blob: 86656e9bc46d4c68113c124b0f62e71e68645000 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.CachedFileHandle;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.GeneratedFileType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaCodeSnippetGen;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.JavaIdentifierSyntax;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.utils.MethodsGenerator;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.UtilConstants;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* Maintain the information about the java file to be generated.
public class CachedJavaFileHandle implements CachedFileHandle {
private static final Logger log = getLogger(CachedJavaFileHandle.class);
private static final int MAX_CACHABLE_ATTR = 64;
private static final String JAVA_FILE_EXTENSION = ".java";
private static final String TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION = ".tmp";
* The type(s) of java source file(s) to be generated when the cached file
* handle is closed.
private GeneratedFileType genFileTypes;
* The type(s) of java method to be generated when the cached file handle is
* closed.
private GeneratedMethodTypes genMethodTypes;
* Java package in which the class/interface needs to be generated.
private String pkg;
* Name of the object in YANG file.
private String yangName;
* Sorted set of import info, to be used to maintain the set of classes to
* be imported in the generated class.
private SortedSet<ImportInfo> importSet;
* Cached list of attribute info.
private List<AttributeInfo> attributeList;
* Prevent invoking default constructor.
private CachedJavaFileHandle() {
setCachedAttributeList(new LinkedList<AttributeInfo>());
* Create a cached file handle which takes care of adding attributes to the
* generated java file.
* @param pcg package in which class/interface need to be generated.
* @param yangName name of the attribute in YANG file.
* @param types the types of files that needs to be generated.
* @throws IOException file IO exception.
public CachedJavaFileHandle(String pcg, String yangName, GeneratedFileType types) throws IOException {
if ((new File(pcg).exists())) {
} else {
FileSystemUtil.createPackage(pcg, yangName);
* Get the types of files being generated corresponding to the YANG
* definition.
* @return the types of files being generated corresponding to the YANG
* definition.
public GeneratedFileType getGeneratedFileTypes() {
return genFileTypes;
* Set the types of files being generated corresponding to the YANG
* definition.
* @param fileTypes the types of files being generated corresponding to the
* YANG definition.
public void setGeneratedFileTypes(GeneratedFileType fileTypes) {
genFileTypes = fileTypes;
* Get the corresponding name defined in YANG.
* @return the corresponding name defined in YANG.
public String getYangName() {
return yangName;
* Set the corresponding name defined in YANG.
* @param yangName the corresponding name defined in YANG.
public void setYangName(String yangName) {
this.yangName = yangName;
* Get the java package.
* @return the java package.
public String getPackage() {
return pkg;
* Set the java package.
* @param pcg the package to set
public void setPackage(String pcg) {
pkg = pcg;
* Get the set containing the imported class/interface info.
* @return the set containing the imported class/interface info.
public SortedSet<ImportInfo> getImportSet() {
return importSet;
* Assign the set containing the imported class/interface info.
* @param importSet the set containing the imported class/interface info.
private void setImportSet(SortedSet<ImportInfo> importSet) {
this.importSet = importSet;
* Add an imported class/interface info is it is not already part of the
* set. If already part of the set, return false, else add to set and return
* true.
* @param importInfo class/interface info being imported.
* @return status of new addition of class/interface to the import set
public boolean addImportInfo(ImportInfo importInfo) {
* implement the import info adding. The return value will be used to
* check if the qualified name will be used or class/interface name will
* be used in the generated class.
if (getImportSet() == null) {
setImportSet(new TreeSet<ImportInfo>());
return getImportSet().add(importInfo);
* Get the list of cached attribute list.
* @return the set containing the imported class/interface info.
public List<AttributeInfo> getCachedAttributeList() {
return attributeList;
* Set the cached attribute list.
* @param attrList attribute list.
private void setCachedAttributeList(List<AttributeInfo> attrList) {
attributeList = attrList;
* Flush the cached attribute list to the serialized file.
private void flushCacheAttrToSerFile() {
for (AttributeInfo attr : getCachedAttributeList()) {
* clear the contents from the cached attribute list.
* Add a new attribute to the file(s).
* @param attrType data type of the added attribute.
* @param name name of the attribute.
* @param isListAttr if the current added attribute needs to be maintained
* in a list.
public void addAttributeInfo(YangType<?> attrType, String name, boolean isListAttr) {
AttributeInfo newAttr = new AttributeInfo();
attrType.setDataTypeName(attrType.getDataTypeName().replace("\"", ""));
if (attrType.getDataTypeName().equals("string")) {
attrType.getDataTypeName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + attrType.getDataTypeName().substring(1));
* TODO: get the prefix and name of data type from attrType and
* initialize in importInfo.
* TODO: Handle QualifiedFlag for imports.
if (getCachedAttributeList() != null) {
if (getCachedAttributeList().size() == MAX_CACHABLE_ATTR) {
} else {
List<AttributeInfo> newAttributeInfo = new LinkedList<>();
name = JavaIdentifierSyntax.getCamelCase(name);
* Flushes the cached contents to the target file, frees used resources.
public void close() throws IOException {
String className = getYangName();
className = (className.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + className.substring(1));
String packagePath = getPackage();
String filePath = UtilConstants.YANG_GEN_DIR + packagePath.replace(".", "/");
GeneratedFileType fileType = getGeneratedFileTypes();
* Create interface file.
String interfaceFileName = className + JAVA_FILE_EXTENSION;
File interfaceFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + interfaceFileName);
* Create temp builder interface file.
String builderInterfaceFileName = interfaceFileName + TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION;
File builderInterfaceFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + builderInterfaceFileName);
* Create builder class file.
String builderFileName = className + UtilConstants.BUILDER + JAVA_FILE_EXTENSION;
File builderFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + builderFileName);
MethodsGenerator.setBuilderClassName(className + UtilConstants.BUILDER);
* Create temp impl class file.
String implFileName = className + UtilConstants.IMPL + TEMP_FILE_EXTENSION;
File implTempFile = new File(filePath + File.separator + implFileName);
if (fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE) || fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.ALL)) {
try {
appendContents(interfaceFile, className, GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create interface file.");
if (fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS) || fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.ALL)) {
try {
appendContents(builderFile, className, GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create builder class file.");
if (fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.IMPL) || fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.ALL)) {
try {
appendContents(implTempFile, className, GeneratedFileType.IMPL);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create impl class file.");
if (fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_INTERFACE) || fileType.equals(GeneratedFileType.ALL)) {
try {
appendContents(builderInterfaceFile, className, GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_INTERFACE);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create builder interface class file.");
* TODO: add the file header using
* JavaCodeSnippetGen.getFileHeaderComment
* TODO: get the import list using getImportText and add to the
* generated java file using JavaCodeSnippetGen.getImportText
List<String> attributes = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> interfaceMethods = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> builderInterfaceMethods = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> builderClassMethods = new LinkedList<>();
List<String> implClassMethods = new LinkedList<>();
//TODO: Handle imports for the attributes.
try {
attributes = SerializedDataStore.getSerializeData(SerializedDataStore.SerializedDataStoreType.ATTRIBUTE);
interfaceMethods = SerializedDataStore
builderInterfaceMethods = SerializedDataStore
builderClassMethods = SerializedDataStore
implClassMethods = SerializedDataStore
//TODO:imports = SerializedDataStore.getSerializeData(SerializedDataStore.SerializedDataStoreType.IMPORT);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {"There is no attribute info of " + className + " YANG file in the serialized files.");
if (getCachedAttributeList() != null) {
for (AttributeInfo attr : getCachedAttributeList()) {
interfaceMethods.add(MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE));
builderClassMethods.add(MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS));
.add(MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_INTERFACE));
implClassMethods.add(MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.IMPL));
builderClassMethods.add(UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + UtilConstants.JAVA_DOC_FIRST_LINE
+ MethodsGenerator.getDefaultConstructorString(GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS, className));
+ MethodsGenerator.getDefaultConstructorString(GeneratedFileType.IMPL, className));
* Add attributes to the file.
for (String attribute : attributes) {
insert(builderFile, UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + attribute);
insert(implTempFile, UtilConstants.NEW_LINE + UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + attribute);
insert(builderFile, UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
insert(implTempFile, UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Add getter methods to interface file.
for (String method : interfaceMethods) {
appendMethod(interfaceFile, method + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Add getters and setters in builder interface.
for (String method : builderInterfaceMethods) {
appendMethod(builderInterfaceFile, UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + method + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
insert(builderInterfaceFile, UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Add methods in builder class.
for (String method : builderClassMethods) {
appendMethod(builderFile, method + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Add methods in impl class.
for (String method : implClassMethods) {
appendMethod(implTempFile, UtilConstants.FOUR_SPACE_INDENTATION + method + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
insert(implTempFile, UtilConstants.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET + UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
* Append builder interface file to interface file and close it.
appendFileContents(builderInterfaceFile, interfaceFile);
insert(interfaceFile, closeFile(GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE, interfaceFileName));
* Append impl class to builder class and close it.
appendFileContents(implTempFile, builderFile);
insert(builderFile, closeFile(GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS, builderFileName));
* Remove temp files.
* Appends the temp files to main files.
* @param appendFile temp file
* @param srcFile main file
private static void appendFileContents(File appendFile, File srcFile) throws IOException {
try {
FileSystemUtil.appendFileContents(appendFile, srcFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to append " + appendFile + " in " + srcFile);
* Append methods to the generated files.
* @param file file in which method needs to be appended.
* @param method method which needs to be appended.
private static void appendMethod(File file, String method) throws IOException {
insert(file, method);
* Closes the current generated file.
* @param fileType generate file type
* @param yangName file name
* @return end of class definition string.
private static String closeFile(GeneratedFileType fileType, String yangName) {
return JavaCodeSnippetGen.getJavaClassDefClose(fileType, yangName);
* Parses attribute info and fetch specific data and creates serialized
* files of it.
* @param attr attribute info.
private void parseAttributeInfo(AttributeInfo attr) {
String attrString = "";
String methodString = "";
String getterString = "";
try {
* Serialize attributes.
attrString = getAttributeString(attr);
attrString = attrString.replace("\"", "");
SerializedDataStore.setSerializeData(attrString, SerializedDataStore.SerializedDataStoreType.ATTRIBUTE);
if (getGeneratedFileTypes().equals(GeneratedFileType.ALL)) {
methodString = MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE);
methodString = MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS);
methodString = MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_INTERFACE);
methodString = MethodsGenerator.getMethodString(attr, GeneratedFileType.IMPL);
} else if (getGeneratedFileTypes().equals(GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE)) {
getterString = MethodsGenerator.getGetterString(attr);
} catch (IOException e) {"Failed to get data for " + attr.getAttributeName() + " from serialized files.");
* Returns attribute string.
* @param attr attribute info
* @return attribute string
private String getAttributeString(AttributeInfo attr) {
return JavaCodeSnippetGen.getJavaAttributeInfo(getGeneratedFileTypes(), attr.getAttributeName(),
* Appends all the contents into a generated java file.
* @param file generated file
* @param fileName generated file name
* @param type generated file type
private void appendContents(File file, String fileName, GeneratedFileType type) throws IOException {
if (type.equals(GeneratedFileType.IMPL)) {
write(file, fileName, type, JavaDocType.IMPL_CLASS);
} else if (type.equals(GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_INTERFACE)) {
write(file, fileName, type, JavaDocType.BUILDER_INTERFACE);
} else {
// TODO: handle imports for attributes.
if (type.equals(GeneratedFileType.INTERFACE)) {
insert(file, CopyrightHeader.getCopyrightHeader());
insert(file, "package" + UtilConstants.SPACE + getPackage() + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
write(file, fileName, type, JavaDocType.INTERFACE);
} else if (type.equals(GeneratedFileType.BUILDER_CLASS)) {
insert(file, CopyrightHeader.getCopyrightHeader());
insert(file, "package" + UtilConstants.SPACE + getPackage() + UtilConstants.SEMI_COLAN
+ UtilConstants.NEW_LINE);
write(file, fileName, type, JavaDocType.BUILDER_CLASS);
* Write data to the specific generated file.
* @param file generated file
* @param fileName file name
* @param genType generated file type
* @param javaDocType java doc type
private static void write(File file, String fileName, GeneratedFileType genType, JavaDocGen.JavaDocType javaDocType)
throws IOException {
insert(file, JavaDocGen.getJavaDoc(javaDocType, fileName));
insert(file, JavaCodeSnippetGen.getJavaClassDefStart(genType, fileName));
* Insert in the generated file.
* @param file file in which need to be inserted.
* @param data data which need to be inserted.
private static void insert(File file, String data) throws IOException {
try {
FileSystemUtil.insertStringInFile(file, data);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to insert in " + file + "file");
* Removes temp files.
* @param file file to be removed.
private static void clean(File file) {
if (file.exists()) {