
+        ```
+        ...
+        **********
+        Dumping entry 0x2000002
+        Match key:
+        * standard_metadata.ingress_port: TERNARY   0000 &&& 0000
+        * ethernet.dst_addr             : TERNARY   000000000000 &&& 000000000000
+        * ethernet.src_addr             : TERNARY   000000000000 &&& 000000000000
+        * ethernet.ether_type           : TERNARY   0806 &&& ffff
+        Priority: 16737216
+        Action entry: c_ingress.send_to_cpu -
+        ...
+        ```
+        Note how the ONOS selector `[ETH_TYPE:arp]` has been translated to an
+        entry matching only the header field `ethernet.ether_type`, while the
+        bits of all other fields are set as "don't care" (mask is all zeros).
+        While the ONOS treatment `[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER]` has been translated to
+        the action `c_ingress.send_to_cpu`.
+        **Important:** The BMv2 CLI is a powerful tool to debug the state of a
+        *BMv2 switch. Type `help` to show a list of possible commands. This CLI
+        *provides also auto-completion when pressing the `tab` key.
+4. It is finally time to **test connectivity between the hosts** of our Mininet
+    network.
+    1. On the Mininet prompt, **start a ping between host1 and host2**:
+        ```
+        mininet> h1 ping h2
+        ```
+        The **ping should NOT work**, and the reason is that we did not activate
+        yet any ONOS application providing connectivity between hosts.
+    2. While leaving the ping running on Mininet, **activate the Reactive
+        Forwarding application using the ONOS CLI**:
+        ```
+        onos> app activate org.onosproject.fwd
+        ```
+        Once activated, you should see the the ping working. Indeed, this
+        application installs the necessary flow rules to forward packets between
+        the two hosts.
+    3. Use steps 3.v and to **check the new flow rules**.
+        You should see 3 new flow rules.
+        The Reactive Forwarding application works in the following way. It
+        installs a low priority flow objective to intercepts all IPv4 packets
+        via a `send_to_cpu` action (`[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER]` in ONOS) When a packet
+        is received by the control plane, the packet is processed by the
+        application which, by querying the Topology service and the Host
+        Location service is ONOS, computes the shortest path between the two
+        hosts, and installs higher priority flow rules on each hop to forward
+        packets between the two hosts (after having re-injected that packet in
+        the network via a packet-out).
+5. Congratulations, you completed the first exercise of the ONOS+P4 tutorial!
+    To kill ONOS, press `ctrl-d` in the ONOS log terminal window. To kill
+    Mininet, press `ctrl-d` in the Mininet CLI or type `exit`.
+## Bonus exercise
+As a bonus exercise, you can re-run Mininet with a larger topology to see how
+Exercise 1 works with a more complex topology.
+1. Rerun the steps in Exercise 1, replacing step 3.i. with the following:
+    ```
+    $ sudo -E mn --custom $BMV2_MN_PY --switch onosbmv2,pipeconf=p4-tutorial-pipeconf --topo tree,3 --controller remote,ip=
+    ```
+    **Important:** due to the limited resources of the VM, when executing many
+    switches in Mininet, it might happen that some flow rules are not installed
+    correctly on the switch (showing state `PENDING_ADD` when using ONOS command
+    `flows`). In this case, ONOS provides an automatic reconciliation mechanism
+    that tries to re-install the failed entries. To force ONOS to perform this
+    process more often, **make sure to apply step 2.v before starting Mininet**.
+2. After you activated the Reactive Forwarding application as in step 4.ii.,
+    you can ping all hosts in the network using the following Mininet command:
+    ```
+    mininet> pingall
+    ```
+    If everything went well, ping should work for every host pair in the
+    network.
+3. You can visualize the topology using the ONOS web UI.
+    Open a browser from within the tutorial VM (e.g. Firefox) to
+    [](). When asked, use the username `onos`
+    and password `rocks`. You should see a nice tree topology.
+    While here, feel free to interact and discover the ONOS UI.
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+Exercise 2:
+The goal of exercise 2 is to showcase how a pipeline aware application can be used with P4 devices...
diff --git a/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4tutorial/pipeconf/ b/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/java/org/onosproject/p4tutorial/pipeconf/
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@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     private static final PiActionId ACT_ID_SEND_TO_CPU =
             PiActionId.of(C_INGRESS + DOT + "send_to_cpu");
     private static final PiActionId ACT_ID_SET_EGRESS_PORT =
-            PiActionId.of(C_INGRESS + DOT + "set_egress_port");
+            PiActionId.of(C_INGRESS + DOT + "set_out_port");
     private static final PiActionParamId ACT_PARAM_ID_PORT =
diff --git a/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/mytunnel.p4 b/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/mytunnel.p4
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--- a/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/mytunnel.p4
+++ b/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/mytunnel.p4
@@ -14,6 +14,15 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+ /*
+  * This program describes a pipeline implementing a very simple
+  * tunneling protocol called MyTunnel. The pipeline defines also table called
+  * t_l2_fwd that provides basic L2 forwarding capabilities and actions to
+  * send packets to the controller. This table is needed to provide
+  * compatibility with existing ONOS applications such as Proxy-ARP, LLDP Link
+  * Discovery and Reactive Forwarding.
+  */
 #include <core.p4>
 #include <v1model.p4>
@@ -92,6 +101,9 @@
                   inout metadata_t meta,
                   inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+    // A P4 parser is described as a state machine, with initial state "start"
+    // and final one "accept". Each intermediate state can specify the next
+    // state by using a select statement over the header fields extracted.
     state start {
         transition select(standard_metadata.ingress_port) {
             CPU_PORT: parse_packet_out;
@@ -150,6 +162,8 @@
     action set_out_port(port_t port) {
+        // Specifies the output port for this packet by setting the
+        // corresponding metadata.
         standard_metadata.egress_spec = port;
@@ -170,6 +184,8 @@
+    // Table counter used to count packets and bytes matched by each entry of
+    // t_l2_fwd table.
     direct_counter(CounterType.packets_and_bytes) l2_fwd_counter;
     table t_l2_fwd {
@@ -212,7 +228,8 @@
         default_action = _drop();
-    // Define processing applied by this control block.
+    // Defines the processing applied by this control block. You can see this as
+    // the main function applied to every packet received by the switch.
     apply {
         if (standard_metadata.ingress_port == CPU_PORT) {
             // Packet received from CPU_PORT, this is a packet-out sent by the
@@ -223,6 +240,7 @@
         } else {
             // Packet received from data plane port.
+            // Applies table t_l2_fwd to the packet.
             if (t_l2_fwd.apply().hit) {
                 // Packet hit an entry in t_l2_fwd table. A forwarding action
                 // has already been taken. No need to apply other tables, exit