blob: 89c435766fae8a5217dabe52693e6d5689ca6bee [file] [log] [blame]
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.ClusterEventListener;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.ClusterService;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.ControllerNode;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.ControllerNode.State;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.DefaultControllerNode;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.NodeId;
import org.onlab.onos.mastership.MastershipEvent;
import org.onlab.onos.mastership.MastershipStoreDelegate;
import org.onlab.onos.mastership.MastershipTerm;
import org.onlab.onos.mastership.MastershipEvent.Type;
import org.onlab.packet.IpPrefix;
import com.hazelcast.config.Config;
import com.hazelcast.core.Hazelcast;
* Test of the Hazelcast-based distributed MastershipStore implementation.
public class DistributedMastershipStoreTest {
private static final DeviceId DID1 = DeviceId.deviceId("of:01");
private static final DeviceId DID2 = DeviceId.deviceId("of:02");
private static final DeviceId DID3 = DeviceId.deviceId("of:03");
private static final IpPrefix IP = IpPrefix.valueOf("");
private static final NodeId N1 = new NodeId("node1");
private static final NodeId N2 = new NodeId("node2");
private static final ControllerNode CN1 = new DefaultControllerNode(N1, IP);
private static final ControllerNode CN2 = new DefaultControllerNode(N2, IP);
private DistributedMastershipStore dms;
private TestDistributedMastershipStore testStore;
private KryoSerializer serializationMgr;
private StoreManager storeMgr;
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// TODO should find a way to clean Hazelcast instance without shutdown.
Config config = TestStoreManager.getTestConfig();
storeMgr = new TestStoreManager(Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config));
serializationMgr = new KryoSerializer();
dms = new TestDistributedMastershipStore(storeMgr, serializationMgr);
dms.clusterService = new TestClusterService();
testStore = (TestDistributedMastershipStore) dms;
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void getRole() {
assertEquals("wrong role:", NONE, dms.getRole(N1, DID1));
testStore.put(DID1, N1, true, false, true);
assertEquals("wrong role:", MASTER, dms.getRole(N1, DID1));
assertEquals("wrong role:", STANDBY, dms.getRole(N2, DID1));
public void getMaster() {
assertTrue("wrong store state:", dms.masters.isEmpty());
testStore.put(DID1, N1, true, false, false);
assertEquals("wrong master:", N1, dms.getMaster(DID1));
assertNull("wrong master:", dms.getMaster(DID2));
public void getDevices() {
assertTrue("wrong store state:", dms.masters.isEmpty());
testStore.put(DID1, N1, true, false, false);
testStore.put(DID2, N1, true, false, false);
testStore.put(DID3, N2, true, false, false);
assertEquals("wrong devices",
Sets.newHashSet(DID1, DID2), dms.getDevices(N1));
public void requestRoleAndTerm() {
//CN1 is "local"
//if already MASTER, nothing should happen
testStore.put(DID2, N1, true, false, false);
assertEquals("wrong role for MASTER:", MASTER, dms.requestRole(DID2));
//populate maps with DID1, N1 thru NONE case
assertEquals("wrong role for NONE:", MASTER, dms.requestRole(DID1));
assertTrue("wrong state for store:", !dms.terms.isEmpty());
assertEquals("wrong term",
MastershipTerm.of(N1, 0), dms.getTermFor(DID1));
//CN2 now local. DID2 has N1 as MASTER so N2 is STANDBY
assertEquals("wrong role for STANDBY:", STANDBY, dms.requestRole(DID2));
assertEquals("wrong number of entries:", 2, dms.terms.size());
//change term and requestRole() again; should persist
assertEquals("wrong role for STANDBY:", STANDBY, dms.requestRole(DID2));
assertEquals("wrong term", MastershipTerm.of(N1, 1), dms.getTermFor(DID2));
public void setMaster() {
//populate maps with DID1, N1 as MASTER thru NONE case
assertEquals("wrong role for NONE:", MASTER, dms.requestRole(DID1));
assertNull("wrong event:", dms.setMaster(N1, DID1));
//switch over to N2
assertEquals("wrong event:", Type.MASTER_CHANGED, dms.setMaster(N2, DID1).type());
assertEquals("wrong term", MastershipTerm.of(N2, 1), dms.getTermFor(DID1));
//orphan switch - should be rare case
assertEquals("wrong event:", Type.MASTER_CHANGED, dms.setMaster(N2, DID2).type());
assertEquals("wrong term", MastershipTerm.of(N2, 0), dms.getTermFor(DID2));
//disconnect and reconnect - sign of failing re-election or single-instance channel
testStore.reset(true, false, false);
dms.setMaster(N2, DID2);
assertEquals("wrong term", MastershipTerm.of(N2, 1), dms.getTermFor(DID2));
public void relinquishRole() {
//populate maps with DID1, N1 as MASTER thru NONE case
assertEquals("wrong role for NONE:", MASTER, dms.requestRole(DID1));
//no backup, no new MASTER/event
assertNull("wrong event:", dms.relinquishRole(N1, DID1));
//add backup CN2, get it elected MASTER by relinquishing
assertEquals("wrong role for NONE:", STANDBY, dms.requestRole(DID1));
assertEquals("wrong event:", Type.MASTER_CHANGED, dms.relinquishRole(N1, DID1).type());
assertEquals("wrong master", N2, dms.getMaster(DID1));
//STANDBY - nothing here, either
assertNull("wrong event:", dms.relinquishRole(N1, DID1));
assertEquals("wrong role for node:", STANDBY, dms.getRole(N1, DID1));
//all nodes "give up" on device, which goes back to NONE.
assertNull("wrong event:", dms.relinquishRole(N2, DID1));
assertEquals("wrong role for node:", NONE, dms.getRole(N2, DID1));
assertEquals("wrong role for node:", NONE, dms.getRole(N1, DID1));
assertEquals("wrong number of retired nodes", 2, dms.unusable.size());
//bring nodes back
assertEquals("wrong role for NONE:", MASTER, dms.requestRole(DID1));
assertEquals("wrong role for NONE:", STANDBY, dms.requestRole(DID1));
assertEquals("wrong number of backup nodes", 1, dms.standbys.size());
//NONE - nothing happens
assertNull("wrong event:", dms.relinquishRole(N1, DID2));
assertEquals("wrong role for node:", NONE, dms.getRole(N1, DID2));
@Ignore("Ignore until Delegate spec. is clear.")
public void testEvents() throws InterruptedException {
//shamelessly copy other distributed store tests
final CountDownLatch addLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
MastershipStoreDelegate checkAdd = new MastershipStoreDelegate() {
public void notify(MastershipEvent event) {
assertEquals("wrong event:", Type.MASTER_CHANGED, event.type());
assertEquals("wrong subject", DID1, event.subject());
assertEquals("wrong subject", N1, event.master());
dms.setMaster(N1, DID1);
//this will fail until we do something about single-instance-ness
assertTrue("Add event fired", addLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
private class TestDistributedMastershipStore extends
DistributedMastershipStore {
public TestDistributedMastershipStore(StoreService storeService,
KryoSerializer kryoSerialization) {
this.storeService = storeService;
this.serializer = kryoSerialization;
//helper to populate master/backup structures
public void put(DeviceId dev, NodeId node,
boolean master, boolean backup, boolean term) {
byte [] n = serialize(node);
byte [] d = serialize(dev);
if (master) {
dms.masters.put(d, n);
dms.unusable.put(d, n);
dms.standbys.remove(d, n);
if (backup) {
dms.standbys.put(d, n);
dms.masters.remove(d, n);
dms.unusable.remove(d, n);
if (term) {
dms.terms.put(d, 0);
//a dumb utility function.
public void dump() {
for (Map.Entry<byte [], byte []> e : standbys.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(deserialize(e.getKey()) + ":" + deserialize(e.getValue()));
for (Map.Entry<byte [], byte []> e : unusable.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(deserialize(e.getKey()) + ":" + deserialize(e.getValue()));
//clears structures
public void reset(boolean store, boolean backup, boolean term) {
if (store) {
if (backup) {
if (term) {
//increment term for a device
public void increment(DeviceId dev) {
Integer t = dms.terms.get(serialize(dev));
if (t != null) {
dms.terms.put(serialize(dev), ++t);
//sets the "local" node
public void setCurrent(ControllerNode node) {
((TestClusterService) clusterService).current = node;
private class TestClusterService implements ClusterService {
protected ControllerNode current;
public ControllerNode getLocalNode() {
return current;
public Set<ControllerNode> getNodes() {
return Sets.newHashSet(CN1, CN2);
public ControllerNode getNode(NodeId nodeId) {
return null;
public State getState(NodeId nodeId) {
return null;
public void addListener(ClusterEventListener listener) {
public void removeListener(ClusterEventListener listener) {