blob: 2fa5a209faba7532707f3ec4dc877961573b50be [file] [log] [blame]
| Log file: mau.tcam.log |
| Compiler version: 5.1.0 (fca32d1) |
| Created on: Wed Sep 13 00:58:11 2017 |
calling allocate and add with TCAM Resource Request for table table0 wants 3 tcams.
Requesting to use 3 TCAMs and have 24 available.
Run Placement on Request List of size 1
Allocating: TCAM: Row 11 Col 1 in stage 0 for table table0 for entries Entry bits [43:0] and word range Words 0 to 511.
Allocating: TCAM: Row 10 Col 1 in stage 0 for table table0 for entries Entry bits [87:44] and word range Words 0 to 511.
Allocating: TCAM: Row 9 Col 1 in stage 0 for table table0 for entries Entry bits [131:88] and word range Words 0 to 511.
Allocating: Ram Data Bus TcamMatchSearch2 11 left_and_right is 44 bits in stage 0
Allocating: Ram Data Bus TcamMatchSearch2 10 left_and_right is 44 bits in stage 0
Allocating: Ram Data Bus TcamMatchSearch2 9 left_and_right is 44 bits in stage 0