blob: 0de33b3f9542643de3400ee53de7c6d0279e1d5f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.onlab.onos.core;
import java.util.Set;
* Service for interacting with the core system of the controller.
public interface CoreService {
* Returns the product version.
* @return product version
Version version();
* Returns the set of currently registered application identifiers.
* @return set of application ids
Set<ApplicationId> getAppIds();
* Returns an existing application id from a given id.
* @param id the short value of the id
* @return an application id
ApplicationId getAppId(Short id);
* Registers a new application by its name, which is expected
* to follow the reverse DNS convention, e.g.
* {@code}
* @param identifier string identifier
* @return the application id
ApplicationId registerApplication(String identifier);