blob: 26e8e5c214febe7cffcc561797ef157ee2ffcae5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
ONOS UI Framework.
@author Simon Hunt
(function ($) {
'use strict';
var tsI = new Date().getTime(), // initialize time stamp
tsB; // build time stamp
// attach our main function to the jQuery object
$.onos = function (options) {
// private namespaces
var publicApi; // public api
// internal state
var views = {},
currentView = null,
built = false;
// DOM elements etc.
var $mast;
// various functions..................
// throw an error
function throwError(msg) {
// todo: maybe add tracing later
throw new Error(msg);
// define all the public api functions...
publicApi = {
printTime: function () {
console.log("the time is " + new Date());
addView: function (vid, cb) {
views[vid] = {
vid: vid,
cb: cb
// TODO: proper registration of views
// for now, make the one (and only) view current..
currentView = views[vid];
// function to be called from index.html to build the ONOS UI
function buildOnosUi() {
tsB = new Date().getTime();
tsI = tsB - tsI; // initialization duration
console.log('ONOS UI initialized in ' + tsI + 'ms');
if (built) {
throwError("ONOS UI already built!");
built = true;
// TODO: invoke hash navigation
// --- report build errors ---
// for now, invoke the one and only load function:
// export the api and build-UI function
return {
api: publicApi,
buildUi: buildOnosUi