blob: 21760278e9eb18f3c41936c8a275248783b89592 [file] [log] [blame]
| Log file: pa.results.log |
| Compiler version: 5.1.0 (fca32d1) |
| Created on: Fri Sep 8 08:23:45 2017 |
Program: default
Allocation state: Final Allocation
| PHV Group | Containers Used | Bits Used | Bits Available |
| (container bit widths) | (% used) | (% used) | |
| 0 (32) | 3 (18.75%) | 96 (18.75%) | 512 |
| 1 (32) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 512 |
| 2 (32) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 512 |
| 3 (32) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 512 |
| Total for 32 bit | 3 (4.69%) | 96 (4.69%) | 2048 |
| | | | |
| 4 (8) | 4 (25.00%) | 26 (20.31%) | 128 |
| 5 (8) | 2 (12.50%) | 14 (10.94%) | 128 |
| 6 (8) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 128 |
| 7 (8) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 128 |
| Total for 8 bit | 6 (9.38%) | 40 (7.81%) | 512 |
| | | | |
| 8 (16) | 5 (31.25%) | 73 (28.52%) | 256 |
| 9 (16) | 1 (6.25%) | 16 (6.25%) | 256 |
| 10 (16) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 256 |
| 11 (16) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 256 |
| 12 (16) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 256 |
| 13 (16) | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 256 |
| Total for 16 bit | 6 (6.25%) | 89 (5.79%) | 1536 |
| | | | |
| 14 (32) T | 13 (81.25%) | 416 (81.25%) | 512 |
| 15 (32) T | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 512 |
| Total for 32 bit | 13 (40.62%) | 416 (40.62%) | 1024 |
| | | | |
| 16 (8) T | 12 (75.00%) | 96 (75.00%) | 128 |
| 17 (8) T | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 128 |
| Total for 8 bit | 12 (37.50%) | 96 (37.50%) | 256 |
| | | | |
| 18 (16) T | 11 (68.75%) | 176 (68.75%) | 256 |
| 19 (16) T | 5 (31.25%) | 80 (31.25%) | 256 |
| 20 (16) T | 0 (0.00%) | 0 (0.00%) | 256 |
| Total for 16 bit | 16 (33.33%) | 256 (33.33%) | 768 |
| | | | |
| MAU total | 15 (6.70%) | 225 (5.49%) | 4096 |
| Tagalong total | 41 (36.61%) | 768 (37.50%) | 2048 |
| Overall total | 56 (16.67%) | 993 (16.16%) | 6144 |
PHV Allocation
Allocations in Group 0 32 bits
32-bit PHV 0 (ingress): phv0[31:0] = --pov_reserved--_0[31:0] (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 1 (ingress): phv1[31:0] = ethernet.dstAddr[39:8] (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 2 (ingress): phv2[31:0] = ethernet.srcAddr[31:0] (deparsed)
>> 3 in ingress and 0 in egress
Allocations in Group 4 8 bits
8-bit PHV 64 (ingress): phv64[7:0] = ethernet.dstAddr[47:40] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 65 (ingress): phv65[7:0] = ethernet.srcAddr[39:32] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[6:6] = --validity_check--metadata_bridge[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[5:5] = --validity_check--udp[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[4:4] = --validity_check--tcp[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[3:3] = --validity_check--ipv4[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[2:2] = --validity_check--ethernet[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[1:1] = --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 66 (ingress): phv66[0:0] = --validity_check--packet_in_hdr[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 67 (ingress): phv67[7:5] = ig_intr_md_for_tm.drop_ctl[2:0] (deparsed)
>> 4 in ingress and 0 in egress
Allocations in Group 5 8 bits
8-bit PHV 80 (egress): phv80[7:3] = eg_intr_md._pad7[4:0]
8-bit PHV 80 (egress): phv80[2:0] = eg_intr_md.egress_cos[2:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 81 (egress): phv81[5:5] = --validity_check--udp[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 81 (egress): phv81[4:4] = --validity_check--tcp[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 81 (egress): phv81[3:3] = --validity_check--ipv4[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 81 (egress): phv81[2:2] = --validity_check--ethernet[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 81 (egress): phv81[1:1] = --validity_check--packet_out_hdr[0:0] (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 81 (egress): phv81[0:0] = --validity_check--packet_in_hdr[0:0] (deparsed)
>> 0 in ingress and 2 in egress
Allocations in Group 8 16 bits
16-bit PHV 128 (ingress): phv128[15:15] = ig_intr_md.resubmit_flag[0:0]
16-bit PHV 128 (ingress): phv128[14:14] = ig_intr_md._pad1[0:0]
16-bit PHV 128 (ingress): phv128[13:12] = ig_intr_md._pad2[1:0]
16-bit PHV 128 (ingress): phv128[11:9] = ig_intr_md._pad3[2:0]
16-bit PHV 128 (ingress): phv128[8:0] = ig_intr_md.ingress_port[8:0] (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 129 (ingress): phv129[15:7] = packet_out_hdr.egress_port[8:0] (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 129 (ingress): phv129[15:7] = packet_in_hdr.ingress_port[8:0] (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 129 (ingress): phv129[6:0] = packet_out_hdr._padding[6:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 129 (ingress): phv129[6:0] = packet_in_hdr._padding[6:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 130 (ingress): phv130[8:0] = ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port[8:0] (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 131 (ingress): phv131[15:8] = ethernet.dstAddr[7:0] (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 131 (ingress): phv131[7:0] = ethernet.srcAddr[47:40] (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 132 (ingress): phv132[15:0] = ethernet.etherType[15:0] (deparsed)
>> 5 in ingress and 0 in egress
Allocations in Group 9 16 bits
16-bit PHV 144 (egress): phv144[15:9] = eg_intr_md._pad0[6:0]
16-bit PHV 144 (egress): phv144[8:0] = eg_intr_md.egress_port[8:0] (deparsed)
>> 0 in ingress and 1 in egress
Allocations in Group 14 32 bits (tagalong)
32-bit PHV 256 (ingress): phv256[31:24] = ipv4.ttl[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 256 (ingress): phv256[23:16] = ipv4.protocol[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 256 (ingress): phv256[15:0] = ipv4.hdrChecksum[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 257 (ingress): phv257[31:0] = ipv4.srcAddr[31:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 258 (ingress): phv258[31:0] = ipv4.dstAddr[31:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[31:28] = tcp.dataOffset[3:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[31:16] = udp.length_[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[27:25] = tcp.res[2:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[24:22] = tcp.ecn[2:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[21:16] = tcp.ctrl[5:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[15:0] = tcp.window[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 259 (ingress): phv259[15:0] = udp.checksum[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 260 (ingress): phv260[31:16] = tcp.checksum[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 260 (ingress): phv260[15:0] = tcp.urgentPtr[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 264 (egress): phv264[31:24] = ipv4.ttl[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 264 (egress): phv264[23:16] = ipv4.protocol[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 264 (egress): phv264[15:0] = ipv4.hdrChecksum[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 265 (egress): phv265[31:0] = ipv4.srcAddr[31:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 266 (egress): phv266[31:0] = ipv4.dstAddr[31:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 267 (egress): phv267[31:0] = tcp.ackNo[31:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 267 (egress): phv267[31:16] = udp.length_[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 267 (egress): phv267[15:0] = udp.checksum[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 268 (egress): phv268[31:28] = tcp.dataOffset[3:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 268 (egress): phv268[27:25] = tcp.res[2:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 268 (egress): phv268[24:22] = tcp.ecn[2:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 268 (egress): phv268[21:16] = tcp.ctrl[5:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 268 (egress): phv268[15:0] = tcp.window[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 269 (egress): phv269[31:16] = tcp.checksum[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 269 (egress): phv269[15:0] = tcp.urgentPtr[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 270 (egress): phv270[31:0] = ethernet.dstAddr[39:8] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
32-bit PHV 271 (egress): phv271[31:0] = ethernet.srcAddr[31:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
>> 5 in ingress and 8 in egress
Allocations in Group 16 8 bits (tagalong)
8-bit PHV 288 (ingress): phv288[7:4] = ipv4.version[3:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 288 (ingress): phv288[3:0] = ipv4.ihl[3:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 289 (ingress): phv289[7:0] = ipv4.diffserv[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 290 (ingress): phv290[7:0] = tcp.srcPort[15:8] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 290 (ingress): phv290[7:0] = udp.srcPort[15:8] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 291 (ingress): phv291[7:0] = tcp.srcPort[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 291 (ingress): phv291[7:0] = udp.srcPort[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 292 (ingress): phv292[7:0] = tcp.dstPort[15:8] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 293 (ingress): phv293[7:0] = tcp.dstPort[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 296 (egress): phv296[7:4] = ipv4.version[3:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 296 (egress): phv296[3:0] = ipv4.ihl[3:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 297 (egress): phv297[7:0] = ipv4.diffserv[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 298 (egress): phv298[7:0] = tcp.srcPort[15:8] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 298 (egress): phv298[7:0] = udp.srcPort[15:8] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 299 (egress): phv299[7:0] = tcp.srcPort[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 299 (egress): phv299[7:0] = udp.srcPort[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 300 (egress): phv300[7:0] = ethernet.dstAddr[47:40] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
8-bit PHV 301 (egress): phv301[7:0] = ethernet.srcAddr[39:32] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
>> 6 in ingress and 6 in egress
Allocations in Group 18 16 bits (tagalong)
16-bit PHV 320 (ingress): phv320[15:0] = ipv4.totalLen[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 321 (ingress): phv321[15:0] = ipv4.identification[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 322 (ingress): phv322[15:13] = ipv4.flags[2:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 322 (ingress): phv322[12:0] = ipv4.fragOffset[12:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 323 (ingress): phv323[15:0] = tcp.seqNo[31:16] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 323 (ingress): phv323[15:0] = udp.dstPort[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 324 (ingress): phv324[15:0] = tcp.seqNo[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 325 (ingress): phv325[15:0] = tcp.ackNo[31:16] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 326 (ingress): phv326[15:0] = tcp.ackNo[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 332 (egress): phv332[15:0] = ipv4.totalLen[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 333 (egress): phv333[15:0] = ipv4.identification[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 334 (egress): phv334[15:13] = ipv4.flags[2:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 334 (egress): phv334[12:0] = ipv4.fragOffset[12:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 335 (egress): phv335[15:0] = tcp.dstPort[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
>> 7 in ingress and 4 in egress
Allocations in Group 19 16 bits (tagalong)
16-bit PHV 336 (egress): phv336[15:0] = tcp.seqNo[31:16] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 336 (egress): phv336[15:0] = udp.dstPort[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 337 (egress): phv337[15:0] = tcp.seqNo[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 338 (egress): phv338[15:8] = ethernet.dstAddr[7:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 338 (egress): phv338[7:0] = ethernet.srcAddr[47:40] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 339 (egress): phv339[15:0] = ethernet.etherType[15:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 340 (egress): phv340[15:7] = packet_out_hdr.egress_port[8:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 340 (egress): phv340[15:7] = packet_in_hdr.ingress_port[8:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 340 (egress): phv340[6:0] = packet_out_hdr._padding[6:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
16-bit PHV 340 (egress): phv340[6:0] = packet_in_hdr._padding[6:0] (tagalong capable) (deparsed)
>> 0 in ingress and 5 in egress
Final POV layout (ingress):
32: --validity_check--packet_in_hdr (ingress) in container 66
33: --validity_check--packet_out_hdr (ingress) in container 66
34: --validity_check--ethernet (ingress) in container 66
35: --validity_check--ipv4 (ingress) in container 66
36: --validity_check--tcp (ingress) in container 66
37: --validity_check--udp (ingress) in container 66
38: --validity_check--metadata_bridge (ingress) in container 66
Final POV layout (egress):
0: --validity_check--packet_in_hdr (egress) in container 81
1: --validity_check--packet_out_hdr (egress) in container 81
2: --validity_check--ethernet (egress) in container 81
3: --validity_check--ipv4 (egress) in container 81
4: --validity_check--tcp (egress) in container 81
5: --validity_check--udp (egress) in container 81
Bridged metadata layout (6 bytes)