blob: 82dead821a173e4747febd495cd88d9afdbbbb9d [file] [log] [blame]
| Log file: |
| Compiler version: 5.1.0 (fca32d1) |
| Created on: Thu Sep 7 14:49:38 2017 |
cond _condition_0: valid packet_out_hdr
valid packet_out_hdr
! not valid packet_out_hdr
cond _condition_0 can be gateway (1+0)x1
cond !_condition_0 can be gateway (1+0)x1
_condition_0 is gateway for ingress_pkt
cond _condition_1: not valid packet_out_hdr
not valid packet_out_hdr
! not not valid packet_out_hdr
cond _condition_1 can be gateway (1+0)x1
cond !_condition_1 can be gateway (1+0)x1
_condition_1 is gateway for table0
cond _condition_2: ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254
ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254
! ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port >= 254
cond _condition_2 can be gateway (9+0)x1
cond !_condition_2 can be gateway (9+0)x1
_condition_2 is gateway for ingress_port_count_table
cond _condition_3: ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1
ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1
! ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu != 1
cond _condition_3 can be gateway (0+1)x1
cond !_condition_3 can be gateway (0+1)x2
_condition_3 is gateway for egress_pkt
fields = OrderedSet([<p4_hlir.hlir.p4_headers.p4_field object at 0x7f4524612110>]) and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet([<p4_hlir.hlir.p4_headers.p4_field object at 0x7f45246123d0>])
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
cond _condition_0: valid packet_out_hdr
valid packet_out_hdr
! not valid packet_out_hdr
cond _condition_0 can be gateway (1+0)x1
cond !_condition_0 can be gateway (1+0)x1
_condition_0 is gateway for ingress_pkt
cond _condition_1: not valid packet_out_hdr
not valid packet_out_hdr
! not not valid packet_out_hdr
cond _condition_1 can be gateway (1+0)x1
cond !_condition_1 can be gateway (1+0)x1
_condition_1 is gateway for table0
cond _condition_2: ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254
ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254
! ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port >= 254
cond _condition_2 can be gateway (9+0)x1
cond !_condition_2 can be gateway (9+0)x1
_condition_2 is gateway for ingress_port_count_table
cond _condition_3: ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1
ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1
! ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu != 1
cond _condition_3 can be gateway (0+1)x1
cond !_condition_3 can be gateway (0+1)x2
_condition_3 is gateway for egress_pkt
fields = OrderedSet([<p4_hlir.hlir.p4_headers.p4_field object at 0x7f4524612110>]) and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet([<p4_hlir.hlir.p4_headers.p4_field object at 0x7f45246123d0>])
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
cond _condition_0: valid packet_out_hdr
valid packet_out_hdr
! not valid packet_out_hdr
cond _condition_0 can be gateway (1+0)x1
cond !_condition_0 can be gateway (1+0)x1
_condition_0 is gateway for ingress_pkt
cond _condition_1: not valid packet_out_hdr
not valid packet_out_hdr
! not not valid packet_out_hdr
cond _condition_1 can be gateway (1+0)x1
cond !_condition_1 can be gateway (1+0)x1
_condition_1 is gateway for table0
cond _condition_2: ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254
ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254
! ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port >= 254
cond _condition_2 can be gateway (9+0)x1
cond !_condition_2 can be gateway (9+0)x1
_condition_2 is gateway for ingress_port_count_table
cond _condition_3: ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1
ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1
! ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu != 1
cond _condition_3 can be gateway (0+1)x1
cond !_condition_3 can be gateway (0+1)x2
_condition_3 is gateway for egress_pkt
fields = OrderedSet([<p4_hlir.hlir.p4_headers.p4_field object at 0x7f4524612110>]) and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet([<p4_hlir.hlir.p4_headers.p4_field object at 0x7f45246123d0>])
fields = OrderedSet() and and xor_fields is OrderedSet()
cond _always_true: True == True
! False
--> Stage Gateway Table for condition _condition_0 in stage 0
T -> ingress_pkt(0), F -> _condition_1(16)
building tcam for GatewayTest('valid packet_out_hdr')
adding line (match=200000000 mask=200000000 T)
tcam data: [(match=200000000 mask=200000000 T)]
final.tcam: [(match=200000000 mask=200000000 T)], miss=False
--> Stage Gateway Table for condition _condition_3 in stage 0
T -> egress_pkt(1), F -> None(255)
building tcam for GatewayTest('ig_intr_md_for_tm.copy_to_cpu == 1')
adding line (match=100000000 mask=100000000 T)
tcam data: [(match=100000000 mask=100000000 T)]
final.tcam: [(match=100000000 mask=100000000 T)], miss=False
--> Stage Gateway Table for condition _condition_1 in stage 1
T -> table0(16), F -> _condition_2(48)
building tcam for GatewayTest('not valid packet_out_hdr')
adding line (match=0 mask=100000000 T)
tcam data: [(match=0 mask=100000000 T)]
final.tcam: [(match=0 mask=100000000 T)], miss=False
--> Stage Gateway Table for condition _condition_2 in stage 3
T -> ingress_port_count_table(48), F -> None(255)
building tcam for GatewayTest('ig_intr_md_for_tm.ucast_egress_port < 254')
adding line (range=[ffff ffff 3fff] match=0 mask=0 T)
adding line (range=[ffff 7fff ffff] match=0 mask=0 T)
adding line (range=[0 ffff ffff] match=0 mask=0 T)
tcam data: [(range=[ffff ffff 3fff] match=0 mask=0 T), (range=[ffff 7fff ffff] match=0 mask=0 T), (range=[0 ffff ffff] match=0 mask=0 T)]
final.tcam: [(range=[ffff ffff 3fff] match=0 mask=0 T), (range=[ffff 7fff ffff] match=0 mask=0 T), (range=[0 ffff ffff] match=0 mask=0 T)], miss=False
--> Stage Gateway Table for condition egress_port_count_table_always_true_condition in stage 3
T -> egress_port_count_table(49), F -> egress_port_count_table(49)
building tcam for GatewayTest('True')
adding line (match=0 mask=0 T)
tcam data: [(match=0 mask=0 T)]
final.tcam: [(match=0 mask=0 T)], miss=False