blob: 836524dada077f1242a319d8d0cbc039099e4285 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.workflow.api;
import org.onosproject.event.Event;
import java.util.Set;
* An abstract class representing WorkflowContext.
public abstract class WorkflowContext extends WorkflowData {
* Constructor of workflow context.
* @param data data model tree
public WorkflowContext(DataModelTree data) {
* Returns workflow id of this workflow context.
* @return workflow id
public abstract URI workflowId();
* Returns workplace name.
* @return workplace name
public abstract String workplaceName();
* Returns the current state of workflow context.
* @return current state of workflow context
public abstract WorkflowState state();
* Sets the current state of workflow context.
* @param state current state of workflow context
public abstract void setState(WorkflowState state);
* Sets the current program counter of workflow context.
* @param pc current program counter
public abstract void setCurrent(ProgramCounter pc);
* Returns the current program counter of workflow.
* @return the current program counter of workflow
public abstract ProgramCounter current();
* Returns the cause string of exception state.
* @return cause string
public abstract String cause();
* Sets the cause string of exception state.
* @param cause cause string
public abstract void setCause(String cause);
* Indicates the worklet process become completed.
* By calling this, workflow triggers the next worklet selection
public abstract void completed();
* Waits an event which have 'eventHint' after executing executor.
* If the event happens, Worklet.isCompleted will be called.
* If the event does not happen for timeoutMs, Worklet.timeout will be called.
* @param eventType the class of event to wait
* @param eventHint the event of the event to wait
* @param eventGenerator a method reference to be executed after executing executor
* @param timeoutMs timeout millisecond
public abstract void waitCompletion(Class<? extends Event> eventType, String eventHint,
WorkExecutor eventGenerator, long timeoutMs);
* Waits an event which has any one of eventHint from Set 'eventHintSet' after executing executor.
* If the event happens, Worklet.isCompleted will be called.
* If the event does not happen for timeoutMs, Worklet.timeout will be called.
* @param eventType the class of event to wait
* @param eventHintSet the Set of eventHints of the event to wait
* @param eventGenerator a method reference to be executed after executing executor
* @param timeoutMs timeout millisecond
public abstract void waitAnyCompletion(Class<? extends Event> eventType, Set<String> eventHintSet,
WorkExecutor eventGenerator, long timeoutMs);
* Waits timeout milliseconds. After timeoutMs Worklet.timeout will be called.
* @param timeoutMs timeout millisecond
public abstract void waitFor(long timeoutMs);
* Returns the class of a completion event to wait.
* @return the class of a completion event
public abstract Class<? extends Event> completionEventType();
* Returns the set of event hint string to wait.
* @return the event hint string set
public abstract Set<String> completionEventHints();
* Returns method reference for generating completion event.
* @return a method reference
public abstract WorkExecutor completionEventGenerator();
* Returns completion event timeout.
* @return completion event timeout
public abstract long completionEventTimeout();
* Sets workflow service.
* @param workflowExecutionService workflow service
public abstract void setWorkflowExecutionService(WorkflowExecutionService workflowExecutionService);
* Gets workflow service.
* @return workflow service
public abstract WorkflowExecutionService workflowService();
* Sets workflow store.
* @param workflowStore workflow store.
public abstract void setWorkflowStore(WorkflowStore workflowStore);
* Gets worklow store.
* @return workflow store
public abstract WorkflowStore workflowStore();
* Sets workplace store.
* @param workplaceStore work place store.
public abstract void setWorkplaceStore(WorkplaceStore workplaceStore);
* Gets workplace store.
* @return workplace store
public abstract WorkplaceStore workplaceStore();
* Get service.
* @param serviceClass service class
* @param <T> service class type
* @return service reference
* @throws WorkflowException workflow exception
public abstract <T> T getService(Class<T> serviceClass) throws WorkflowException;