blob: 689dadd8ef807ff794b2fd244a5483191cec2e47 [file] [log] [blame]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Executes validation build using onos-test.tar.gz and onos.tar.gz on a remote
# proxy. It assumes that the tar.gz files are already available.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/envDefaults
[ -f $ONOS_TEST_TAR ] || onos-package-test
onos-push-test-bits $OCN
onos-push-bits $OCN
ssh -t -t $ONOS_USER@$OCN "
# Unpack the test tools
cd /tmp; rm -fr \$(ls -Fd onos-test-*/)
tar xf \$(basename $ONOS_TEST_TAR)
# Source in the cell environment
$(onos-cell | sed 's/^/export /')
unset OCT
# Set ONOS root to the top of the unrolled test directory and
# prime the environment.
cd \$(ls -Fd onos-test-*/)
export ONOS_ROOT=\$PWD
export ONOS_STAGE_ROOT=/tmp
source \$ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile
setPrimaryInstance 1
onos-verify-cell # TODO: remove once warden does this for us
# Finally, execute required STC scenario(s) using the default topology
topo default
export stcDumpLogs=true
export stcColor=$stcColor
export TERM=vt100
stc $1
mkdir -p /tmp/stc
scp -r ${ONOS_USER}@${OCN}:/tmp/stc/* /tmp/stc/
exit $status