| """ |
| Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| """ |
| |
| load("//tools/build/bazel:generate_workspace.bzl", "maven_coordinates") |
| load( |
| "//tools/build/bazel:variables.bzl", |
| ) |
| |
| # Implementation of the rule to build an ONOS application OAR file |
| def _onos_oar_impl(ctx): |
| app_xml_file = ctx.attr.app_xml.files.to_list()[0] |
| feature_xml_file = ctx.attr.feature_xml.files.to_list()[0] |
| feature_xml_coords = ctx.attr.feature_xml_coords |
| |
| jar_file_args = [] |
| jar_files = [] |
| for bundle in ctx.attr.included_bundles: |
| jar_file = bundle.files.to_list()[0] |
| jar_files.append(jar_file) |
| jar_file_coords = maven_coordinates(bundle.label) |
| jar_file_args.append(jar_file.path) |
| jar_file_args.append(jar_file_coords) |
| |
| arguments = [ |
| ctx.outputs.app_oar.path, |
| feature_xml_file.path, |
| feature_xml_coords, |
| app_xml_file.path, |
| "NONE", |
| ] + jar_file_args |
| |
| ctx.actions.run( |
| inputs = [app_xml_file, feature_xml_file] + jar_files, |
| outputs = [ctx.outputs.app_oar], |
| arguments = arguments, |
| progress_message = "Running oar file generator: %s" % ctx.attr.name, |
| executable = ctx.executable._onos_app_bundler, |
| ) |
| |
| # Implementation of the rule to build an app.xml desriptor file for ONOS app |
| def _onos_app_xml_impl(ctx): |
| # Build-up arguments for the app.xml and feature.xml generator |
| arguments = [ |
| "-n", |
| ctx.attr.feature_coords, |
| "-a", |
| ctx.attr.app_name, |
| "-o", |
| ctx.attr.origin, |
| "-c", |
| ctx.attr.category, |
| "-u", |
| ctx.attr.url, |
| "-v", |
| ctx.attr.version, |
| "-t", |
| ctx.attr.title, |
| "-D", |
| ctx.attr.description, |
| ] |
| |
| for bundle in ctx.attr.included_bundles: |
| arguments += ["-b", maven_coordinates(bundle.label)] |
| for bundle in ctx.attr.excluded_bundles: |
| arguments += ["-e", maven_coordinates(bundle.label)] |
| for app in ctx.attr.required_apps: |
| arguments += ["-d", app] |
| |
| if ctx.attr.security != "": |
| arguments += ["-s", ctx.attr.security] |
| |
| ctx.actions.run( |
| inputs = [], |
| outputs = [ctx.outputs.app_xml], |
| arguments = arguments + ["-A", "-O", ctx.outputs.app_xml.path], |
| progress_message = "Generating app.xml descriptor for app: %s" % ctx.attr.name, |
| executable = ctx.executable._onos_app_tools, |
| ) |
| |
| # Implementation of the rule to build the feature.xml file for ONOS app |
| def _onos_feature_xml_impl(ctx): |
| # Build-up arguments |
| arguments = [ |
| "-n", |
| ctx.attr.feature_coords, |
| "-a", |
| ctx.attr.app_name, |
| "-u", |
| ctx.attr.url, |
| "-v", |
| ctx.attr.version, |
| "-t", |
| ctx.attr.title, |
| "-D", |
| ctx.attr.description, |
| ] |
| |
| for bundle in ctx.attr.included_bundles: |
| arguments += ["-b", maven_coordinates(bundle.label)] |
| for feature in ctx.attr.required_features: |
| arguments += ["-f", feature] |
| |
| ctx.actions.run( |
| inputs = [], |
| outputs = [ctx.outputs.feature_xml], |
| arguments = arguments + ["-F", "-O", ctx.outputs.feature_xml.path], |
| progress_message = "Generating feature.xml for app: %s" % ctx.attr.name, |
| executable = ctx.executable._onos_app_tools, |
| ) |
| |
| # Rule to generate the ONOS app OAR file. |
| _onos_oar = rule( |
| attrs = { |
| "deps": attr.label_list(), |
| "version": attr.string(), |
| "package_name_root": attr.string(), |
| "source": attr.label(), |
| "app_xml": attr.label(), |
| "feature_xml": attr.label(), |
| "feature_xml_coords": attr.string(), |
| "included_bundles": attr.label_list(), |
| "_onos_app_bundler": attr.label( |
| executable = True, |
| cfg = "host", |
| allow_files = True, |
| default = Label("//tools/build/bazel:onos_app_bundler"), |
| ), |
| }, |
| outputs = { |
| "app_oar": "%{name}.oar", |
| }, |
| implementation = _onos_oar_impl, |
| ) |
| |
| # Rule to generate app.xml descriptor for an ONOS application. |
| _onos_app_xml = rule( |
| attrs = { |
| "app_name": attr.string(), |
| "origin": attr.string(), |
| "version": attr.string(), |
| "title": attr.string(), |
| "category": attr.string(), |
| "url": attr.string(), |
| "feature_coords": attr.string(), |
| "description": attr.string(), |
| "apps": attr.label_list(), |
| "included_bundles": attr.label_list(), |
| "excluded_bundles": attr.label_list(), |
| "required_apps": attr.string_list(), |
| "security": attr.string(), |
| "_onos_app_tools": attr.label( |
| executable = True, |
| cfg = "host", |
| allow_files = True, |
| default = Label("//tools/build/bazel:onos_app_tools"), |
| ), |
| }, |
| outputs = { |
| "app_xml": "%{name}.xml", |
| }, |
| implementation = _onos_app_xml_impl, |
| ) |
| |
| # Rule to generate feature.xml descriptor for an ONOS application. |
| _onos_feature_xml = rule( |
| attrs = { |
| "app_name": attr.string(), |
| "version": attr.string(), |
| "title": attr.string(), |
| "category": attr.string(), |
| "url": attr.string(), |
| "feature_coords": attr.string(), |
| "description": attr.string(), |
| "included_bundles": attr.label_list(), |
| "required_features": attr.string_list(), |
| "_onos_app_tools": attr.label( |
| executable = True, |
| cfg = "host", |
| allow_files = True, |
| default = Label("//tools/build/bazel:onos_app_tools"), |
| ), |
| }, |
| outputs = { |
| "feature_xml": "%{name}.xml", |
| }, |
| implementation = _onos_feature_xml_impl, |
| ) |
| |
| def _basename(path): |
| paths = path.split("/") |
| return paths[len(paths) - 1] |
| |
| def _get_base_path(): |
| return native.package_name() |
| |
| def _get_name(): |
| base_path = _get_base_path() |
| return ONOS_ARTIFACT_BASE + base_path.replace("/", "-") |
| |
| def _get_app_name(): |
| base_path = _get_base_path() |
| return APP_PREFIX + _basename(base_path) |
| |
| def _local_label(name, suffix): |
| base_label_name = "//" + native.package_name() + ":" |
| return base_label_name + name + suffix |
| |
| # Macro to build an ONOS application OAR file. |
| def onos_app( |
| app_name = None, |
| name = None, |
| title = None, |
| version = ONOS_VERSION, |
| origin = ONOS_ORIGIN, |
| category = DEFAULT_APP_CATEGORY, |
| url = None, |
| description = None, |
| feature_coords = None, |
| required_features = ["onos-api"], |
| required_apps = [], |
| included_bundles = None, |
| excluded_bundles = [], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| security = None, |
| **kwargs): |
| if name == None: |
| name = _get_name() |
| |
| if app_name == None: |
| app_name = _get_app_name() |
| |
| maven_coords = "%s:%s:oar:%s" % (ONOS_GROUP_ID, name, ONOS_VERSION) |
| feature_xml_coords = "mvn:%s:%s:xml:features:%s" % (ONOS_GROUP_ID, name, ONOS_VERSION) |
| |
| if title == None: |
| print("Missing title for %s" % _get_name()) |
| title = _get_app_name() |
| |
| if included_bundles == None: |
| target = _local_label(name, "") |
| included_bundles = [target] |
| |
| if not feature_coords: |
| feature_coords = "mvn:%s:%s:%s" % (ONOS_GROUP_ID, name, ONOS_VERSION) |
| |
| # TODO - intra app dependecies |
| apps = [] |
| |
| # Generate the app.xml file |
| _onos_app_xml( |
| name = name + "-app-xml", |
| app_name = app_name, |
| origin = origin, |
| version = version, |
| title = title, |
| category = category, |
| url = url, |
| feature_coords = feature_coords, |
| description = description, |
| apps = apps, |
| included_bundles = included_bundles, |
| excluded_bundles = excluded_bundles, |
| required_apps = required_apps, |
| ) |
| |
| # Generate feature.xml file |
| _onos_feature_xml( |
| name = name + "-feature-xml", |
| app_name = app_name, |
| version = version, |
| title = title, |
| feature_coords = feature_coords, |
| description = description, |
| included_bundles = included_bundles, |
| required_features = required_features, |
| ) |
| |
| # Generate the OAR file based on the app.xml, features.xml, and specified |
| # bundles to be included. |
| _onos_oar( |
| name = name + "-oar", |
| included_bundles = included_bundles, |
| app_xml = Label(_local_label(name, "-app-xml")), |
| feature_xml = Label(_local_label(name, "-feature-xml")), |
| feature_xml_coords = feature_xml_coords, |
| visibility = visibility, |
| ) |