blob: 33c3d333d64d7d024438467e1069105ae4781449 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Interface for entity that can create instances of different distributed primitives.
public interface DistributedPrimitiveCreator {
* Creates a new {@code AsyncConsistentMap}.
* @param name map name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing map entries
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return map
default <K, V> AsyncConsistentMap<K, V> newAsyncConsistentMap(String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncConsistentMap(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncConsistentMap}.
* @param name map name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing map entries
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used for each partition
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return map
<K, V> AsyncConsistentMap<K, V> newAsyncConsistentMap(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncConsistentTreeMap}.
* @param name tree name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing map entries
* @param <V> value type
* @return distributedTreeMap
default <V> AsyncConsistentTreeMap<V> newAsyncConsistentTreeMap(
String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncConsistentTreeMap(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncConsistentTreeMap}.
* @param name tree name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing map entries
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used for each partition
* @param <V> value type
* @return distributedTreeMap
<V> AsyncConsistentTreeMap<V> newAsyncConsistentTreeMap(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new set backed {@code AsyncConsistentMultimap}.
* @param name multimap name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return set backed distributedMultimap
default <K, V> AsyncConsistentMultimap<K, V> newAsyncConsistentSetMultimap(
String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncConsistentSetMultimap(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new set backed {@code AsyncConsistentMultimap}.
* @param name multimap name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used for each partition
* @param <K> key type
* @param <V> value type
* @return set backed distributedMultimap
<K, V> AsyncConsistentMultimap<K, V> newAsyncConsistentSetMultimap(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomicCounterMap}.
* @param name counter map name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing keys
* @param <K> key type
* @return atomic counter map
default <K> AsyncAtomicCounterMap<K> newAsyncAtomicCounterMap(
String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncAtomicCounterMap(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomicCounterMap}.
* @param name counter map name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing keys
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used for each partition
* @param <K> key type
* @return atomic counter map
<K> AsyncAtomicCounterMap<K> newAsyncAtomicCounterMap(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomicCounter}.
* @param name counter name
* @return counter
default AsyncAtomicCounter newAsyncCounter(String name) {
return newAsyncCounter(name, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomicCounter}.
* @param name counter name
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @return counter
AsyncAtomicCounter newAsyncCounter(String name, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomixIdGenerator}.
* @param name ID generator name
* @return ID generator
default AsyncAtomicIdGenerator newAsyncIdGenerator(String name) {
return newAsyncIdGenerator(name, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomixIdGenerator}.
* @param name ID generator name
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @return ID generator
AsyncAtomicIdGenerator newAsyncIdGenerator(String name, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomicValue}.
* @param name value name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing value type
* @param <V> value type
* @return value
default <V> AsyncAtomicValue<V> newAsyncAtomicValue(String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncAtomicValue(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncAtomicValue}.
* @param name value name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing value type
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @param <V> value type
* @return value
<V> AsyncAtomicValue<V> newAsyncAtomicValue(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncDistributedSet}.
* @param name set name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing set entries
* @param <E> set entry type
* @return set
default <E> AsyncDistributedSet<E> newAsyncDistributedSet(String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncDistributedSet(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncDistributedSet}.
* @param name set name
* @param serializer serializer to use for serializing/deserializing set entries
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @param <E> set entry type
* @return set
<E> AsyncDistributedSet<E> newAsyncDistributedSet(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncLeaderElector}.
* @param name leader elector name
* @return leader elector
default AsyncLeaderElector newAsyncLeaderElector(String name) {
return newAsyncLeaderElector(name, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncLeaderElector}.
* @param name leader elector name
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @return leader elector
AsyncLeaderElector newAsyncLeaderElector(String name, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code WorkQueue}.
* @param <E> work element type
* @param name work queue name
* @param serializer serializer
* @return work queue
default <E> WorkQueue<E> newWorkQueue(String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newWorkQueue(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code WorkQueue}.
* @param <E> work element type
* @param name work queue name
* @param serializer serializer
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @return work queue
<E> WorkQueue<E> newWorkQueue(String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncDocumentTree}.
* @param <V> document tree node value type
* @param name tree name
* @param serializer serializer
* @return document tree
default <V> AsyncDocumentTree<V> newAsyncDocumentTree(String name, Serializer serializer) {
return newAsyncDocumentTree(name, serializer, null);
* Creates a new {@code AsyncDocumentTree}.
* @param <V> document tree node value type
* @param name tree name
* @param serializer serializer
* @param executorSupplier a callback that returns an executor to be used asynchronous callbacks
* @return document tree
<V> AsyncDocumentTree<V> newAsyncDocumentTree(
String name, Serializer serializer, Supplier<Executor> executorSupplier);
* Returns the names of all created {@code AsyncConsistentMap} instances.
* @return set of {@code AsyncConsistentMap} names
Set<String> getAsyncConsistentMapNames();
* Returns the names of all created {@code AsyncAtomicCounter} instances.
* @return set of {@code AsyncAtomicCounter} names
Set<String> getAsyncAtomicCounterNames();
* Returns the names of all created {@code WorkQueue} instances.
* @return set of {@code WorkQueue} names
Set<String> getWorkQueueNames();