blob: 41ce5bdc520e723370b966f609b47518e66e584f [file] [log] [blame]
# NullLinkProvider topology description (config file).
# Dot-style topology graph. Each controller's topology begins with
# graph <node ID>, followed by a list of links between braces.
# The links are either bidirectional (--) or directed (->). The directed
# edges are used to connect together Null devices of different controllers.
# The endpoint has the format:
# devID:port:NodeId
# The NodeId is only added if the destination is another node's device.
graph {
0:0 -- 1:0
1:1 -> 0:0:
1:2 -- 2:0
2:1 -> 1:0:
graph {
0:0 -> 1:1:
0:1 -- 1:1
1:0 -> 2:1:
1:2 -- 2:0
# Bugs: Comments cannot be appended to a line to be read.