blob: d1336563e988d2c2ea7fd7b7e894b252ba4373ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Representation of metric of internal reachability.
public class MetricOfInternalReachability {
private Ip4Address ipAddress;
private Ip4Address subnetAddres;
private byte defaultMetric;
private byte delayMetric;
private byte expenseMetric;
private byte errorMetric;
private boolean delayMetricSupported;
private boolean expenseMetricSupported;
private boolean errorMetricSupported;
private boolean defaultIsInternal;
private boolean defaultDistributionDown;
private boolean delayIsInternal;
private boolean expenseIsInternal;
private boolean errorIsInternal;
* Returns the IP address of metric of internal reachability.
* @return ipAddress IP address of metric of internal reachability
public Ip4Address getIpAddress() {
return ipAddress;
* Sets the IP address for metric of internal reachability.
* @param ipAddress ip address
public void setIpAddress(Ip4Address ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
* Returns the subnet address of metric of internal reachability.
* @return subnetAddres subnet address of metric of internal reachability
public Ip4Address getSubnetAddres() {
return subnetAddres;
* Sets the subnet address for metric of internal reachability.
* @param subnetAddres subnet address
public void setSubnetAddres(Ip4Address subnetAddres) {
this.subnetAddres = subnetAddres;
* Returns error metric is internal or not.
* @return true if internal else false
public boolean isErrorIsInternal() {
return errorIsInternal;
* Sets error metric is internal or not.
* @param errorIsInternal true if internal else false
public void setErrorIsInternal(boolean errorIsInternal) {
this.errorIsInternal = errorIsInternal;
* Returns expense metric is internal or not.
* @return true if internal else false
public boolean isExpenseIsInternal() {
return expenseIsInternal;
* Sets expense metric is internal or not.
* @param expenseIsInternal true if internal else false
public void setExpenseIsInternal(boolean expenseIsInternal) {
this.expenseIsInternal = expenseIsInternal;
* Returns delays metric is internal or not.
* @return true if internal else false
public boolean isDelayIsInternal() {
return delayIsInternal;
* Sets delay metric is internal or not.
* @param delayIsInternal true if internal else false
public void setDelayIsInternal(boolean delayIsInternal) {
this.delayIsInternal = delayIsInternal;
* Returns is default distribution is up or down.
* @return true if down else false
public boolean isDefaultDistributionDown() {
return defaultDistributionDown;
* Sets default distribution is up or down.
* @param defaultDistributionDown true if down else false
public void setDefaultDistributionDown(boolean defaultDistributionDown) {
this.defaultDistributionDown = defaultDistributionDown;
* Returns is default metric is internal or not.
* @return true if internal else false
public boolean isDefaultIsInternal() {
return defaultIsInternal;
* Sets default metric is internal or not.
* @param defaultIsInternal true is internal else false
public void setDefaultIsInternal(boolean defaultIsInternal) {
this.defaultIsInternal = defaultIsInternal;
* Returns error metric is supported or not.
* @return true if supported else false
public boolean isErrorMetricSupported() {
return errorMetricSupported;
* Sets error metric is supported or not.
* @param errorMetricSupported true if supported else false
public void setErrorMetricSupported(boolean errorMetricSupported) {
this.errorMetricSupported = errorMetricSupported;
* Returns expense metric is supported or not.
* @return true if supported else false
public boolean isExpenseMetricSupported() {
return expenseMetricSupported;
* Sets expense metric is supported or not.
* @param expenseMetricSupported true if supported else false
public void setExpenseMetricSupported(boolean expenseMetricSupported) {
this.expenseMetricSupported = expenseMetricSupported;
* Returns delay metric is supported or not.
* @return true if supported else false
public boolean isDelayMetricSupported() {
return delayMetricSupported;
* Sets delay metric is supported or not.
* @param delayMetricSupported true if supported else false
public void setDelayMetricSupported(boolean delayMetricSupported) {
this.delayMetricSupported = delayMetricSupported;
* Returns error metric of metric of internal reachability.
* @return errorMetric error metic
public byte errorMetric() {
return errorMetric;
* Sets error metric for metric of internal reachability.
* @param errorMetric error metric
public void setErrorMetric(byte errorMetric) {
this.errorMetric = errorMetric;
* Returns expense metric of metric of internal reachability.
* @return expense metric
public byte expenseMetric() {
return expenseMetric;
* Sets expense metric for metric of internal reachability.
* @param expenseMetric expense metric
public void setExpenseMetric(byte expenseMetric) {
this.expenseMetric = expenseMetric;
* Returns delay metric of metric of internal reachability.
* @return delay metric
public byte delayMetric() {
return delayMetric;
* Sets delay metric for metric of internal reachability.
* @param delayMetric delay metric
public void setDelayMetric(byte delayMetric) {
this.delayMetric = delayMetric;
* Returns default metric of metric of internal reachability.
* @return default metric
public byte defaultMetric() {
return defaultMetric;
* Sets default metric for metric of internal reachability.
* @param defaultMetric default metric
public void setDefaultMetric(byte defaultMetric) {
this.defaultMetric = defaultMetric;
* Sets the metric of internal reachability
* values for metric of internal reachability from byte buffer.
* @param channelBuffer channel Buffer instance
public void readFrom(ChannelBuffer channelBuffer) {
byte metric = channelBuffer.readByte();
String metricInBinary = Integer.toBinaryString(Byte.toUnsignedInt(metric));
metricInBinary = IsisUtil.toEightBitBinary(metricInBinary);
if (metricInBinary.charAt(1) == 0) {
} else {
if (metricInBinary.charAt(0) == 0) {
} else {
byte delayMetric = channelBuffer.readByte();
metricInBinary = Integer.toBinaryString(Byte.toUnsignedInt(delayMetric));
metricInBinary = IsisUtil.toEightBitBinary(metricInBinary);
this.setDelayMetric(Byte.parseByte(metricInBinary.substring(5, metricInBinary.length()), 2));
if (metricInBinary.charAt(1) == 0) {
} else {
if (metricInBinary.charAt(0) == 0) {
} else {
byte expenseMetric = channelBuffer.readByte();
metricInBinary = Integer.toBinaryString(Byte.toUnsignedInt(expenseMetric));
metricInBinary = IsisUtil.toEightBitBinary(metricInBinary);
this.setExpenseMetric(Byte.parseByte(metricInBinary.substring(5, metricInBinary.length()), 2));
if (metricInBinary.charAt(1) == 0) {
} else {
if (metricInBinary.charAt(0) == 0) {
} else {
byte errorMetric = channelBuffer.readByte();
metricInBinary = Integer.toBinaryString(Byte.toUnsignedInt(errorMetric));
metricInBinary = IsisUtil.toEightBitBinary(metricInBinary);
this.setErrorMetric(Byte.parseByte(metricInBinary.substring(5, metricInBinary.length()), 2));
if (metricInBinary.charAt(1) == 0) {
} else {
if (metricInBinary.charAt(0) == 0) {
} else {
List<Byte> byteList = new ArrayList<>();
while (channelBuffer.readableBytes() > 0) {
byte[] tempByteArray = new byte[IsisUtil.FOUR_BYTES];
channelBuffer.readBytes(tempByteArray, 0, IsisUtil.FOUR_BYTES);
tempByteArray = new byte[IsisUtil.FOUR_BYTES];
channelBuffer.readBytes(tempByteArray, 0, IsisUtil.FOUR_BYTES);
* Returns metric of internal reachability values as bytes of metric of internal reachability.
* @return byteArray metric of internal reachability values as bytes of metric of internal reachability
public byte[] asBytes() {
List<Byte> bytes = new ArrayList<>();
int temp = this.delayMetric();
String hsbBits = "";
if (this.isDelayMetricSupported()) {
hsbBits = "0" + hsbBits;
} else {
hsbBits = "1" + hsbBits;
if (this.isDelayIsInternal()) {
hsbBits = hsbBits + "0";
} else {
hsbBits = hsbBits + "1";
hsbBits = hsbBits + "00";
String binary = hsbBits + IsisUtil.toFourBitBinary(Integer.toBinaryString(temp));
bytes.add((byte) Integer.parseInt(binary, 2));
temp = this.expenseMetric();
hsbBits = "";
if (this.isExpenseMetricSupported()) {
hsbBits = "0" + hsbBits;
} else {
hsbBits = "1" + hsbBits;
if (this.isExpenseIsInternal()) {
hsbBits = hsbBits + "0";
} else {
hsbBits = hsbBits + "1";
hsbBits = hsbBits + "00";
binary = hsbBits + IsisUtil.toFourBitBinary(Integer.toBinaryString(temp));
bytes.add((byte) Integer.parseInt(binary, 2));
temp = this.errorMetric();
hsbBits = "";
if (this.isErrorMetricSupported()) {
hsbBits = "0" + hsbBits;
} else {
hsbBits = "1" + hsbBits;
if (this.isExpenseIsInternal()) {
hsbBits = hsbBits + "0";
} else {
hsbBits = hsbBits + "1";
hsbBits = hsbBits + "00";
binary = hsbBits + IsisUtil.toFourBitBinary(Integer.toBinaryString(temp));
bytes.add((byte) Integer.parseInt(binary, 2));
return Bytes.toArray(bytes);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("ipAddress", ipAddress)
.add("subnetAddres", subnetAddres)
.add("defaultMetric", defaultMetric)
.add("delayMetric", delayMetric)
.add("expenseMetric", expenseMetric)
.add("errorMetric", errorMetric)
.add("delayMetricSupported", delayMetricSupported)
.add("expenseMetricSupported", expenseMetricSupported)
.add("errorMetricSupported", errorMetricSupported)
.add("defaultIsInternal", defaultIsInternal)
.add("defaultDistributionDown", defaultDistributionDown)
.add("delayIsInternal", delayIsInternal)
.add("expenseIsInternal", expenseIsInternal)
.add("errorIsInternal", errorIsInternal)