blob: 12b0db62896b352858bda3f84b374cf029f719a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.ui.topo;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* Unit tests for {@link NodeBadge}.
public class NodeBadgeTest {
private static final String SOME_MSG = "a msg";
private static final String WR_T = "wrong type";
private static final String WR_M = "wrong message";
private static final String WR_SF = "wrong string format";
private NodeBadge badge;
private String expStr(String t) {
return "{Badge {" + t + "} \"" + SOME_MSG + "\"}";
private String expNumStr(String n) {
return "{Badge {n} \"" + n + "\"}";
public void info() {
badge =;
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.INFO, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, SOME_MSG, badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expStr("i"), badge.toString());
public void warn() {
badge = NodeBadge.warn(SOME_MSG);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.WARN, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, SOME_MSG, badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expStr("w"), badge.toString());
public void error() {
badge = NodeBadge.error(SOME_MSG);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.ERROR, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, SOME_MSG, badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expStr("e"), badge.toString());
public void checkMark() {
badge = NodeBadge.checkMark(SOME_MSG);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.CHECK_MARK, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, SOME_MSG, badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expStr("/"), badge.toString());
public void xMark() {
badge = NodeBadge.xMark(SOME_MSG);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.X_MARK, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, SOME_MSG, badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expStr("X"), badge.toString());
public void number0() {
badge = NodeBadge.number(0);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.NUMBER, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, "0", badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expNumStr("0"), badge.toString());
public void number5() {
badge = NodeBadge.number(5);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.NUMBER, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, "5", badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expNumStr("5"), badge.toString());
public void number99() {
badge = NodeBadge.number(99);
assertEquals(WR_T, NodeBadge.Type.NUMBER, badge.type());
assertEquals(WR_M, "99", badge.message());
assertEquals(WR_SF, expNumStr("99"), badge.toString());
public void badgeTypes() {
assertEquals(WR_SF, "i", NodeBadge.Type.INFO.code());
assertEquals(WR_SF, "w", NodeBadge.Type.WARN.code());
assertEquals(WR_SF, "e", NodeBadge.Type.ERROR.code());
assertEquals(WR_SF, "/", NodeBadge.Type.CHECK_MARK.code());
assertEquals(WR_SF, "X", NodeBadge.Type.X_MARK.code());
assertEquals(WR_SF, "n", NodeBadge.Type.NUMBER.code());