blob: 09ec53600c5b635931ff2369c9a9a828a356e533 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static*;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.onosproject.core.GroupId;
import org.onlab.packet.Ethernet;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onlab.packet.MplsLabel;
import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
* Factory class for creating various traffic treatment instructions.
public final class Instructions {
// Ban construction
private Instructions() {}
* Creates an output instruction using the specified port number. This can
* include logical ports such as CONTROLLER, FLOOD, etc.
* @param number port number
* @return output instruction
public static OutputInstruction createOutput(final PortNumber number) {
checkNotNull(number, "PortNumber cannot be null");
return new OutputInstruction(number);
* Creates a drop instruction.
* @return drop instruction
public static DropInstruction createDrop() {
return new DropInstruction();
* Creates a group instruction.
* @param groupId Group Id
* @return group instruction
public static GroupInstruction createGroup(final GroupId groupId) {
checkNotNull(groupId, "GroupId cannot be null");
return new GroupInstruction(groupId);
* Creates a l0 modification.
* @param lambda the lambda to modify to.
* @return a l0 modification
public static L0ModificationInstruction modL0Lambda(short lambda) {
checkNotNull(lambda, "L0 lambda cannot be null");
return new ModLambdaInstruction(L0SubType.LAMBDA, lambda);
* Creates a l2 src modification.
* @param addr the mac address to modify to.
* @return a l2 modification
public static L2ModificationInstruction modL2Src(MacAddress addr) {
checkNotNull(addr, "Src l2 address cannot be null");
return new ModEtherInstruction(L2SubType.ETH_SRC, addr);
* Creates a L2 dst modification.
* @param addr the mac address to modify to.
* @return a L2 modification
public static L2ModificationInstruction modL2Dst(MacAddress addr) {
checkNotNull(addr, "Dst l2 address cannot be null");
return new ModEtherInstruction(L2SubType.ETH_DST, addr);
* Creates a Vlan id modification.
* @param vlanId the vlan id to modify to.
* @return a L2 modification
public static L2ModificationInstruction modVlanId(VlanId vlanId) {
checkNotNull(vlanId, "VLAN id cannot be null");
return new ModVlanIdInstruction(vlanId);
* Creates a Vlan pcp modification.
* @param vlanPcp the pcp to modify to.
* @return a L2 modification
public static L2ModificationInstruction modVlanPcp(Byte vlanPcp) {
checkNotNull(vlanPcp, "VLAN Pcp cannot be null");
return new ModVlanPcpInstruction(vlanPcp);
* Creates a MPLS label modification.
* @param mplsLabel to set.
* @return a L2 Modification
public static L2ModificationInstruction modMplsLabel(MplsLabel mplsLabel) {
checkNotNull(mplsLabel, "MPLS label cannot be null");
return new ModMplsLabelInstruction(mplsLabel);
* Creates a MPLS TTL modification.
* @return a L2 Modification
public static L2ModificationInstruction decMplsTtl() {
return new ModMplsTtlInstruction();
* Creates a L3 IPv4 src modification.
* @param addr the IPv4 address to modify to
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction modL3Src(IpAddress addr) {
checkNotNull(addr, "Src l3 IPv4 address cannot be null");
return new ModIPInstruction(L3SubType.IPV4_SRC, addr);
* Creates a L3 IPv4 dst modification.
* @param addr the IPv4 address to modify to
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction modL3Dst(IpAddress addr) {
checkNotNull(addr, "Dst l3 IPv4 address cannot be null");
return new ModIPInstruction(L3SubType.IPV4_DST, addr);
* Creates a L3 IPv6 src modification.
* @param addr the IPv6 address to modify to
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction modL3IPv6Src(IpAddress addr) {
checkNotNull(addr, "Src l3 IPv6 address cannot be null");
return new ModIPInstruction(L3SubType.IPV6_SRC, addr);
* Creates a L3 IPv6 dst modification.
* @param addr the IPv6 address to modify to
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction modL3IPv6Dst(IpAddress addr) {
checkNotNull(addr, "Dst l3 IPv6 address cannot be null");
return new ModIPInstruction(L3SubType.IPV6_DST, addr);
* Creates a L3 IPv6 Flow Label modification.
* @param flowLabel the IPv6 flow label to modify to (20 bits)
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction modL3IPv6FlowLabel(int flowLabel) {
return new ModIPv6FlowLabelInstruction(flowLabel);
* Creates a L3 TTL modification.
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction decNwTtl() {
return new ModTtlInstruction(L3SubType.DEC_TTL);
* Creates a L3 TTL modification.
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction copyTtlOut() {
return new ModTtlInstruction(L3SubType.TTL_OUT);
* Creates a L3 TTL modification.
* @return a L3 modification
public static L3ModificationInstruction copyTtlIn() {
return new ModTtlInstruction(L3SubType.TTL_IN);
* Creates a mpls header instruction.
* @return a L2 modification.
public static Instruction pushMpls() {
return new PushHeaderInstructions(L2SubType.MPLS_PUSH,
* Creates a mpls header instruction.
* @return a L2 modification.
public static Instruction popMpls() {
return new PushHeaderInstructions(L2SubType.MPLS_POP,
* Creates a mpls header instruction.
* @param etherType Ethernet type to set
* @return a L2 modification.
public static Instruction popMpls(Short etherType) {
checkNotNull(etherType, "Ethernet type cannot be null");
return new PushHeaderInstructions(L2SubType.MPLS_POP, etherType);
* Drop instructions
public static final class DropInstruction implements Instruction {
public Type type() {
return Type.DROP;
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper(type()).toString();
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof DropInstruction) {
DropInstruction that = (DropInstruction) obj;
return Objects.equals(type(), that.type());
return false;
* Output Instruction
public static final class OutputInstruction implements Instruction {
private final PortNumber port;
private OutputInstruction(PortNumber port) {
this.port = port;
public PortNumber port() {
return port;
public Type type() {
return Type.OUTPUT;
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper(type().toString())
.add("port", port).toString();
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type(), port);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof OutputInstruction) {
OutputInstruction that = (OutputInstruction) obj;
return Objects.equals(port, that.port);
return false;
* Group Instruction
public static final class GroupInstruction implements Instruction {
private final GroupId groupId;
private GroupInstruction(GroupId groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
public GroupId groupId() {
return groupId;
public Type type() {
return Type.GROUP;
public String toString() {
return toStringHelper(type().toString())
.add("group ID",;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type(), groupId);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof GroupInstruction) {
GroupInstruction that = (GroupInstruction) obj;
return Objects.equals(groupId, that.groupId);
return false;