blob: 792398e8d65aed51f0d5616b9a13617e56b345b5 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.List;
* Manages inventory of end-station intents; not intended for direct use.
public interface IntentStore extends Store<IntentEvent, IntentStoreDelegate> {
* Creates a new intent.
* @param intent intent
* @return appropriate event or null if no change resulted
IntentEvent createIntent(Intent intent);
* Removes the specified intent from the inventory.
* @param intentId intent identification
* @return remove event or null if intent was not found
IntentEvent removeIntent(IntentId intent);
* Returns the number of intents in the store.
long getIntentCount();
* Returns a collection of all intents in the store.
* @return iterable collection of all intents
Iterable<Intent> getIntents();
* Returns the intent with the specified identifer.
* @param intentId intent identification
* @return intent or null if not found
Intent getIntent(IntentId intentId);
IntentState getIntentState(IntentId id);
* Sets the state of the specified intent to the new state.
* @param intent intent whose state is to be changed
* @param newState new state
IntentEvent setState(Intent intent, IntentState newState);
IntentEvent addInstallableIntents(IntentId intentId, List<InstallableIntent> result);
List<InstallableIntent> getInstallableIntents(IntentId intentId);
void removeInstalledIntents(IntentId intentId);