blob: ccd927d89a311218d3c71445ddae988b211aab5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.kubevirtnetworking.api;
import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
import org.onosproject.event.AbstractEvent;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
* Kubevirt router event class.
public class KubevirtRouterEvent extends AbstractEvent<KubevirtRouterEvent.Type, KubevirtRouter> {
private final KubevirtFloatingIp floatingIp;
private final String podName;
private final Set<String> internal;
private final String externalIp;
private final String externalNet;
private final String peerRouterIp;
private final String gateway;
private final MacAddress peerRouterMac;
* Creates an event of a given type for the specified kubevirt router.
* @param type kubevirt router event type
* @param subject kubevirt router
public KubevirtRouterEvent(Type type, KubevirtRouter subject) {
super(type, subject);
this.floatingIp = null;
this.podName = null;
this.internal = null;
this.externalIp = null;
this.externalNet = null;
this.peerRouterIp = null;
this.gateway = null;
this.peerRouterMac = null;
* Creates an event of a given type for the specified kubevirt router.
* @param type kubevirt router event type
* @param subject kubevirt router
* @param floatingIp kubevirt floating IP
public KubevirtRouterEvent(Type type, KubevirtRouter subject, KubevirtFloatingIp floatingIp) {
super(type, subject);
this.floatingIp = floatingIp;
this.podName = null;
this.internal = null;
this.externalIp = null;
this.externalNet = null;
this.peerRouterIp = null;
this.gateway = null;
this.peerRouterMac = null;
* Creates an event of a given type for the specified kubevirt router.
* @param type kubevirt router event type
* @param subject kubevirt router
* @param floatingIp kubevirt floating IP
* @param podName kubevirt POD name
public KubevirtRouterEvent(Type type, KubevirtRouter subject, KubevirtFloatingIp floatingIp, String podName) {
super(type, subject);
this.floatingIp = floatingIp;
this.podName = podName;
this.internal = null;
this.externalIp = null;
this.externalNet = null;
this.peerRouterIp = null;
this.gateway = null;
this.peerRouterMac = null;
* Creates an event of a given type for the specified kubevirt router.
* @param type kubevirt router event type
* @param subject kubevirt router
* @param internal internal networks attached to the router
public KubevirtRouterEvent(Type type, KubevirtRouter subject, Set<String> internal) {
super(type, subject);
this.internal = internal;
this.podName = null;
this.floatingIp = null;
this.externalIp = null;
this.externalNet = null;
this.peerRouterIp = null;
this.gateway = null;
this.peerRouterMac = null;
* Creates an event of a given type for the specified kubevirt router.
* @param type kubevirt router event type
* @param subject kubevirt router
* @param externalIp virtual router's IP address included in external network
* @param externalNet external network name
* @param peerRouterIp external peer router IP address
* @param peerRouterMac external peer router MAC address
public KubevirtRouterEvent(Type type, KubevirtRouter subject,
String externalIp, String externalNet,
String peerRouterIp, MacAddress peerRouterMac) {
super(type, subject);
this.internal = null;
this.podName = null;
this.floatingIp = null;
this.externalIp = externalIp;
this.externalNet = externalNet;
this.peerRouterIp = peerRouterIp;
this.gateway = null;
this.peerRouterMac = peerRouterMac;
public KubevirtRouterEvent(Type type, KubevirtRouter subject,
String gateway) {
super(type, subject);
this.gateway = gateway;
this.floatingIp = null;
this.podName = null;
this.internal = null;
this.externalIp = null;
this.externalNet = null;
this.peerRouterIp = null;
this.peerRouterMac = null;
public enum Type {
* Signifies that a new kubevirt router is created.
* Signifies that the kubevirt router is updated.
* Signifies that the kubevirt router is removed.
* Signifies that a new external network is added to the router.
* Signifies that the existing external network is removed from the router.
* Signifies that a new internal network is added to the router.
* Signifies that the existing internal network is removed from the router.
* Signifies that a new kubevirt floating IP is created.
* Signifies that the kubevirt floating IP is updated.
* Signifies that the kubevirt floating IP is removed.
* Signifies that the floating IP is associated to a fixed IP.
* Signifies that the floating IP disassociated from the fixed IP.
* Signified that the gateway node associated for this router.
* Signified that the gateway node disassociated for this router.
* Signified that the gateway node changed for this router.
* Signified that the snat status disabled for this router.
* Returns the floating IP of the router event.
* @return kubevirt floating IP; null if the event is not relevant to the floating IP
public KubevirtFloatingIp floatingIp() {
return floatingIp;
* Returns the pod name of the router event.
* @return kubevirt pod name; null if the event is not relevant to the pod name
public String podName() {
return podName;
* Returns the internal of the router event.
* @return kubevirt internal network set, null if the event is not relevant to the internal
public Set<String> internal() {
return internal;
* Returns the external IP address of the router event.
* @return external IP address, null if the event is not relevant to the external
public String externalIp() {
return externalIp;
* Returns the external network of the router event.
* @return external network, null if the event is not relevant ot the external
public String externalNet() {
return externalNet;
* Returns the gateway of the router event.
* @return gateway if exists, null otherwise
public String gateway() {
return gateway;
* Returns the external peer router IP address.
* @return external peer router IP if exists, null otherwise
public String externalPeerRouterIp() {
return peerRouterIp;
* Returns the external peer router MAC address.
* @return external peer router MAC if exists, null otherwise
public MacAddress peerRouterMac() {
return peerRouterMac;
public String toString() {
if (floatingIp == null) {
return super.toString();
return toStringHelper(this)
.add("type", type())
.add("router", subject())
.add("floatingIp", floatingIp)
.add("podName", podName)
.add("internal", internal)
.add("externalIp", externalIp)
.add("externalNet", externalNet)
.add("peerRouterIp", peerRouterIp)
.add("gatewayNodeHostName", gateway)