blob: 2fdac6cde2eec36bb4fc7c2737846baae786f396 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.isis.controller;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Representation of an ISIS link state database.
public interface IsisLsdb {
* Returns the ISIS LSDB.
* @return ISIS LSDB
IsisLsdb isisLsdb();
* Initializes LSDB.
void initializeDb();
* Returns the LSDB LSP key.
* @param systemId system ID
* @return LSP key
String lspKey(String systemId);
* Returns the sequence number.
* @param lspType L1 or L2 LSP
* @return sequence number
int lsSequenceNumber(IsisPduType lspType);
* Finds the LSP from LSDB.
* @param pduType L1 or L2 LSP
* @param lspId LSP ID
* @return LSP wrapper object
LspWrapper findLsp(IsisPduType pduType, String lspId);
* Installs a new self-originated LSA in LSDB.
* Return true if installing was successful else false.
* @param lsPdu PDU instance
* @param isSelfOriginated true if self originated else false
* @param isisInterface ISIS interface instance
* @return true if successfully added
boolean addLsp(IsisMessage lsPdu, boolean isSelfOriginated, IsisInterface isisInterface);
* Checks received LSP is latest, same or old.
* @param receivedLsp received LSP
* @param lspFromDb existing LSP
* @return "latest", "old" or "same"
String isNewerOrSameLsp(IsisMessage receivedLsp, IsisMessage lspFromDb);
* Returns all LSPs (L1 and L2).
* @param excludeMaxAgeLsp exclude the max age LSPs
* @return List of LSPs
List<LspWrapper> allLspHeaders(boolean excludeMaxAgeLsp);
* Deletes the given LSP.
* @param lsp LSP instance
void deleteLsp(IsisMessage lsp);
* Gets the neighbor database information.
* @return neighbor database information
Map<String, LspWrapper> getL1Db();
* Gets the neighbor database information.
* @return neighbor database information
Map<String, LspWrapper> getL2Db();
* Sets the level 1 link state sequence number.
* @param l1LspSeqNo link state sequence number
void setL1LspSeqNo(int l1LspSeqNo);
* Sets the level 2 link state sequence number.
* @param l2LspSeqNo link state sequence number
void setL2LspSeqNo(int l2LspSeqNo);
* Removes topology information when neighbor down.
* @param neighbor ISIS neighbor instance
* @param isisInterface ISIS interface instance
void removeTopology(IsisNeighbor neighbor, IsisInterface isisInterface);