[ONOS-7883] finish line-side and client-side connectivity service creation with same connection id

Change-Id: Ia911a3ac17e16fd2c9d544681cdd14573fd2008f
diff --git a/tools/test/scenarios/bin/execute-tapi-post-call.py b/tools/test/scenarios/bin/execute-tapi-post-call.py
index 512049e..59f535f 100755
--- a/tools/test/scenarios/bin/execute-tapi-post-call.py
+++ b/tools/test/scenarios/bin/execute-tapi-post-call.py
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-import requests
 import sys
 import tapiHelper
-from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
+import json
 if len(sys.argv) < 4:
     print "usage: execute-tapi-post-call <onos-node> <context> <empty> [uuid]."
-    print "\t- If <empty> is \"empty\", it measn that it shoudl be no devices, links or ports\n\t- Uuid is optional and defaults to empty"
+    print "\t- If <empty> is \"empty\", it measn that it shoudl be no devices, links or ports"
+    print "\t- Uuid is optional and defaults to empty"
+    print "\t- For example:\n\t\t- line-side connectivity creation: %s\n\t\t- client-side connectivity creation: %s" % \
+          ("python execute-tapi-post-call.py tapi-connectivity:create-connectivity-service line-side",
+           "python execute-tapi-post-call.py tapi-connectivity:create-connectivity-service client-side")
 node = sys.argv[1]
@@ -54,15 +56,11 @@
     if empty == "line-side":
         tapi_connection = tapiHelper.create_line_connection(context_request, connectivity_request)
     elif empty == "client-side":
-        tapi_connection = tapiHelper.create_connection(context_request, connectivity_request)
+        tapi_connection = tapiHelper.create_client_connection(context_request, connectivity_request)
         raise NotImplementedError("Not Implementation for option %s." % empty)
-    print context
-    print tapi_connection.json()
+    print "\nThe request context is:\t%s." % context
+    print "\nThe return message of the request is:\n\t\t%s " % json.dumps(tapi_connection.json())
diff --git a/tools/test/scenarios/bin/tapiHelper.py b/tools/test/scenarios/bin/tapiHelper.py
index 1f3cbe6..9fe3fcc 100755
--- a/tools/test/scenarios/bin/tapiHelper.py
+++ b/tools/test/scenarios/bin/tapiHelper.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 import requests
 import json
-import itertools
@@ -65,13 +64,14 @@
     return create_input
 # Obtains TAPI context through restconf
 def get_context(url_context):
     resp = requests.get(url_context, auth=('onos', 'rocks'))
     if resp.status_code != 200:
-       raise Exception('GET {}'.format(resp.status_code))
+        raise Exception('GET {}'.format(resp.status_code))
     return resp.json()
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@
 # Filter method used to keep only SIPs that are photonic_media
 def is_photonic_media(sip):
-    return sip["layer-protocol-name"]=="PHOTONIC_MEDIA"
+    return sip["layer-protocol-name"] == "PHOTONIC_MEDIA"
 # Filter method used to keep only SIPs that are DSR
 def is_dsr_media(sip):
-    return sip["layer-protocol-name"]=="DSR"
+    return sip["layer-protocol-name"] == "DSR"
@@ -127,21 +127,58 @@
-# Creates a connection first getting the context, parsing for SIPS and then issuing the request.
-def create_connection(url_context, url_connectivity):
-    context = get_context(url_context)
-    return request_connection(url_connectivity, context)
 # Create a client-side connection. Firstly, get the context, parsing for SIPs that connect
 # with each other in line-side; Secondly, issue the request
 def create_client_connection(url_context, url_connectivity):
     context = get_context(url_context)
-    conn_context = context["tapi-connectivity:connectivity-context"]
-    return request_connection(url_connectivity, context)
+    # select the first topo from all topologies
+    topo = context["tapi-common:context"]["tapi-topology:topology-context"]["topology"][0]
+    # select the first link from all links of topo
+    nep_pair = topo["link"][0]["node-edge-point"]
+    assert topo["uuid"] == nep_pair[0]["topology-uuid"]
+    assert topo["uuid"] == nep_pair[1]["topology-uuid"]
+    (src_onep, dst_onep) = (find_client_onep(nep_pair[0], topo["node"]),
+                            find_client_onep(nep_pair[1], topo["node"]))
+    src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid = \
+        (src_onep["mapped-service-interface-point"][0]["service-interface-point-uuid"],
+         dst_onep["mapped-service-interface-point"][0]["service-interface-point-uuid"])
+    print "\nBuild client-side connectivity:\n|Item|SRC|DST|\n|:--|:--|:--|\n|onos-cp|%s|%s|\n|connection id|%s|%s|\n|sip uuid|%s|%s|" % \
+          (src_onep["name"][2]["value"], dst_onep["name"][2]["value"],
+           src_onep["name"][1]["value"], dst_onep["name"][1]["value"],
+           src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid)
+    create_input_json = json.dumps(tapi_client_input((src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid)))
+    print "\nThe json content of creation operation for client-side connectivity service is \n\t\t%s." % \
+          create_input_json
+    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
+    resp = requests.post(url_connectivity, data=create_input_json, headers=headers, auth=('onos', 'rocks'))
+    if resp.status_code != 200:
+        raise Exception('POST {}'.format(resp.status_code))
+    return resp
+# Find node edge point of node structure in topology with client-side port, by using nep with line-side port.
+# The odtn-connection-id should be the same in both line-side nep and client-side nep
+def find_client_onep(line_nep_in_link, nodes):
+    for node in nodes:
+        if node["uuid"] == line_nep_in_link["node-uuid"]:
+            conn_id = None
+            for onep in node["owned-node-edge-point"]:
+                if onep["uuid"] == line_nep_in_link["node-edge-point-uuid"]:
+                    assert onep["name"][1]["value-name"] == "odtn-connection-id"
+                    assert onep["name"][0]["value"] == "line"
+                    conn_id = onep["name"][1]["value"]
+                    break
+            if conn_id is None:
+                raise AssertionError("Cannot find owned node edge point with node id %s and nep id %s."
+                                     % (line_nep_in_link["node-uuid"], line_nep_in_link["node-edge-point-uuid"], ))
+            for onep in node["owned-node-edge-point"]:
+                if onep["name"][1]["value"] == conn_id and onep["name"][0]["value"] == "client":
+                    return onep
+    return None
@@ -150,18 +187,25 @@
 def create_line_connection(url_context, url_connectivity):
     context = get_context(url_context)
-    print context
     # select the first topo from all topologies
-    sips = context["tapi-common:context"]["service-interface-point"]
     topo = context["tapi-common:context"]["tapi-topology:topology-context"]["topology"][0]
     # select the first link from all links of topo
     nep_pair = topo["link"][0]["node-edge-point"]
     assert topo["uuid"] == nep_pair[0]["topology-uuid"]
     assert topo["uuid"] == nep_pair[1]["topology-uuid"]
-    sip_uuids = extract_photonic_sips(nep_pair, topo, sips)
-    create_input_json = json.dumps(tapi_line_input(sip_uuids))
-    print create_input_json
+    src_onep, dst_onep = (find_line_onep(nep_pair[0], topo["node"]),
+                          find_line_onep(nep_pair[1], topo["node"]))
+    src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid = \
+        (src_onep["mapped-service-interface-point"][0]["service-interface-point-uuid"],
+         dst_onep["mapped-service-interface-point"][0]["service-interface-point-uuid"])
+    print "\nBuild line-side connectivity:\n|Item|SRC|DST|\n|:--|:--|:--|\n|onos-cp|%s|%s|\n|connection id|%s|%s|\n|sip uuid|%s|%s|" % \
+          (src_onep["name"][2]["value"], dst_onep["name"][2]["value"],
+           src_onep["name"][1]["value"], dst_onep["name"][1]["value"],
+           src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid)
+    create_input_json = json.dumps(tapi_line_input((src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid)))
+    print "\nThe json content of creation operation for line-side connectivity service is \n\t\t%s." % \
+          create_input_json
     headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
     resp = requests.post(url_connectivity, data=create_input_json, headers=headers, auth=('onos', 'rocks'))
     if resp.status_code != 200:
@@ -169,35 +213,14 @@
     return resp
-def extract_photonic_sips(neps, topo, sips):
-    # parse mapped node and edge point from nep
-    src_sip_uuid = extract_photonic_sip_uuid(neps[0], topo)
-    dst_sip_uuid = extract_photonic_sip_uuid(neps[1], topo)
-    src_sip = extract_photonic_sip(src_sip_uuid, sips)
-    dst_sip = extract_photonic_sip(dst_sip_uuid, sips)
-    print "Connection to be built between %s and %s, whose sip_uuid are %s and %s respectively." % \
-          (src_sip["name"][0]["value"], dst_sip["name"][0]["value"], src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid)
-    return src_sip_uuid, dst_sip_uuid
-def extract_photonic_sip(sip_uuid, sips):
-    for sip in sips:
-        if sip["uuid"] == sip_uuid and sip["layer-protocol-name"] == "PHOTONIC_MEDIA":
-            return sip
-    return None
-def extract_photonic_sip_uuid(nep, topo):
-    for node in topo["node"]:
-        if node["uuid"] == nep["node-uuid"]:
-            oneps = node["owned-node-edge-point"]
-            for onep in oneps:
-                if onep["uuid"] == nep["node-edge-point-uuid"]:
+def find_line_onep(line_nep_in_link, nodes):
+    for node in nodes:
+        if node["uuid"] == line_nep_in_link["node-uuid"]:
+            for onep in node["owned-node-edge-point"]:
+                if onep["uuid"] == line_nep_in_link["node-edge-point-uuid"]:
                     # check the length equals 1 to verify the 1-to-1 mapping relationship
                     assert len(onep["mapped-service-interface-point"]) == 1
-                    sip_uuid = onep["mapped-service-interface-point"][0]["service-interface-point-uuid"]
-                    return sip_uuid
+                    return onep
     return None
@@ -212,9 +235,3 @@
     if resp.status_code != 200:
             raise Exception('POST {}'.format(resp.status_code))
     return resp