blob: e84b34300f9fb6e1b0a25e2721e1d4110cda7abc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
* Default implementation of table statistics entry interface.
public final class DefaultTableStatisticsEntry implements TableStatisticsEntry {
private final DeviceId deviceId;
private final TableId tableId;
private final long activeFlowEntries;
private final long packetsLookedupCount;
private final long packetsMatchedCount;
private final long maxSize;
private static final Long NOT_PRESENT = (long) -1;
* Default table statistics constructor.
* @param deviceId device identifier
* @param tableId table identifier
* @param activeFlowEntries number of active flow entries in the table
* @param packetsLookedupCount number of packets looked up in table
* @param packetsMatchedCount number of packets that hit table
* @param maxSize maximum size of this table
private DefaultTableStatisticsEntry(DeviceId deviceId,
TableId tableId,
long activeFlowEntries,
long packetsLookedupCount,
long packetsMatchedCount,
long maxSize) {
this.deviceId = checkNotNull(deviceId);
this.tableId = tableId;
this.activeFlowEntries = activeFlowEntries;
this.packetsLookedupCount = packetsLookedupCount;
this.packetsMatchedCount = packetsMatchedCount;
this.maxSize = maxSize;
public String toString() {
return "device: " + deviceId + ", " +
"tableId: " + this.tableId + ", " +
"activeEntries: " + this.activeFlowEntries + ", " +
"packetsLookedUp: " + this.packetsLookedupCount + ", " +
"packetsMatched: " + this.packetsMatchedCount;
public int tableId() {
return tableId.type() == TableId.Type.INDEX ? ((IndexTableId) tableId).id() : tableId.hashCode();
public TableId table() {
//TODO: this is a temporary method, should implement tableId() like this method.
return tableId;
public long activeFlowEntries() {
return activeFlowEntries;
public long packetsLookedup() {
return packetsLookedupCount;
public long packetsMatched() {
return packetsMatchedCount;
public DeviceId deviceId() {
return deviceId;
public long maxSize() {
return maxSize;
public boolean hasPacketsLookedup() {
return packetsLookedupCount == NOT_PRESENT ? false : true;
public boolean hasMaxSize() {
return maxSize == NOT_PRESENT ? false : true;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static final class Builder {
private DeviceId deviceId;
private TableId tableId;
private Long activeFlowEntries;
private Long packetsMatchedCount;
private Long packetsLookedUpCount = NOT_PRESENT;
private Long maxSize = NOT_PRESENT;
public Builder withDeviceId(DeviceId deviceId) {
this.deviceId = deviceId;
return this;
public Builder withTableId(TableId tableId) {
this.tableId = tableId;
return this;
public Builder withActiveFlowEntries(long activeFlowEntries) {
this.activeFlowEntries = activeFlowEntries;
return this;
public Builder withPacketsLookedUpCount(long packetsLookedUpCount) {
this.packetsLookedUpCount = packetsLookedUpCount;
return this;
public Builder withPacketsMatchedCount(long packetsMatchedCount) {
this.packetsMatchedCount = packetsMatchedCount;
return this;
public Builder withMaxSize(long maxSize) {
this.maxSize = maxSize;
return this;
public TableStatisticsEntry build() {
checkNotNull(deviceId, "DeviceId cannot be null");
checkNotNull(tableId, "TableId cannot be null");
checkNotNull(activeFlowEntries, "ActiveFlowEntries cannot be null");
checkNotNull(packetsMatchedCount, "PacketsMatchedCount cannot be null");
return new DefaultTableStatisticsEntry(deviceId, tableId, activeFlowEntries, packetsLookedUpCount,
packetsMatchedCount, maxSize);