blob: b6c2f7cc2df52ce5243a575d01fc8f3b489985a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.exceptions.DataModelException;
* Represents resolution object which will be resolved by linker.
public class YangResolutionInfo<T> {
// Prefix associated with the linking.
private String prefix;
// Parsable node for which resolution is to be performed.
private T entityToResolve;
// Holder of the YANG construct for which resolution has to be carried out.
private YangNode holderOfEntityToResolve;
// Error Line number.
private int lineNumber;
// Error character position.
private int charPosition;
// Status of resolution.
private boolean isResolved;
* Stack for type/uses is maintained for hierarchical references, this is
* used during resolution.
private Stack<T> partialResolvedStack;
// Flag to indicate whether more references are detected.
private boolean isMoreReferenceDetected;
// Module/Sub-module prefix.
private String resolutionInfoRootNodePrefix;
* Create a resolution information object.
private YangResolutionInfo() {
* Creates a resolution information object with all the inputs.
* @param dataNode current parsable data node
* @param resolutionType type of resolution whether grouping/typedef
* @param holderNode parent YANG node
* @param prefix imported module prefix
* @param lineNumber error line number
* @param charPositionInLine error character position in line
public YangResolutionInfo(T dataNode, ResolutionType resolutionType,
YangNode holderNode, String prefix, int lineNumber,
int charPositionInLine) {
setPartialResolvedStack(new Stack<T>());
* Creates a resolution information object with all the inputs except prefix.
* @param dataNode current parsable data node
* @param resolutionType type of resolution whether grouping/typedef
* @param holderNode parent YANG node
* @param lineNumber error line number
* @param charPositionInLine error character position in line
public YangResolutionInfo(T dataNode, ResolutionType resolutionType,
YangNode holderNode, int lineNumber,
int charPositionInLine) {
* Resolve linking with all the ancestors node for a resolution info.
* @param resolutionInfoNodePrefix module/sub-module prefix
* @throws DataModelException DataModelException a violation of data model rules
public void resolveLinkingForResolutionInfo(String resolutionInfoNodePrefix) throws DataModelException {
this.resolutionInfoRootNodePrefix = resolutionInfoNodePrefix;
// Current node to resolve, it can be a YANG type or YANG uses.
T entityToResolve = getEntityToResolve();
// Check if linking is already done
if (entityToResolve instanceof Resolvable) {
Resolvable resolvable = (Resolvable) entityToResolve;
if (resolvable.getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED ||
resolvable.getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.PARTIALLY_RESOLVED) {
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
// Push the initial YANG type to the stack.
// Get holder of entity to resolve
YangNode curNode = getHolderOfEntityToResolve();
* Resolves linking with ancestors.
* @param curNode current node for which ancestors to be checked
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void resolveLinkingWithAncestors(YangNode curNode) throws DataModelException {
while (curNode != null) {
YangNode node = curNode.getChild();
if (resolveLinkingForNodesChildAndSibling(node, curNode)) {
curNode = curNode.getParent();
// If curNode is null, it indicates an error condition in YANG file.
DataModelException dataModelException = new DataModelException("YANG file error: Unable to find base " +
"typedef/grouping for given type/uses");
throw dataModelException;
* Resolves linking for a node child and siblings.
* @param node current node
* @param parentNode parent node of current node
* @return flag to indicate whether resolution is done
* @throws DataModelException
private boolean resolveLinkingForNodesChildAndSibling(YangNode node, YangNode parentNode)
throws DataModelException {
while ((node != null)) {
isMoreReferenceDetected = false;
// Check if node is of type, typedef or grouping
if (isNodeOfResolveType(node)) {
if (resolveLinkingForNode(node, parentNode)) {
return true;
if (isMoreReferenceDetected) {
* If more reference are present, tree traversal must start from
* first child again, to check the availability of
* typedef/grouping.
node = parentNode.getChild();
} else {
node = node.getNextSibling();
return false;
* Resolves linking for a node.
* @param node current node
* @param parentNode parent node of current node
* @return flag to indicate whether resolution is done
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private boolean resolveLinkingForNode(YangNode node, YangNode parentNode) throws DataModelException {
* Check if name of node name matches with the entity name under
* resolution.
if (isNodeNameSameAsResolutionInfoName(node)) {
// Adds reference of entity to the node under resolution.
// Check if referred entity has further reference to uses/type.
if (!(isMoreReferencePresent(node))) {
// Resolve all the entities in stack.
return true;
} else {
// Adds referred type/uses to the stack.
* Check whether referred type is resolved, partially resolved
* or unresolved.
if (isReferenceFullyResolved()) {
// Resolve the stack which is complete.
return true;
} else if (isReferencePartiallyResolved()) {
* Update the resolution type to partially resolved for all
* type/uses in stack
return true;
} else {
* Check if prefix is present to find that the derived
* reference is for intra file or inter file, if it's
* inter-file return and stop further processing.
if (isExternalPrefixPresent(node)) {
* Update the resolution type to partially resolved for
* all type/uses in stack
return true;
} else {
* If prefix is not present it indicates intra-file
* dependency in this case set the node back to first
* child, as referred entity may appear in any order and
* continue with the resolution.
isMoreReferenceDetected = true;
return false;
return false;
* Update resolution type to partial for all type/uses in stack.
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void updateResolutionTypeToPartial() throws DataModelException {
// For all entries in stack calls for the resolution in type/uses.
for (T entity : getPartialResolvedStack()) {
if (!(entity instanceof Resolvable)) {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
if (((Resolvable) entity).getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.UNRESOLVED) {
// Sets the resolution status in inside the type/uses.
((Resolvable) entity).setResolvableStatus(ResolvableStatus.PARTIALLY_RESOLVED);
* Adds referred type/uses to the stack and resolve the stack.
* @param node typedef/grouping node
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void resolveStackAndAddToStack(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getEntityToResolve() instanceof YangType) {
// Adds to the stack only for YANG typedef.
getPartialResolvedStack().push((T) ((YangTypeDef) node).getDataType());
// Don't add to stack in case of YANG grouping.
// Resolve the complete stack.
* Check if the referred type/uses is partially resolved.
* @return true if reference is partially resolved, otherwise false
private boolean isReferencePartiallyResolved() {
if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangType) {
* Checks if type is partially resolved.
if (((YangType) getPartialResolvedStack().peek())
.getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.PARTIALLY_RESOLVED) {
return true;
} else if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangUses) {
if (((YangUses) getPartialResolvedStack().peek())
.getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.PARTIALLY_RESOLVED) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the referred type/uses is resolved.
* @return true if reference is resolved, otherwise false
private boolean isReferenceFullyResolved() {
if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangType) {
* Checks if type is partially resolved.
if (((YangType) getPartialResolvedStack().peek()).getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED) {
return true;
} else if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangUses) {
if (((YangUses) getPartialResolvedStack().peek()).getResolvableStatus() == ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if node is of resolve type i.e. of type typedef or grouping.
* @param node typedef/grouping node
* @return true if node is of resolve type otherwise false
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private boolean isNodeOfResolveType(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangType && entityToResolve instanceof YangType) {
if (node instanceof YangTypeDef) {
return true;
} else if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangUses && entityToResolve instanceof YangUses) {
if (node instanceof YangGrouping) {
return true;
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
return false;
* Check if node name is same as name in resolution info, i.e. name of
* typedef/grouping is same as name of type/uses.
* @param node typedef/grouping node
* @return true if node name is same as name in resolution info, otherwise
* false
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private boolean isNodeNameSameAsResolutionInfoName(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangType) {
if (node.getName().equals(((YangType<?>) getPartialResolvedStack().peek()).getDataTypeName())) {
return true;
} else if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangUses) {
if (node.getName().equals(((YangUses) getPartialResolvedStack().peek()).getName())) {
return true;
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
return false;
* Adds reference of grouping/typedef in uses/type.
* @param node grouping/typedef node
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void addReferredEntityLink(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangType) {
YangDerivedInfo<?> derivedInfo = (YangDerivedInfo<?>) ((YangType<?>) getPartialResolvedStack().peek())
derivedInfo.setReferredTypeDef((YangTypeDef) node);
} else if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangUses) {
((YangUses) getPartialResolvedStack().peek()).setRefGroup((YangGrouping) node);
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
* Checks if typedef/grouping has further reference to type/typedef.
* @param node grouping/typedef node
* @return true if referred entity is resolved, otherwise false
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private boolean isMoreReferencePresent(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getEntityToResolve() instanceof YangType) {
* Checks if typedef type is built-in type
if ((((YangTypeDef) node).getDataType().getDataType() != YangDataTypes.DERIVED)) {
return false;
} else if (getEntityToResolve() instanceof YangUses) {
* Search if the grouping has any uses child, if so return false,
* else return true.
if (getUsesInGrouping(node) == null) {
return false;
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
return true;
* Return if there is any uses in grouping.
* @param node grouping/typedef node
* @return if there is any uses in grouping, otherwise return null
private YangUses getUsesInGrouping(YangNode node) {
YangNode curNode = ((YangGrouping) node).getChild();
while (curNode != null) {
if (curNode instanceof YangUses) {
curNode = curNode.getNextSibling();
return (YangUses) curNode;
* Resolve the complete stack.
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void resolveCompleteStack() throws DataModelException {
// For all entries in stack calls for the resolution in type/uses.
for (T entity : getPartialResolvedStack()) {
if (!(entity instanceof Resolvable)) {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
((Resolvable) entity).resolve();
// Sets the resolution status in inside the type/uses.
((Resolvable) entity).setResolvableStatus(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED);
* Sets the resolution status in resolution info present in resolution
* list.
* Adds to partial resolved stack.
* @param node grouping/typedef node
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private void addToPartialResolvedStack(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangType) {
// Adds to the stack only for YANG typedef.
getPartialResolvedStack().push((T) ((YangTypeDef) node).getDataType());
} else if (getPartialResolvedStack().peek() instanceof YangUses) {
getPartialResolvedStack().push((T) getUsesInGrouping(node));
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
* Check if prefix is associated with type/uses.
* @param node typedef/grouping node
* @return true if prefix is present, otherwise false
* @throws DataModelException a violation of data model rules
private boolean isExternalPrefixPresent(YangNode node) throws DataModelException {
if (getEntityToResolve() instanceof YangType) {
if (((YangTypeDef) node).getDataType().getPrefix() != null &&
(!((YangTypeDef) node).getDataType().getPrefix().equals(resolutionInfoRootNodePrefix))) {
return true;
} else if (getEntityToResolve() instanceof YangUses) {
if (getUsesInGrouping(node).getPrefix() != null) {
return true;
} else {
throw new DataModelException("Data Model Exception: Entity to resolved is other than type/uses");
return false;
* Returns prefix of imported module.
* @return prefix of imported module
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
* Sets prefix of imported module.
* @param prefix of imported module
public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
* Returns parsable entity which is to be resolved.
* @return parsable entity which is to be resolved
public T getEntityToResolve() {
return entityToResolve;
* Sets parsable entity to be resolved.
* @param entityToResolve YANG entity to be resolved
public void setEntityToResolve(T entityToResolve) {
this.entityToResolve = entityToResolve;
* Returns parent YANG node holder for the entity to be resolved.
* @return parent YANG node holder
public YangNode getHolderOfEntityToResolve() {
return holderOfEntityToResolve;
* Sets parent YANG node holder for the entity to be resolved.
* @param holderOfEntityToResolve parent YANG node holder
public void setHolderOfEntityToResolve(YangNode holderOfEntityToResolve) {
this.holderOfEntityToResolve = holderOfEntityToResolve;
* Returns error position.
* @return error position
public int getCharPosition() {
return charPosition;
* Sets error position.
* @param charPosition position of error
public void setCharPosition(int charPosition) {
this.charPosition = charPosition;
* Returns error character position in line.
* @return error character position in line
public int getLineNumber() {
return lineNumber;
* Sets error character position in line.
* @param lineNumber error character position in line
public void setLineNumber(int lineNumber) {
this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
* Returns status of resolution.
* @return resolution status
public boolean isResolved() {
return isResolved;
* Sets status of resolution.
* @param isResolved resolution status
public void setIsResolved(boolean isResolved) {
this.isResolved = isResolved;
* Returns stack of YANG type with partially resolved YANG construct hierarchy.
* @return partial resolved YANG construct stack
public Stack<T> getPartialResolvedStack() {
return partialResolvedStack;
* Sets stack of YANG type with partially resolved YANG construct hierarchy.
* @param partialResolvedStack partial resolved YANG construct stack
public void setPartialResolvedStack(Stack<T> partialResolvedStack) {
this.partialResolvedStack = partialResolvedStack;