blob: 21e85c8d39430aba40e17297b4f46fab6278ebb9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import org.onlab.osgi.ServiceDirectory;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import org.onosproject.cluster.ClusterService;
import org.onosproject.cluster.NodeId;
import org.onosproject.mastership.MastershipService;
import org.onosproject.ui.JsonUtils;
import org.onosproject.ui.UiExtensionService;
import org.onosproject.ui.UiPreferencesService;
import org.onosproject.ui.UiTopoMap;
import org.onosproject.ui.UiTopoMapFactory;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiClusterMember;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiDevice;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiElement;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiHost;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiLink;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiLinkId;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiModelEvent;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiNode;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiRegion;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiSynthLink;
import org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiTopoLayout;
import org.onosproject.ui.topo.LayoutLocation;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.onosproject.ui.model.topo.UiNode.LAYER_DEFAULT;
import static org.onosproject.ui.topo.LayoutLocation.fromCompactListString;
* Facility for creating JSON messages to send to the topology view in the
* Web client.
public class Topo2Jsonifier {
private static final String E_DEF_NOT_LAST =
"UiNode.LAYER_DEFAULT not last in layer list";
private static final String E_UNKNOWN_UI_NODE =
"Unknown subclass of UiNode: ";
private static final String CONTEXT_KEY_DELIM = "_";
private static final String NO_CONTEXT = "";
private static final String ZOOM_KEY = "layoutZoom";
private static final String REGION = "region";
private static final String DEVICE = "device";
private static final String HOST = "host";
private static final String TYPE = "type";
private static final String SUBJECT = "subject";
private static final String DATA = "data";
private static final String MEMO = "memo";
private static final String GEO = "geo";
private static final String GRID = "grid";
private static final String PEER_LOCATIONS = "peerLocations";
private static final String LOCATION = "location";
private static final String LOC_TYPE = "locType";
private static final String LAT_OR_Y = "latOrY";
private static final String LONG_OR_X = "longOrX";
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// preferences are stored per user name...
private final String userName;
private ServiceDirectory directory;
private ClusterService clusterService;
private DeviceService deviceService;
private LinkService linkService;
private HostService hostService;
private MastershipService mastershipService;
private IntentService intentService;
private FlowRuleService flowService;
private StatisticService flowStatsService;
private PortStatisticsService portStatsService;
private TopologyService topologyService;
private TunnelService tunnelService;
private UiExtensionService uiextService;
private UiPreferencesService prefService;
// NOTE: we'll stick this here for now, but maybe there is a better home?
// (this is not distributed across the cluster)
private static Map<String, ObjectNode> metaUi = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Creates an instance with a reference to the services directory, so that
* additional information about network elements may be looked up on
* on the fly.
* @param directory service directory
* @param userName logged in user name
public Topo2Jsonifier(ServiceDirectory directory, String userName) { = checkNotNull(directory, "Directory cannot be null");
this.userName = checkNotNull(userName, "User name cannot be null");
clusterService = directory.get(ClusterService.class);
deviceService = directory.get(DeviceService.class);
linkService = directory.get(LinkService.class);
hostService = directory.get(HostService.class);
mastershipService = directory.get(MastershipService.class);
intentService = directory.get(IntentService.class);
flowService = directory.get(FlowRuleService.class);
flowStatsService = directory.get(StatisticService.class);
portStatsService = directory.get(PortStatisticsService.class);
topologyService = directory.get(TopologyService.class);
tunnelService = directory.get(TunnelService.class);
uiextService = directory.get(UiExtensionService.class);
prefService = directory.get(UiPreferencesService.class);
// for unit testing
Topo2Jsonifier() {
userName = "(unit-test)";
private ObjectNode objectNode() {
return mapper.createObjectNode();
private ArrayNode arrayNode() {
return mapper.createArrayNode();
private String nullIsEmpty(Object o) {
return o == null ? "" : o.toString();
* Returns a JSON representation of the cluster members (ONOS instances).
* @param instances the instance model objects
* @return a JSON representation of the data
ObjectNode instances(List<UiClusterMember> instances) {
NodeId local = clusterService.getLocalNode().id();
ObjectNode payload = objectNode();
ArrayNode members = arrayNode();
payload.set("members", members);
for (UiClusterMember member : instances) {
return payload;
private ObjectNode json(UiClusterMember member, boolean isUiAttached) {
int switchCount = mastershipService.getDevicesOf(;
return objectNode()
.put("ip", member.ip().toString())
.put("online", member.isOnline())
.put("ready", member.isReady())
.put("uiAttached", isUiAttached)
.put("switches", switchCount);
* Returns a JSON representation of the layout to use for displaying in
* the topology view. The identifiers and names of regions from the
* current to the root is included, so that the bread-crumb widget can
* be rendered.
* @param layout the layout to transform
* @param crumbs list of layouts in bread-crumb order
* @return a JSON representation of the data
ObjectNode layout(UiTopoLayout layout, List<UiTopoLayout> crumbs) {
ObjectNode result = objectNode()
.put("parent", nullIsEmpty(layout.parent()))
.put("region", nullIsEmpty(layout.regionId()))
.put("regionName", UiRegion.safeName(layout.region()));
addCrumbs(result, crumbs);
addBgRef(result, layout);
return result;
private void addBgRef(ObjectNode result, UiTopoLayout layout) {
String mapId = layout.geomap();
String sprId = layout.sprites();
if (mapId != null) {
result.put("bgType", GEO).put("bgId", mapId);
addMapParameters(result, mapId);
} else if (sprId != null) {
result.put("bgType", GRID).put("bgId", sprId);
attachZoomData(result, layout);
private void attachZoomData(ObjectNode result, UiTopoLayout layout) {
ObjectNode zoomData = objectNode();
// first, set configured scale and offset
addCfgZoomData(zoomData, layout);
// next, retrieve user-set zoom data, if we have it
String rid = layout.regionId().toString();
ObjectNode userZoom = metaUi.get(contextKey(rid, ZOOM_KEY));
if (userZoom != null) {
zoomData.set("usr", userZoom);
result.set("bgZoom", zoomData);
private void addCfgZoomData(ObjectNode data, UiTopoLayout layout) {
ObjectNode zoom = objectNode();
zoom.put("scale", layout.scale());
zoom.put("offsetX", layout.offsetX());
zoom.put("offsetY", layout.offsetY());
data.set("cfg", zoom);
private void addMapParameters(ObjectNode result, String mapId) {
// TODO: This ought to be written more efficiently.
// ALSO: Should retrieving a UiTopoMap by ID be something that
// the UiExtensionService provides, along with other
// useful lookups?
// Or should it remain very basic / general?
// return uiextService.getTopoMap(String mapId);
final UiTopoMap[] map = {null};
uiextService.getExtensions().forEach(ext -> {
UiTopoMapFactory factory = ext.topoMapFactory();
// TODO: use .stream().filter(...) here
if (map[0] == null && factory != null) {
List<UiTopoMap> topoMaps = factory.geoMaps();
topoMaps.forEach(m -> {
if (map[0] == null && {
map[0] = m;
UiTopoMap m = map[0];
if (m != null) {
result.put("bgDesc", m.description())
.put("bgFilePath", m.filePath())
.put("bgDefaultScale", m.scale());
} else {
result.put("bgWarn", "no map registered with id: " + mapId);
private void addCrumbs(ObjectNode result, List<UiTopoLayout> crumbs) {
ArrayNode trail = arrayNode();
crumbs.forEach(c -> {
ObjectNode n = objectNode()
.put("id", c.regionId().toString())
.put("name", UiRegion.safeName(c.region()));
result.set("crumbs", trail);
* Returns a JSON representation of the region to display in the topology
* view.
* @param region the region to transform to JSON
* @param subRegions the subregions within this region
* @param links the links within this region
* @return a JSON representation of the data
ObjectNode region(UiRegion region, Set<UiRegion> subRegions,
List<UiSynthLink> links) {
ObjectNode payload = objectNode();
if (region == null) {
payload.put("note", "no-region");
return payload;
String ridStr = region.idAsString();
payload.put("id", ridStr);
payload.set("subregions", jsonSubRegions(ridStr, subRegions));
payload.set("links", jsonLinks(links));
List<String> layerTags = region.layerOrder();
List<Set<UiNode>> splitDevices = splitByLayer(layerTags, region.devices());
List<Set<UiNode>> splitHosts = splitByLayer(layerTags, region.hosts());
payload.set("devices", jsonGrouped(ridStr, splitDevices));
payload.set("hosts", jsonGrouped(ridStr, splitHosts));
payload.set("layerOrder", jsonStrings(layerTags));
if (!region.isRoot()) {
addPeerLocations(payload, region.backingRegion());
return payload;
private ArrayNode jsonSubRegions(String ridStr, Set<UiRegion> subregions) {
ArrayNode kids = arrayNode();
subregions.forEach(s -> kids.add(jsonClosedRegion(ridStr, s)));
return kids;
protected JsonNode jsonLinks(List<UiSynthLink> links) {
return collateSynthLinks(links);
private ArrayNode jsonStrings(List<String> strings) {
ArrayNode array = arrayNode();
return array;
private ArrayNode jsonGrouped(String ridStr, List<Set<UiNode>> groupedNodes) {
ArrayNode result = arrayNode();
groupedNodes.forEach(g -> {
ArrayNode subset = arrayNode();
g.forEach(n -> subset.add(json(ridStr, n)));
return result;
* Creates a JSON representation of a UI element.
* @param element the source element
* @return a JSON representation of that element
public ObjectNode jsonUiElement(UiElement element) {
if (element instanceof UiNode) {
return json(NO_CONTEXT, (UiNode) element);
if (element instanceof UiLink) {
return json((UiLink) element);
// TODO: UiClusterMember
// Unrecognized UiElement class
return objectNode()
.put("warning", "unknown UiElement... cannot encode")
.put("javaclass", element.getClass().toString());
* Creates a JSON representation of a UI model event.
* @param modelEvent the source model event
* @return a JSON representation of that event
public ObjectNode jsonEvent(UiModelEvent modelEvent) {
ObjectNode payload = objectNode();
payload.put(TYPE, enumToString(modelEvent.type()));
payload.put(SUBJECT, modelEvent.subject().idAsString());
payload.put(MEMO, modelEvent.memo());
return payload;
// TODO: Investigate why we can't do this inline
private String enumToString(Enum<?> e) {
return e.toString();
// Returns the name of the master node for the specified device id.
private String master(DeviceId deviceId) {
NodeId master = mastershipService.getMasterFor(deviceId);
return master != null ? master.toString() : "";
private ObjectNode json(String ridStr, UiNode node) {
if (node instanceof UiRegion) {
return jsonClosedRegion(ridStr, (UiRegion) node);
if (node instanceof UiDevice) {
return json(ridStr, (UiDevice) node);
if (node instanceof UiHost) {
return json(ridStr, (UiHost) node);
throw new IllegalStateException(E_UNKNOWN_UI_NODE + node.getClass());
private ObjectNode json(String ridStr, UiDevice device) {
ObjectNode node = objectNode()
.put("id", device.idAsString())
.put("nodeType", DEVICE)
.put("type", device.type())
.put("online", deviceService.isAvailable(
.put("master", master(
.put("layer", device.layer());
Device d = device.backingDevice();
addProps(node, d);
addGeoGridLocation(node, d);
addMetaUi(node, ridStr, device.idAsString());
return node;
private void addProps(ObjectNode node, Annotated a) {
Annotations annot = a.annotations();
ObjectNode props = objectNode();
if (annot != null) {
annot.keys().forEach(k -> props.put(k, annot.value(k)));
node.set("props", props);
private void addMetaUi(ObjectNode node, String ridStr, String metaInstanceId) {
String key = contextKey(ridStr, metaInstanceId);
ObjectNode meta = metaUi.get(key);
if (meta != null) {
node.set("metaUi", meta);
private void addGeoGridLocation(ObjectNode node, Annotated a) {
List<String> latLongData = getAnnotValues(a, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE);
List<String> gridYXdata = getAnnotValues(a, GRID_Y, GRID_X);
if (latLongData != null) {
attachLocation(node, GEO, latLongData);
} else if (gridYXdata != null) {
attachLocation(node, GRID, gridYXdata);
private void attachLocation(ObjectNode node, String locType,
List<String> values) {
try {
double latOrY = Double.parseDouble(values.get(0));
double longOrX = Double.parseDouble(values.get(1));
ObjectNode loc = objectNode()
.put(LOC_TYPE, locType)
.put(LAT_OR_Y, latOrY)
.put(LONG_OR_X, longOrX);
node.set(LOCATION, loc);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.warn("Invalid {} data: lat/Y={}, long/X={}",
locType, values.get(0), values.get(1));
private void addPeerLocations(ObjectNode node, Region r) {
String compact = r.annotations().value(PEER_LOCATIONS);
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(compact)) {
List<LayoutLocation> locs = fromCompactListString(compact);
ObjectNode o = objectNode();
for (LayoutLocation ll : locs) {
ObjectNode lnode = objectNode()
.put(LOC_TYPE, ll.locType().toString())
.put(LAT_OR_Y, ll.latOrY())
.put(LONG_OR_X, ll.longOrX());
o.set(, lnode);
node.set(PEER_LOCATIONS, o);
private void addIps(ObjectNode node, Host h) {
Set<IpAddress> ips = h.ipAddresses();
ArrayNode a = arrayNode();
for (IpAddress ip : ips) {
node.set("ips", a);
// return list of string values from annotated instance, for given keys
// return null if any keys are not present
List<String> getAnnotValues(Annotated a, String... annotKeys) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(annotKeys.length);
for (String k : annotKeys) {
String v = a.annotations().value(k);
if (v == null) {
return null;
return result;
// derive JSON object from annotations
private ObjectNode props(Annotations annotations) {
ObjectNode p = objectNode();
if (annotations != null) {
annotations.keys().forEach(k -> p.put(k, annotations.value(k)));
return p;
private ObjectNode json(String ridStr, UiHost host) {
ObjectNode node = objectNode()
.put("id", host.idAsString())
.put("nodeType", HOST)
.put("layer", host.layer());
// TODO: complete host details
Host h = host.backingHost();
// h will be null, for example, after a HOST_REMOVED event
if (h != null) {
addIps(node, h);
addProps(node, h);
addGeoGridLocation(node, h);
addMetaUi(node, ridStr, host.idAsString());
return node;
private ArrayNode collateSynthLinks(List<UiSynthLink> links) {
Map<UiLinkId, Set<UiSynthLink>> collation = new HashMap<>();
// first, group together the synthlinks into sets per ID...
for (UiSynthLink sl : links) {
UiLinkId id =;
Set<UiSynthLink> rollup =
collation.computeIfAbsent(id, k -> new HashSet<>());
// now add json nodes per set, and return the array of them
ArrayNode array = arrayNode();
for (UiLinkId id : collation.keySet()) {
return array;
private ObjectNode json(Set<UiSynthLink> memberSet) {
ArrayNode rollup = arrayNode();
ObjectNode node = null;
boolean first = true;
for (UiSynthLink member : memberSet) {
UiLink link =;
if (first) {
node = json(link);
first = false;
if (node != null) {
node.set("rollup", rollup);
return node;
private ObjectNode json(UiLink link) {
ObjectNode data = objectNode()
.put("id", link.idAsString())
.put("epA", link.endPointA())
.put("epB", link.endPointB())
.put("type", link.type());
String pA = link.endPortA();
String pB = link.endPortB();
if (pA != null) {
data.put("portA", pA);
if (pB != null) {
data.put("portB", pB);
return data;
private ObjectNode jsonClosedRegion(String ridStr, UiRegion region) {
ObjectNode node = objectNode()
.put("id", region.idAsString())
.put("nodeType", REGION)
.put("nDevs", region.deviceCount())
.put("nHosts", region.hostCount());
// TODO: device and host counts should take into account any nested
// subregions. i.e. should be the sum of all devices/hosts in
// all descendant subregions.
Region r = region.backingRegion();
if (r != null) {
// add data injected via network configuration script
addGeoGridLocation(node, r);
addProps(node, r);
// this may contain location data, as dragged by user
// (which should take precedence, over configured data)
addMetaUi(node, ridStr, region.idAsString());
return node;
* Returns a JSON array representation of a set of regions/devices. Note
* that the information is sufficient for showing regions as nodes.
* THe region ID string defines the context (which region) the node is
* being displayed in.
* @param ridStr region-id string
* @param nodes the nodes
* @return a JSON representation of the nodes
public ArrayNode closedNodes(String ridStr, Set<UiNode> nodes) {
ArrayNode array = arrayNode();
for (UiNode node : nodes) {
if (node instanceof UiRegion) {
array.add(jsonClosedRegion(ridStr, (UiRegion) node));
} else if (node instanceof UiDevice) {
array.add(json(ridStr, (UiDevice) node));
} else {
log.warn("Unexpected node instance: {}", node.getClass());
return array;
// package-private for unit testing
List<Set<UiNode>> splitByLayer(List<String> layerTags,
Set<? extends UiNode> nodes) {
final int nLayers = layerTags.size();
if (!layerTags.get(nLayers - 1).equals(LAYER_DEFAULT)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(E_DEF_NOT_LAST);
List<Set<UiNode>> splitList = new ArrayList<>(layerTags.size());
Map<String, Set<UiNode>> byLayer = new HashMap<>(layerTags.size());
for (String tag : layerTags) {
Set<UiNode> set = new HashSet<>();
byLayer.put(tag, set);
for (UiNode n : nodes) {
String which = n.layer();
if (!layerTags.contains(which)) {
return splitList;
private String contextKey(String context, String key) {
return context + CONTEXT_KEY_DELIM + key;
* Stores the memento for an element.
* This method assumes the payload has an id String, memento ObjectNode.
* The region-id string is used as a context within which to store the
* memento.
* @param ridStr region ID string
* @param payload event payload
void updateMeta(String ridStr, ObjectNode payload) {
String id = JsonUtils.string(payload, "id");
String key = contextKey(ridStr, id);
metaUi.put(key, JsonUtils.node(payload, "memento"));
log.debug("Storing metadata for {}", key);