blob: c7e43ff8f1ac69aefc29b271340761d96fa5466e [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.onlab.onos.cluster.NodeId;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
* Test to check behavioral correctness of the RoleInfo structure.
public class RoleInfoTest {
private static final NodeId N1 = new NodeId("n1");
private static final NodeId N2 = new NodeId("n2");
private static final NodeId N3 = new NodeId("n3");
private static final NodeId N4 = new NodeId("n4");
private static final List<NodeId> BKUP1 = Lists.newArrayList(N2, N3);
private static final List<NodeId> BKUP2 = Lists.newArrayList(N3, N4);
private static final RoleInfo RI1 = new RoleInfo(N1, BKUP1);
private static final RoleInfo RI2 = new RoleInfo(N1, BKUP2);
private static final RoleInfo RI3 = new RoleInfo(N2, BKUP1);
public void basics() {
assertEquals("wrong master", new NodeId("n1"), RI1.master());
assertEquals("wrong Backups", RI1.backups(), Lists.newArrayList(N2, N3));
assertNotEquals("equals() broken", RI1, RI2);
assertNotEquals("equals() broken", RI1, RI3);
List<NodeId> bkup3 = Lists.newArrayList(N3, new NodeId("n4"));
assertEquals("equals() broken", new RoleInfo(N1, bkup3), RI2);