Use LF as line separator

Change-Id: I2098e93a482507eebec0bca3c134d395359349d9
diff --git a/apps/vtn/src/main/java/org/onosproject/vtn/impl/ b/apps/vtn/src/main/java/org/onosproject/vtn/impl/
index 6fc63e1..d0207d5 100644
--- a/apps/vtn/src/main/java/org/onosproject/vtn/impl/
+++ b/apps/vtn/src/main/java/org/onosproject/vtn/impl/
@@ -1,641 +1,641 @@

- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory

- *

- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- * You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- * limitations under the License.

- */

-package org.onosproject.vtn.impl;


-import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor;

-import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads;

-import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.HashSet;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Set;

-import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;


-import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;

-import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;

-import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;

-import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;

-import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;

-import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;

-import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;

-import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;

-import org.onlab.util.KryoNamespace;

-import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;

-import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;







































-import org.onosproject.vtn.VTNService;

-import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.SegmentationId;

-import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.TenantNetwork;

-import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.VirtualPort;

-import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.VirtualPortId;

-import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.tenantnetwork.TenantNetworkService;

-import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.virtualport.VirtualPortService;

-import org.slf4j.Logger;





- * Provides implementation of VTNService.

- */

-@Component(immediate = true)


-public class VTNManager implements VTNService {

-    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());


-    private static final String APP_ID = "";

-    private ScheduledExecutorService backgroundService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected DeviceService deviceService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected HostService hostService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected FlowRuleService flowRuleService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected CoreService coreService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected StorageService storageService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected TenantNetworkService tenantNetworkService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected VirtualPortService virtualPortService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected DriverService driverService;

-    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)

-    protected FlowObjectiveService flowObjectiveService;

-    private EventuallyConsistentMap<HostId, SegmentationId> binding;

-    private ApplicationId appId;

-    private HostListener hostListener = new InnerHostListener();

-    private DeviceListener deviceListener = new InnerDeviceListener();

-    private static final String IFACEID = "ifaceid";

-    private static final String PORT_HEAD = "vxlan";

-    private static final String DEFAULT_BRIDGE_NAME = "br-int";

-    private static final String CONTROLLER_IP_KEY = "ipaddress";

-    private static final int DEFAULT_MAC_PRIORITY = 0x0000;

-    private static final int MAC_PRIORITY = 0xffff;

-    private static final int DEFAULT_PORT_PRIORITY = 0x0000;

-    private static final int PORT_PRIORITY = 0xffff;

-    private static final String SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID = "channelId";


-    @Activate

-    public void activate() {

-        KryoNamespace.Builder serializer = KryoNamespace.newBuilder()

-                .register(KryoNamespaces.API);

-        appId = coreService.registerApplication(APP_ID);

-        deviceService.addListener(deviceListener);

-        hostService.addListener(hostListener);

-        backgroundService = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(groupedThreads("onos-apps/vtn",

-                                                                            "manager-background"));

-        binding = storageService

-                .<HostId, SegmentationId>eventuallyConsistentMapBuilder()

-                .withName("all_tunnel").withSerializer(serializer)

-                .withTimestampProvider((k, v) -> new WallClockTimestamp())

-                .build();


-    }


-    @Deactivate

-    public void deactivate() {

-        backgroundService.shutdown();

-        binding.destroy();


-    }


-    @Override

-    public void onServerDetected(Device device) {

-        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();

-        DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;

-        BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler.behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);

-        bridgeConfig.addBridge(BridgeName.bridgeName(DEFAULT_BRIDGE_NAME));

-        String ipAddress = device.annotations().value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);

-        IpAddress ip = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress);

-        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()

-                .filter(d -> Device.Type.CONTROLLER == d.type())

-                .filter(d -> ! -> {

-                    if (!

-                            && Device.Type.CONTROLLER == d.type()) {

-                        String ipAddress1 = d.annotations()

-                                .value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);

-                        IpAddress ip1 = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress1);

-                        applyTunnelConfig(ip, ip1, handler);

-                        DriverHandler handler1 = driverService

-                                .createHandler(;

-                        applyTunnelConfig(ip1, ip, handler1);

-                    }

-                });

-    }


-    @Override

-    public void onServerVanished(Device device) {

-        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();

-        String ipAddress = device.annotations().value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);

-        IpAddress dst = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress);

-        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()

-                .filter(d -> d.type() == Device.Type.CONTROLLER)

-                .filter(d -> ! -> {

-                    String ipAddress1 = d.annotations()

-                            .value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);

-                    DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;

-                    IpAddress src = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress1);

-                    removeTunnelConfig(src, dst, handler);

-                });

-    }


-    private void applyTunnelConfig(IpAddress src, IpAddress dst,

-                                   DriverHandler handler) {

-        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsSrc = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(src);

-        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsDst = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(dst);

-        TunnelDescription tunnel = new DefaultTunnelDescription(

-                                                                tunnelAsSrc,

-                                                                tunnelAsDst,

-                                                                TunnelDescription.Type.VXLAN,

-                                                                null);

-        TunnelConfig config = handler.behaviour(TunnelConfig.class);

-        config.createTunnel(tunnel);

-    }


-    private void removeTunnelConfig(IpAddress src, IpAddress dst,

-                                    DriverHandler handler) {

-        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsSrc = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(src);

-        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsDst = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(dst);

-        TunnelDescription tunnel = new DefaultTunnelDescription(

-                                                                tunnelAsSrc,

-                                                                tunnelAsDst,

-                                                                TunnelDescription.Type.VXLAN,

-                                                                null);

-        TunnelConfig config = handler.behaviour(TunnelConfig.class);

-        config.removeTunnel(tunnel);

-    }


-    @Override

-    public void onOvsDetected(Device device) {

-        programMacDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);

-        programPortDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);

-        Set<Host> hosts = hostService.getConnectedHosts(;

-        hosts.forEach(h -> {

-            String ifaceId = h.annotations().value(IFACEID);

-            String currentControllerIp = getControllerIpOfSwitch(;

-            VirtualPortId portId = VirtualPortId.portId(ifaceId);

-            VirtualPort port = virtualPortService.getPort(portId);

-            TenantNetwork network = tenantNetworkService

-                    .getNetwork(port.networkId());

-            String vxlanName = "vxlan-" + currentControllerIp;


-            DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;

-            BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler.behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);

-            Collection<BridgeDescription> bridgeDescriptions = bridgeConfig

-                    .getBridges();

-            Iterator<BridgeDescription> it = bridgeDescriptions.iterator();

-            if (it.hasNext()) {

-                BridgeDescription sw =;

-                Set<PortNumber> ports = bridgeConfig.getPortNumbers();

-       ->

-                        .forEach(p -> {

-                    programTunnelOut(sw.deviceId(), network.segmentationId(), p,

-                                     h.mac(), appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);

-                });

-            }


-        });

-    }


-    @Override

-    public void onOvsVanished(Device device) {

-        programMacDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);

-        programPortDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);

-    }


-    @Override

-    public void onHostDetected(Host host) {

-        String ifaceId = host.annotations().value(IFACEID);

-        DeviceId deviceId = host.location().deviceId();

-        String currentControllerIp = getControllerIpOfSwitch(deviceId);

-        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();

-        VirtualPortId portId = VirtualPortId.portId(ifaceId);

-        VirtualPort port = virtualPortService.getPort(portId);

-        TenantNetwork network = tenantNetworkService

-                .getNetwork(port.networkId());

-        String tunnelName = "vxlan-" + currentControllerIp;

-        binding.put(, network.segmentationId());

-        List<Port> allPorts = deviceService.getPorts(deviceId);

-        PortNumber inPort = host.location().port();

-        Set<Port> localPorts = new HashSet<>();

-        Set<Port> tunnelPorts = new HashSet<>();

-        List<Port> outports = new ArrayList<>();

-        Sets.newHashSet(allPorts.iterator()).stream()

-        .filter(p -> !p.number().equals(PortNumber.LOCAL)).forEach(p -> {

-            if (!p.annotations().value("portName").startsWith(PORT_HEAD)) {

-                localPorts.add(p);

-            } else {

-                tunnelPorts.add(p);

-            }

-            outports.add(p);

-        });


-        programLocalBcastRules(deviceId, network.segmentationId(), inPort,

-                               outports, appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);

-        programLocalOut(deviceId, network.segmentationId(), inPort, host.mac(),

-                        appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);

-        tunnelPorts

-                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelFloodOut(deviceId,

-                                                     network.segmentationId(),

-                                                     tp.number(), localPorts,

-                                                     appId,

-                                                     Objective.Operation.ADD));

-        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()

-                .filter(d -> d.type() == Device.Type.CONTROLLER).forEach(d -> {

-                    DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;

-                    BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler

-                            .behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);

-                    Collection<BridgeDescription> bridgeDescriptions = bridgeConfig

-                            .getBridges();


-                    Iterator<BridgeDescription> it = bridgeDescriptions

-                            .iterator();

-                    if (it.hasNext()) {

-                        BridgeDescription sw =;

-                        Set<PortNumber> ports = bridgeConfig.getPortNumbers();


-                                .filter(p ->

-                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(tunnelName))

-                                .forEach(p -> {

-                            programTunnelOut(sw.deviceId(),

-                                             network.segmentationId(), p,

-                                             host.mac(), appId,

-                                             Objective.Operation.ADD);

-                        });

-                    }

-                });

-        programLocalIn(deviceId, network.segmentationId(), inPort, host.mac(),

-                       appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);

-        tunnelPorts

-                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelIn(deviceId,

-                                               network.segmentationId(),

-                                               tp.number(), inPort, host.mac(),

-                                               appId, Objective.Operation.ADD));


-    }


-    @Override

-    public void onHostVanished(Host host) {

-        SegmentationId segId = binding.remove(;

-        DeviceId deviceId = host.location().deviceId();

-        String currentControllerIp = getControllerIpOfSwitch(deviceId);

-        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();

-        List<Port> allPorts = deviceService.getPorts(deviceId);

-        PortNumber inPort = host.location().port();

-        String vxlanName = "vxlan-" + currentControllerIp;

-        Set<Port> localPorts = new HashSet<>();

-        Set<Port> tunnelPorts = new HashSet<>();

-        List<Port> outports = new ArrayList<>();

-        Sets.newHashSet(allPorts.iterator()).stream()

-        .filter(p -> !p.number().equals(PortNumber.LOCAL)).forEach(p -> {

-            if (!p.annotations().value("portName").startsWith(PORT_HEAD)) {

-                localPorts.add(p);

-            } else {

-                tunnelPorts.add(p);

-            }

-            outports.add(p);

-        });


-        programLocalBcastRules(deviceId, segId, inPort,

-                               outports, appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);

-        programLocalOut(deviceId, segId, inPort, host.mac(),

-                        appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);

-        tunnelPorts

-                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelFloodOut(deviceId,

-                                                     segId,

-                                                     tp.number(), localPorts,

-                                                     appId,

-                                                     Objective.Operation.REMOVE));

-        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()

-                .filter(d -> d.type() == Device.Type.CONTROLLER).forEach(d -> {

-                    DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;

-                    BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler

-                            .behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);

-                    Collection<BridgeDescription> bridgeDescriptions = bridgeConfig

-                            .getBridges();


-                    Iterator<BridgeDescription> it = bridgeDescriptions

-                            .iterator();

-                    if (it.hasNext()) {

-                        BridgeDescription sw =;

-                        Set<PortNumber> ports = bridgeConfig.getPortNumbers();


-                                .filter(p ->

-                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(vxlanName))

-                                .forEach(p -> {

-                            programTunnelOut(sw.deviceId(),

-                                             segId, p,

-                                             host.mac(), appId,

-                                             Objective.Operation.REMOVE);

-                        });

-                    }

-                });

-        programLocalIn(deviceId, segId, inPort, host.mac(),

-                       appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);

-        tunnelPorts

-                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelIn(deviceId,

-                                               segId,

-                                               tp.number(), inPort, host.mac(),

-                                               appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE));

-    }


-    private class InnerDeviceListener implements DeviceListener {


-        @Override

-        public void event(DeviceEvent event) {

-            Device device = event.subject();

-            if (Device.Type.CONTROLLER == device.type()

-                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED == event.type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onServerDetected(device);

-                });

-            } else if (Device.Type.CONTROLLER == device.type()

-                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED == event

-                            .type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onServerVanished(device);

-                });

-            } else if (Device.Type.SWITCH == device.type()

-                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED == event.type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onOvsDetected(device);

-                });

-            } else if (Device.Type.SWITCH == device.type()

-                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED == event

-                            .type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onOvsVanished(device);

-                });

-            } else {

-      "Do nothing for this device type");

-            }

-        }


-    }


-    private class InnerHostListener implements HostListener {


-        @Override

-        public void event(HostEvent event) {

-            Host host = event.subject();

-            if (HostEvent.Type.HOST_ADDED == event.type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onHostDetected(host);

-                });

-            } else if (HostEvent.Type.HOST_REMOVED == event.type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onHostVanished(host);

-                });

-            } else if (HostEvent.Type.HOST_UPDATED == event.type()) {

-                backgroundService.execute(() -> {

-                    onHostVanished(host);

-                    onHostDetected(host);

-                });

-            }

-        }


-    }


-    // Used to forward the flows to the local VM.

-    private void programLocalOut(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,

-                                 PortNumber outPort, MacAddress sourceMac,

-                                 ApplicationId appid,

-                                 Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()

-                .matchEthDst(sourceMac).build();

-        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder()

-                .add(Instructions

-                        .modTunnelId(Long.parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))

-                .setOutput(outPort).build();

-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)

-                .fromApp(appId).withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)

-                .withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }


-    }


-    // Used to forward the flows into the VXLAN tunnel.

-    private void programTunnelOut(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,

-                                  PortNumber tunnelOutPort, MacAddress dstMac,

-                                  ApplicationId appid,

-                                  Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()

-                .matchEthDst(dstMac).add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long

-                        .parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))

-                .build();

-        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder()


-        .setOutput(tunnelOutPort).build();

-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)

-                .fromApp(appId).withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)

-                .withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }


-    }


-    // Used to forward multicast flows to remote VMs of the same tenant via

-    // VXLAN tunnel.

-    private void programTunnelFloodOut(DeviceId dpid,

-                                       SegmentationId segmentationId,

-                                       PortNumber ofPortOut,

-                                       Iterable<Port> localports,

-                                       ApplicationId appid,

-                                       Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()

-                .matchInPort(ofPortOut)


-                .add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long.parseLong(segmentationId

-                             .toString()))).matchEthDst(MacAddress.BROADCAST)

-                .build();

-        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();

-        for (Port outport : localports) {

-            treatment.setOutput(outport.number());

-        }


-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(

-                .withSelector(selector).fromApp(appId).makePermanent()

-                .withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC).withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }

-    }


-    // Applies default flows to mac table.

-    private void programMacDefaultRules(DeviceId dpid, ApplicationId appid,

-                                        Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder().build();

-        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().drop()

-                .build();

-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)

-                .fromApp(appId).makePermanent().withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)

-                .withPriority(DEFAULT_MAC_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }

-    }


-    // Used to forward the flows to the local VMs with the same tenant.

-    private void programLocalBcastRules(DeviceId dpid,

-                                        SegmentationId segmentationId,

-                                        PortNumber inPort, List<Port> allports,

-                                        ApplicationId appid,

-                                        Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()

-                .matchInPort(inPort).matchEthDst(MacAddress.BROADCAST)

-                .add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long

-                        .parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))

-                .build();

-        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();


-        for (Port outport : allports) {

-            if (inPort != outport.number()) {

-                treatment.setOutput(outport.number());

-            }

-        }

-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(

-                .withSelector(selector).fromApp(appId).makePermanent()

-                .withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC).withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }

-    }


-    // Used to apply local entry flow.

-    private void programLocalIn(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,

-                                PortNumber inPort, MacAddress srcMac,

-                                ApplicationId appid, Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()

-                .matchInPort(inPort).matchEthSrc(srcMac).build();

-        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();

-        treatment.add(Instructions.modTunnelId(Long.parseLong(segmentationId

-                .toString())));

-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(

-                .withSelector(selector).fromApp(appId).makePermanent()

-                .withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC).withPriority(PORT_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }

-    }


-    // Used to forward the flows from the egress tunnel to the VM.

-    private void programTunnelIn(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,

-                                 PortNumber tunnelInPort, PortNumber outPort,

-                                 MacAddress sourceMac, ApplicationId appid,

-                                 Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()

-                .matchInPort(tunnelInPort).add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long

-                        .parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))

-                .build();

-        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().build();


-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)

-                .fromApp(appId).makePermanent().withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)

-                .withPriority(PORT_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }

-    }


-    // Applies the default flows to port table.

-    private void programPortDefaultRules(DeviceId dpid, ApplicationId appid,

-                                         Objective.Operation type) {

-        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder().build();

-        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().build();

-        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective

-                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)

-                .fromApp(appId).makePermanent().withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)

-                .withPriority(DEFAULT_PORT_PRIORITY);

-        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());

-        } else {

-            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());

-        }

-    }


-    // Used to get channelId from the device annotations.

-    private String getControllerIpOfSwitch(DeviceId deviceId) {

-        Device device = deviceService.getDevice(deviceId);

-        String url = device.annotations().value(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID);

-        return url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf(":"));

-    }



+ * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.vtn.impl;
+import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor;
+import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads;
+import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality;
+import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
+import org.onlab.util.KryoNamespace;
+import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
+import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
+import org.onosproject.vtn.VTNService;
+import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.SegmentationId;
+import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.TenantNetwork;
+import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.VirtualPort;
+import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.VirtualPortId;
+import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.tenantnetwork.TenantNetworkService;
+import org.onosproject.vtnrsc.virtualport.VirtualPortService;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+ * Provides implementation of VTNService.
+ */
+@Component(immediate = true)
+public class VTNManager implements VTNService {
+    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
+    private static final String APP_ID = "";
+    private ScheduledExecutorService backgroundService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected DeviceService deviceService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected HostService hostService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected FlowRuleService flowRuleService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected CoreService coreService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected StorageService storageService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected TenantNetworkService tenantNetworkService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected VirtualPortService virtualPortService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected DriverService driverService;
+    @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY)
+    protected FlowObjectiveService flowObjectiveService;
+    private EventuallyConsistentMap<HostId, SegmentationId> binding;
+    private ApplicationId appId;
+    private HostListener hostListener = new InnerHostListener();
+    private DeviceListener deviceListener = new InnerDeviceListener();
+    private static final String IFACEID = "ifaceid";
+    private static final String PORT_HEAD = "vxlan";
+    private static final String DEFAULT_BRIDGE_NAME = "br-int";
+    private static final String CONTROLLER_IP_KEY = "ipaddress";
+    private static final int DEFAULT_MAC_PRIORITY = 0x0000;
+    private static final int MAC_PRIORITY = 0xffff;
+    private static final int DEFAULT_PORT_PRIORITY = 0x0000;
+    private static final int PORT_PRIORITY = 0xffff;
+    private static final String SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID = "channelId";
+    @Activate
+    public void activate() {
+        KryoNamespace.Builder serializer = KryoNamespace.newBuilder()
+                .register(KryoNamespaces.API);
+        appId = coreService.registerApplication(APP_ID);
+        deviceService.addListener(deviceListener);
+        hostService.addListener(hostListener);
+        backgroundService = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(groupedThreads("onos-apps/vtn",
+                                                                            "manager-background"));
+        binding = storageService
+                .<HostId, SegmentationId>eventuallyConsistentMapBuilder()
+                .withName("all_tunnel").withSerializer(serializer)
+                .withTimestampProvider((k, v) -> new WallClockTimestamp())
+                .build();
+    }
+    @Deactivate
+    public void deactivate() {
+        backgroundService.shutdown();
+        binding.destroy();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onServerDetected(Device device) {
+        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();
+        DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;
+        BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler.behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);
+        bridgeConfig.addBridge(BridgeName.bridgeName(DEFAULT_BRIDGE_NAME));
+        String ipAddress = device.annotations().value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);
+        IpAddress ip = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress);
+        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()
+                .filter(d -> Device.Type.CONTROLLER == d.type())
+                .filter(d -> ! -> {
+                    if (!
+                            && Device.Type.CONTROLLER == d.type()) {
+                        String ipAddress1 = d.annotations()
+                                .value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);
+                        IpAddress ip1 = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress1);
+                        applyTunnelConfig(ip, ip1, handler);
+                        DriverHandler handler1 = driverService
+                                .createHandler(;
+                        applyTunnelConfig(ip1, ip, handler1);
+                    }
+                });
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onServerVanished(Device device) {
+        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();
+        String ipAddress = device.annotations().value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);
+        IpAddress dst = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress);
+        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()
+                .filter(d -> d.type() == Device.Type.CONTROLLER)
+                .filter(d -> ! -> {
+                    String ipAddress1 = d.annotations()
+                            .value(CONTROLLER_IP_KEY);
+                    DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;
+                    IpAddress src = IpAddress.valueOf(ipAddress1);
+                    removeTunnelConfig(src, dst, handler);
+                });
+    }
+    private void applyTunnelConfig(IpAddress src, IpAddress dst,
+                                   DriverHandler handler) {
+        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsSrc = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(src);
+        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsDst = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(dst);
+        TunnelDescription tunnel = new DefaultTunnelDescription(
+                                                                tunnelAsSrc,
+                                                                tunnelAsDst,
+                                                                TunnelDescription.Type.VXLAN,
+                                                                null);
+        TunnelConfig config = handler.behaviour(TunnelConfig.class);
+        config.createTunnel(tunnel);
+    }
+    private void removeTunnelConfig(IpAddress src, IpAddress dst,
+                                    DriverHandler handler) {
+        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsSrc = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(src);
+        TunnelEndPoint tunnelAsDst = IpTunnelEndPoint.ipTunnelPoint(dst);
+        TunnelDescription tunnel = new DefaultTunnelDescription(
+                                                                tunnelAsSrc,
+                                                                tunnelAsDst,
+                                                                TunnelDescription.Type.VXLAN,
+                                                                null);
+        TunnelConfig config = handler.behaviour(TunnelConfig.class);
+        config.removeTunnel(tunnel);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onOvsDetected(Device device) {
+        programMacDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);
+        programPortDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);
+        Set<Host> hosts = hostService.getConnectedHosts(;
+        hosts.forEach(h -> {
+            String ifaceId = h.annotations().value(IFACEID);
+            String currentControllerIp = getControllerIpOfSwitch(;
+            VirtualPortId portId = VirtualPortId.portId(ifaceId);
+            VirtualPort port = virtualPortService.getPort(portId);
+            TenantNetwork network = tenantNetworkService
+                    .getNetwork(port.networkId());
+            String vxlanName = "vxlan-" + currentControllerIp;
+            DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;
+            BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler.behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);
+            Collection<BridgeDescription> bridgeDescriptions = bridgeConfig
+                    .getBridges();
+            Iterator<BridgeDescription> it = bridgeDescriptions.iterator();
+            if (it.hasNext()) {
+                BridgeDescription sw =;
+                Set<PortNumber> ports = bridgeConfig.getPortNumbers();
+       ->
+                        .forEach(p -> {
+                    programTunnelOut(sw.deviceId(), network.segmentationId(), p,
+                                     h.mac(), appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);
+                });
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onOvsVanished(Device device) {
+        programMacDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
+        programPortDefaultRules(, appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onHostDetected(Host host) {
+        String ifaceId = host.annotations().value(IFACEID);
+        DeviceId deviceId = host.location().deviceId();
+        String currentControllerIp = getControllerIpOfSwitch(deviceId);
+        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();
+        VirtualPortId portId = VirtualPortId.portId(ifaceId);
+        VirtualPort port = virtualPortService.getPort(portId);
+        TenantNetwork network = tenantNetworkService
+                .getNetwork(port.networkId());
+        String tunnelName = "vxlan-" + currentControllerIp;
+        binding.put(, network.segmentationId());
+        List<Port> allPorts = deviceService.getPorts(deviceId);
+        PortNumber inPort = host.location().port();
+        Set<Port> localPorts = new HashSet<>();
+        Set<Port> tunnelPorts = new HashSet<>();
+        List<Port> outports = new ArrayList<>();
+        Sets.newHashSet(allPorts.iterator()).stream()
+        .filter(p -> !p.number().equals(PortNumber.LOCAL)).forEach(p -> {
+            if (!p.annotations().value("portName").startsWith(PORT_HEAD)) {
+                localPorts.add(p);
+            } else {
+                tunnelPorts.add(p);
+            }
+            outports.add(p);
+        });
+        programLocalBcastRules(deviceId, network.segmentationId(), inPort,
+                               outports, appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);
+        programLocalOut(deviceId, network.segmentationId(), inPort, host.mac(),
+                        appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);
+        tunnelPorts
+                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelFloodOut(deviceId,
+                                                     network.segmentationId(),
+                                                     tp.number(), localPorts,
+                                                     appId,
+                                                     Objective.Operation.ADD));
+        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()
+                .filter(d -> d.type() == Device.Type.CONTROLLER).forEach(d -> {
+                    DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;
+                    BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler
+                            .behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);
+                    Collection<BridgeDescription> bridgeDescriptions = bridgeConfig
+                            .getBridges();
+                    Iterator<BridgeDescription> it = bridgeDescriptions
+                            .iterator();
+                    if (it.hasNext()) {
+                        BridgeDescription sw =;
+                        Set<PortNumber> ports = bridgeConfig.getPortNumbers();
+                                .filter(p ->
+                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(tunnelName))
+                                .forEach(p -> {
+                            programTunnelOut(sw.deviceId(),
+                                             network.segmentationId(), p,
+                                             host.mac(), appId,
+                                             Objective.Operation.ADD);
+                        });
+                    }
+                });
+        programLocalIn(deviceId, network.segmentationId(), inPort, host.mac(),
+                       appId, Objective.Operation.ADD);
+        tunnelPorts
+                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelIn(deviceId,
+                                               network.segmentationId(),
+                                               tp.number(), inPort, host.mac(),
+                                               appId, Objective.Operation.ADD));
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void onHostVanished(Host host) {
+        SegmentationId segId = binding.remove(;
+        DeviceId deviceId = host.location().deviceId();
+        String currentControllerIp = getControllerIpOfSwitch(deviceId);
+        Iterable<Device> devices = deviceService.getAvailableDevices();
+        List<Port> allPorts = deviceService.getPorts(deviceId);
+        PortNumber inPort = host.location().port();
+        String vxlanName = "vxlan-" + currentControllerIp;
+        Set<Port> localPorts = new HashSet<>();
+        Set<Port> tunnelPorts = new HashSet<>();
+        List<Port> outports = new ArrayList<>();
+        Sets.newHashSet(allPorts.iterator()).stream()
+        .filter(p -> !p.number().equals(PortNumber.LOCAL)).forEach(p -> {
+            if (!p.annotations().value("portName").startsWith(PORT_HEAD)) {
+                localPorts.add(p);
+            } else {
+                tunnelPorts.add(p);
+            }
+            outports.add(p);
+        });
+        programLocalBcastRules(deviceId, segId, inPort,
+                               outports, appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
+        programLocalOut(deviceId, segId, inPort, host.mac(),
+                        appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
+        tunnelPorts
+                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelFloodOut(deviceId,
+                                                     segId,
+                                                     tp.number(), localPorts,
+                                                     appId,
+                                                     Objective.Operation.REMOVE));
+        Sets.newHashSet(devices).stream()
+                .filter(d -> d.type() == Device.Type.CONTROLLER).forEach(d -> {
+                    DriverHandler handler = driverService.createHandler(;
+                    BridgeConfig bridgeConfig = handler
+                            .behaviour(BridgeConfig.class);
+                    Collection<BridgeDescription> bridgeDescriptions = bridgeConfig
+                            .getBridges();
+                    Iterator<BridgeDescription> it = bridgeDescriptions
+                            .iterator();
+                    if (it.hasNext()) {
+                        BridgeDescription sw =;
+                        Set<PortNumber> ports = bridgeConfig.getPortNumbers();
+                                .filter(p ->
+                                        .equalsIgnoreCase(vxlanName))
+                                .forEach(p -> {
+                            programTunnelOut(sw.deviceId(),
+                                             segId, p,
+                                             host.mac(), appId,
+                                             Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
+                        });
+                    }
+                });
+        programLocalIn(deviceId, segId, inPort, host.mac(),
+                       appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE);
+        tunnelPorts
+                .forEach(tp -> programTunnelIn(deviceId,
+                                               segId,
+                                               tp.number(), inPort, host.mac(),
+                                               appId, Objective.Operation.REMOVE));
+    }
+    private class InnerDeviceListener implements DeviceListener {
+        @Override
+        public void event(DeviceEvent event) {
+            Device device = event.subject();
+            if (Device.Type.CONTROLLER == device.type()
+                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED == event.type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onServerDetected(device);
+                });
+            } else if (Device.Type.CONTROLLER == device.type()
+                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED == event
+                            .type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onServerVanished(device);
+                });
+            } else if (Device.Type.SWITCH == device.type()
+                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED == event.type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onOvsDetected(device);
+                });
+            } else if (Device.Type.SWITCH == device.type()
+                    && DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_AVAILABILITY_CHANGED == event
+                            .type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onOvsVanished(device);
+                });
+            } else {
+      "Do nothing for this device type");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private class InnerHostListener implements HostListener {
+        @Override
+        public void event(HostEvent event) {
+            Host host = event.subject();
+            if (HostEvent.Type.HOST_ADDED == event.type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onHostDetected(host);
+                });
+            } else if (HostEvent.Type.HOST_REMOVED == event.type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onHostVanished(host);
+                });
+            } else if (HostEvent.Type.HOST_UPDATED == event.type()) {
+                backgroundService.execute(() -> {
+                    onHostVanished(host);
+                    onHostDetected(host);
+                });
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to forward the flows to the local VM.
+    private void programLocalOut(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,
+                                 PortNumber outPort, MacAddress sourceMac,
+                                 ApplicationId appid,
+                                 Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                .matchEthDst(sourceMac).build();
+        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder()
+                .add(Instructions
+                        .modTunnelId(Long.parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))
+                .setOutput(outPort).build();
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)
+                .fromApp(appId).withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)
+                .withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to forward the flows into the VXLAN tunnel.
+    private void programTunnelOut(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,
+                                  PortNumber tunnelOutPort, MacAddress dstMac,
+                                  ApplicationId appid,
+                                  Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                .matchEthDst(dstMac).add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long
+                        .parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))
+                .build();
+        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder()
+        .setOutput(tunnelOutPort).build();
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)
+                .fromApp(appId).withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)
+                .withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to forward multicast flows to remote VMs of the same tenant via
+    // VXLAN tunnel.
+    private void programTunnelFloodOut(DeviceId dpid,
+                                       SegmentationId segmentationId,
+                                       PortNumber ofPortOut,
+                                       Iterable<Port> localports,
+                                       ApplicationId appid,
+                                       Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                .matchInPort(ofPortOut)
+                .add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long.parseLong(segmentationId
+                             .toString()))).matchEthDst(MacAddress.BROADCAST)
+                .build();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        for (Port outport : localports) {
+            treatment.setOutput(outport.number());
+        }
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(
+                .withSelector(selector).fromApp(appId).makePermanent()
+                .withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC).withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Applies default flows to mac table.
+    private void programMacDefaultRules(DeviceId dpid, ApplicationId appid,
+                                        Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder().build();
+        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().drop()
+                .build();
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)
+                .fromApp(appId).makePermanent().withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)
+                .withPriority(DEFAULT_MAC_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to forward the flows to the local VMs with the same tenant.
+    private void programLocalBcastRules(DeviceId dpid,
+                                        SegmentationId segmentationId,
+                                        PortNumber inPort, List<Port> allports,
+                                        ApplicationId appid,
+                                        Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                .matchInPort(inPort).matchEthDst(MacAddress.BROADCAST)
+                .add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long
+                        .parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))
+                .build();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        for (Port outport : allports) {
+            if (inPort != outport.number()) {
+                treatment.setOutput(outport.number());
+            }
+        }
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(
+                .withSelector(selector).fromApp(appId).makePermanent()
+                .withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC).withPriority(MAC_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to apply local entry flow.
+    private void programLocalIn(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,
+                                PortNumber inPort, MacAddress srcMac,
+                                ApplicationId appid, Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                .matchInPort(inPort).matchEthSrc(srcMac).build();
+        TrafficTreatment.Builder treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder();
+        treatment.add(Instructions.modTunnelId(Long.parseLong(segmentationId
+                .toString())));
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(
+                .withSelector(selector).fromApp(appId).makePermanent()
+                .withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC).withPriority(PORT_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to forward the flows from the egress tunnel to the VM.
+    private void programTunnelIn(DeviceId dpid, SegmentationId segmentationId,
+                                 PortNumber tunnelInPort, PortNumber outPort,
+                                 MacAddress sourceMac, ApplicationId appid,
+                                 Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder()
+                .matchInPort(tunnelInPort).add(Criteria.matchTunnelId(Long
+                        .parseLong(segmentationId.toString())))
+                .build();
+        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().build();
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)
+                .fromApp(appId).makePermanent().withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)
+                .withPriority(PORT_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Applies the default flows to port table.
+    private void programPortDefaultRules(DeviceId dpid, ApplicationId appid,
+                                         Objective.Operation type) {
+        TrafficSelector selector = DefaultTrafficSelector.builder().build();
+        TrafficTreatment treatment = DefaultTrafficTreatment.builder().build();
+        ForwardingObjective.Builder objective = DefaultForwardingObjective
+                .builder().withTreatment(treatment).withSelector(selector)
+                .fromApp(appId).makePermanent().withFlag(Flag.SPECIFIC)
+                .withPriority(DEFAULT_PORT_PRIORITY);
+        if (type.equals(Objective.Operation.ADD)) {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.add());
+        } else {
+            flowObjectiveService.forward(dpid, objective.remove());
+        }
+    }
+    // Used to get channelId from the device annotations.
+    private String getControllerIpOfSwitch(DeviceId deviceId) {
+        Device device = deviceService.getDevice(deviceId);
+        String url = device.annotations().value(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID);
+        return url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf(":"));
+    }