blob: 19f8ef50275ea052e9b212e2fb5135934849f75f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.ospf.controller.area;
import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
import org.onosproject.ospf.controller.OspfInterface;
import org.onosproject.ospf.controller.OspfNbr;
import org.onosproject.ospf.protocol.lsa.LsaHeader;
import org.onosproject.ospf.protocol.lsa.OpaqueLsaHeader;
import org.onosproject.ospf.protocol.util.OspfInterfaceState;
import org.onosproject.ospf.protocol.util.OspfParameters;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Representation of an OSPF interface.
public class OspfInterfaceImpl implements OspfInterface {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OspfInterfaceImpl.class);
private Ip4Address ipAddress;
private Ip4Address ipNetworkMask;
private int areaId;
private int helloIntervalTime;
private int routerDeadIntervalTime;
private int transmitDelay;
private int routerPriority;
private int systemInterfaceType;
private int interfaceType;
private int interfaceCost;
private String authType;
private String authKey;
private int pollInterval;
private int mtu;
private int reTransmitInterval;
private Ip4Address dr;
private Ip4Address bdr;
private OspfInterfaceState state;
private List<LsaHeader> linkStateHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
private HashMap<String, OspfNbr> listOfNeighbors = new HashMap<>();
private HashMap<String, LsaHeader> listOfNeighborMap = new HashMap<>();
* Gets the interface state.
* @return interfaceState state of the interface
public OspfInterfaceState state() {
return state;
* Sets the interface state.
* @param ospfInterfaceState interface state enum instance
public void setState(OspfInterfaceState ospfInterfaceState) {
this.state = ospfInterfaceState;
* Gets link state headers.
* @return get the list of lsa headers
public List<LsaHeader> linkStateHeaders() {
Set<String> key = listOfNeighborMap.keySet();
for (String keys : key) {
LsaHeader lsaHeader = listOfNeighborMap.get(keys);
return linkStateHeaders;
* Gets IP network mask.
* @return network mask
public Ip4Address ipNetworkMask() {
return ipNetworkMask;
* Sets IP network mask.
* @param ipNetworkMask network mask
public void setIpNetworkMask(Ip4Address ipNetworkMask) {
this.ipNetworkMask = ipNetworkMask;
* Adds neighboring router to list.
* @param ospfNbr ospfNbr instance
public void addNeighbouringRouter(OspfNbr ospfNbr) {
listOfNeighbors.put(ospfNbr.neighborId().toString(), ospfNbr);
* Gets the neighbour details from listOfNeighbors map.
* @param neighborId neighbors id
* @return ospfNbr neighbor instance
public OspfNbr neighbouringRouter(String neighborId) {
return listOfNeighbors.get(neighborId);
* Adds LSAHeader to map.
* @param lsaHeader LSA header instance
public void addLsaHeaderForDelayAck(LsaHeader lsaHeader) {
String key = lsaHeader.lsType() + "-" + lsaHeader.linkStateId() + "-" +
if (lsaHeader.lsType() == OspfParameters.LINK_LOCAL_OPAQUE_LSA ||
lsaHeader.lsType() == OspfParameters.AREA_LOCAL_OPAQUE_LSA ||
lsaHeader.lsType() == OspfParameters.AS_OPAQUE_LSA) {
OpaqueLsaHeader header = (OpaqueLsaHeader) lsaHeader;
key = lsaHeader.lsType() + "-" + header.opaqueType() + header.opaqueId()
+ "-" + lsaHeader.advertisingRouter();
log.debug("Adding LSA key {} for delayed Ack", key);
listOfNeighborMap.put(key, lsaHeader);
* Removes LSA header from map.
* @param lsaKey key used to store LSA in map
public void removeLsaFromNeighborMap(String lsaKey) {
* Checks neighbor is in the list or not.
* @param neighborId neighbors id
* @return true if neighbor in list else false
public boolean isNeighborInList(String neighborId) {
return listOfNeighbors.containsKey(neighborId);
* Gets the list of neighbors.
* @return listOfNeighbors as key value pair
public HashMap<String, OspfNbr> listOfNeighbors() {
return listOfNeighbors;
* Sets the list of neighbors.
* @param listOfNeighbors as key value pair
public void setListOfNeighbors(HashMap<String, OspfNbr> listOfNeighbors) {
this.listOfNeighbors = listOfNeighbors;
* Gets the IP address.
* @return IP address
public Ip4Address ipAddress() {
return ipAddress;
* Sets the interface IP address.
* @param ipAddress interface IP address
public void setIpAddress(Ip4Address ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
* Gets router priority.
* @return routerPriority value
public int routerPriority() {
return routerPriority;
* Sets router priority.
* @param routerPriority value
public void setRouterPriority(int routerPriority) {
this.routerPriority = routerPriority;
* Gets the area id this interface belongs.
* @return area id this interface belongs
public int areaId() {
return areaId;
* Sets the area id this interface belongs.
* @param areaId the area id this interface belongs
public void setAreaId(int areaId) {
this.areaId = areaId;
* Gets hello interval time.
* @return hello interval time
public int helloIntervalTime() {
return helloIntervalTime;
* Sets hello interval time.
* @param helloIntervalTime an integer interval time
public void setHelloIntervalTime(int helloIntervalTime) {
this.helloIntervalTime = helloIntervalTime;
* Gets router dead interval time.
* @return router dead interval time
public int routerDeadIntervalTime() {
return routerDeadIntervalTime;
* Sets router dead interval time.
* @param routerDeadIntervalTime router dead interval time
public void setRouterDeadIntervalTime(int routerDeadIntervalTime) {
this.routerDeadIntervalTime = routerDeadIntervalTime;
* Gets interface type.
* @return interfaceType an integer represents interface type
public int interfaceType() {
return interfaceType;
* Sets interface type.
* @param interfaceType interface type
public void setInterfaceType(int interfaceType) {
this.interfaceType = interfaceType;
* Gets interface cost.
* @return interface cost
public int interfaceCost() {
return interfaceCost;
* Sets interface cost.
* @param interfaceCost interface cost
public void setInterfaceCost(int interfaceCost) {
this.interfaceCost = interfaceCost;
* Gets authentication type.
* @return authType represents authentication type
public String authType() {
return authType;
* Sets authentication type.
* @param authType authType represents authentication type
public void setAuthType(String authType) {
this.authType = authType;
* Gets authentication key.
* @return authKey represents authentication key
public String authKey() {
return authKey;
* Sets authentication key.
* @param authKey represents authentication key
public void setAuthKey(String authKey) {
this.authKey = authKey;
* Gets poll interval.
* @return pollInterval an integer represents poll interval
public int pollInterval() {
return pollInterval;
* Sets poll interval.
* @param pollInterval an integer represents poll interval
public void setPollInterval(int pollInterval) {
this.pollInterval = pollInterval;
* Gets max transfer unit.
* @return mtu an integer represents max transfer unit
public int mtu() {
return mtu;
* Sets max transfer unit.
* @param mtu max transfer unit
public void setMtu(int mtu) {
this.mtu = mtu;
* Gets retransmit interval.
* @return retransmit interval
public int reTransmitInterval() {
return reTransmitInterval;
* Sets retransmit interval.
* @param reTransmitInterval retransmit interval
public void setReTransmitInterval(int reTransmitInterval) {
this.reTransmitInterval = reTransmitInterval;
* Gets designated routers IP address.
* @return dr designated routers IP address
public Ip4Address dr() {
return dr;
* Sets designated routers IP address.
* @param dr designated routers IP address
public void setDr(Ip4Address dr) {
this.dr = dr;
* Gets backup designated routers IP address.
* @return bdr backup designated routers IP address
public Ip4Address bdr() {
return bdr;
* Sets backup designated routers IP address.
* @param bdr backup designated routers IP address
public void setBdr(Ip4Address bdr) {
this.bdr = bdr;
* Get transmission delay.
* @return transmission delay
public int transmitDelay() {
return transmitDelay;
* Sets transmission delay.
* @param transmitDelay transmission delay
public void setTransmitDelay(int transmitDelay) {
this.transmitDelay = transmitDelay;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
OspfInterfaceImpl that = (OspfInterfaceImpl) o;
return Objects.equal(areaId, that.areaId) &&
Objects.equal(helloIntervalTime, that.helloIntervalTime) &&
Objects.equal(routerDeadIntervalTime, that.routerDeadIntervalTime) &&
Objects.equal(transmitDelay, that.transmitDelay) &&
Objects.equal(routerPriority, that.routerPriority) &&
Objects.equal(systemInterfaceType, that.systemInterfaceType) &&
Objects.equal(interfaceType, that.interfaceType) &&
Objects.equal(interfaceCost, that.interfaceCost) &&
Objects.equal(pollInterval, that.pollInterval) &&
Objects.equal(mtu, that.mtu) &&
Objects.equal(reTransmitInterval, that.reTransmitInterval) &&
Objects.equal(ipAddress, that.ipAddress) &&
Objects.equal(ipNetworkMask, that.ipNetworkMask) &&
Objects.equal(listOfNeighbors, that.listOfNeighbors) &&
Objects.equal(authType, that.authType) &&
Objects.equal(authKey, that.authKey) &&
Objects.equal(dr, that.dr) &&
Objects.equal(bdr, that.bdr);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(ipAddress, ipNetworkMask, areaId, helloIntervalTime,
routerDeadIntervalTime, transmitDelay, routerPriority, listOfNeighbors,
systemInterfaceType, interfaceType, interfaceCost, authType, authKey,
pollInterval, mtu, reTransmitInterval, dr, bdr);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
.add("ipAddress", ipAddress)
.add("routerPriority", routerPriority)
.add("areaID", areaId)
.add("helloIntervalTime", helloIntervalTime)
.add("routerDeadIntervalTime", routerDeadIntervalTime)
.add("interfaceType", interfaceType)
.add("interfaceCost", interfaceCost)
.add("authType", authType)
.add("authKey", authKey)
.add("pollInterval", pollInterval)
.add("mtu", mtu)
.add("reTransmitInterval", reTransmitInterval)
.add("dr", dr)
.add("bdr", bdr)
.add("transmitDelay", transmitDelay)