| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| from mininet.cli import CLI |
| from mininet.net import Mininet |
| from mininet.node import RemoteController, OVSKernelSwitch |
| |
| MAC = 12 |
| DPID = 16 |
| |
| class CustomCLI(CLI): |
| """Custom CLI to allow us to add our own commands.""" |
| |
| def __init__ (self, net): |
| """Init method for our custom CLI.""" |
| self.net = net |
| CLI.__init__(self, net) |
| |
| class Solar(object): |
| """ Create a tiered topology from semi-scratch in Mininet """ |
| |
| def __init__(self, cname='onos', cips=[''], islands=3, edges=2, hosts=2): |
| """Create tower topology for mininet""" |
| |
| # We are creating the controller with local-loopback on purpose to avoid |
| # having the switches connect immediately. Instead, we'll set controller |
| # explicitly for each switch after configuring it as we want. |
| self.ctrls = [ RemoteController(cname, cip, 6653) for cip in cips ] |
| self.net = Mininet(controller=RemoteController, switch = OVSKernelSwitch, |
| build=False) |
| |
| self.cips = cips |
| self.spines = [] |
| self.leaves = [] |
| self.hosts = [] |
| for ctrl in self.ctrls: |
| self.net.addController(ctrl) |
| |
| # Create the two core switches and links between them |
| c1 = self.net.addSwitch('c1',dpid='1111000000000000') |
| c2 = self.net.addSwitch('c2',dpid='2222000000000000') |
| self.spines.append(c1) |
| self.spines.append(c2) |
| |
| self.net.addLink(c1, c2) |
| self.net.addLink(c2, c1) |
| |
| for i in range(1, islands + 1): |
| sc = self.createSpineClump(i, edges, hosts) |
| self.net.addLink(c1, sc[0]) |
| self.net.addLink(c2, sc[0]) |
| self.net.addLink(c1, sc[1]) |
| self.net.addLink(c2, sc[1]) |
| |
| def createSpineClump(self, island, edges, hosts): |
| """ Creates a clump of spine and edge switches with hosts""" |
| s1 = self.net.addSwitch('s%1d1' % island,dpid='00000%1d0100000000' % island) |
| s2 = self.net.addSwitch('s%1d2' % island,dpid='00000%1d0200000000' % island) |
| self.net.addLink(s1, s2) |
| self.net.addLink(s2, s1) |
| |
| for i in range(1, edges + 1): |
| es = self.createEdgeSwitch(island, i, hosts) |
| self.net.addLink(es, s1) |
| self.net.addLink(es, s2) |
| |
| self.spines.append(s1) |
| self.spines.append(s2) |
| |
| clump = [] |
| clump.append(s1) |
| clump.append(s2) |
| return clump |
| |
| def createEdgeSwitch(self, island, index, hosts): |
| """ Creates an edge switch in an island and ads hosts to it""" |
| sw = self.net.addSwitch('e%1d%1d' % (island, index),dpid='0000000%1d0000000%1d' % (island, index)) |
| self.leaves.append(sw) |
| |
| for j in range(1, hosts + 1): |
| host = self.net.addHost('h%d%d%d' % (island, index, j),ip='10.%d.%d.%d' % (island, index, j)) |
| self.net.addLink(host, sw) |
| self.hosts.append(host) |
| return sw |
| |
| def run(self): |
| """ Runs the created network topology and launches mininet cli""" |
| self.net.build() |
| self.net.start() |
| CustomCLI(self.net) |
| self.net.stop() |
| |
| def pingAll(self): |
| """ PingAll to create flows - for unit testing """ |
| self.net.pingAll() |
| |
| def stop(self): |
| "Stops the topology. You should call this after run_silent" |
| self.net.stop() |