blob: 6c0bf8bfcc376f7874fbd782904024ee39ceb0af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.kubevirtnetworking.api;
import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static org.onosproject.kubevirtnetworking.api.KubevirtNetwork.Type.FLAT;
import static org.onosproject.kubevirtnetworking.api.KubevirtNetwork.Type.GENEVE;
import static org.onosproject.kubevirtnetworking.api.KubevirtNetwork.Type.GRE;
import static org.onosproject.kubevirtnetworking.api.KubevirtNetwork.Type.VXLAN;
* Default implementation class of kubevirt network.
public final class DefaultKubevirtNetwork implements KubevirtNetwork {
private static final String NOT_NULL_MSG = "Network % cannot be null";
private static final String TENANT_BRIDGE_PREFIX = "br-int-";
private static final String OF_PREFIX = "of:";
private final String networkId;
private final Type type;
private final String name;
private final Integer mtu;
private final String segmentId;
private final IpAddress gatewayIp;
private final String cidr;
private final Set<KubevirtHostRoute> hostRoutes;
private final KubevirtIpPool ipPool;
private final Set<IpAddress> dnses;
* Default constructor.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param type type of network
* @param name network name
* @param mtu network MTU
* @param segmentId segment identifier
* @param gatewayIp gateway IP address
* @param cidr CIDR of network
* @param hostRoutes a set of host routes
* @param ipPool IP pool
* @param dnses a set of DNSes
public DefaultKubevirtNetwork(String networkId, Type type, String name,
Integer mtu, String segmentId, IpAddress gatewayIp,
String cidr, Set<KubevirtHostRoute> hostRoutes,
KubevirtIpPool ipPool, Set<IpAddress> dnses) {
this.networkId = networkId;
this.type = type; = name;
this.mtu = mtu;
this.segmentId = segmentId;
this.gatewayIp = gatewayIp;
this.cidr = cidr;
this.hostRoutes = hostRoutes;
this.ipPool = ipPool;
this.dnses = dnses;
public String networkId() {
return networkId;
public Type type() {
return type;
public String name() {
return name;
public Integer mtu() {
return mtu;
public String segmentId() {
return segmentId;
public IpAddress gatewayIp() {
return gatewayIp;
public String cidr() {
return cidr;
public Set<KubevirtHostRoute> hostRoutes() {
if (hostRoutes == null || hostRoutes.size() == 0) {
return ImmutableSet.of();
} else {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(hostRoutes);
public KubevirtIpPool ipPool() {
return ipPool;
public Set<IpAddress> dnses() {
if (dnses == null || dnses.size() == 0) {
return ImmutableSet.of();
} else {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(dnses);
public String tenantBridgeName() {
if (type == VXLAN || type == GRE || type == GENEVE) {
return TENANT_BRIDGE_PREFIX + segmentIdHex(segmentId);
return null;
public DeviceId tenantDeviceId(String hostname) {
if (type == VXLAN || type == GRE || type == GENEVE) {
String dpid = genDpidFromName(tenantBridgeName() + "-" + hostname);
if (dpid != null) {
return DeviceId.deviceId(dpid);
return null;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
DefaultKubevirtNetwork that = (DefaultKubevirtNetwork) o;
return networkId.equals(that.networkId) && type == that.type &&
name.equals( && mtu.equals(that.mtu) &&
gatewayIp.equals(that.gatewayIp) &&
cidr.equals(that.cidr) && hostRoutes.equals(that.hostRoutes) &&
ipPool.equals(that.ipPool) &&
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(networkId, type, name, mtu, segmentId, gatewayIp,
cidr, hostRoutes, ipPool, dnses);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("networkId", networkId)
.add("type", type)
.add("name", name)
.add("mtu", mtu)
.add("segmentId", segmentId)
.add("gatewayIp", gatewayIp)
.add("cidr", cidr)
.add("hostRouts", hostRoutes)
.add("ipPool", ipPool)
.add("dnses", dnses)
private String segmentIdHex(String segIdStr) {
int segId = Integer.parseInt(segIdStr);
return String.format("%06x", segId).toLowerCase();
private String genDpidFromName(String name) {
if (name != null) {
String hexString = Integer.toHexString(name.hashCode());
return OF_PREFIX + Strings.padStart(hexString, 16, '0');
return null;
* Returns new builder instance.
* @return kubevirt port builder
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static final class Builder implements KubevirtNetwork.Builder {
private String networkId;
private Type type;
private String name;
private Integer mtu;
private String segmentId;
private IpAddress gatewayIp;
private String cidr;
private Set<KubevirtHostRoute> hostRouts;
private KubevirtIpPool ipPool;
private Set<IpAddress> dnses;
public KubevirtNetwork build() {
checkArgument(networkId != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "networkId");
checkArgument(type != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "type");
checkArgument(name != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "name");
checkArgument(mtu != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "mtu");
checkArgument(gatewayIp != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "gatewayIp");
checkArgument(cidr != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "cidr");
checkArgument(ipPool != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "ipPool");
if (type != FLAT) {
checkArgument(segmentId != null, NOT_NULL_MSG, "segmentId");
if (dnses == null) {
dnses = new HashSet<>();
return new DefaultKubevirtNetwork(networkId, type, name, mtu, segmentId,
gatewayIp, cidr, hostRouts, ipPool, dnses);
public Builder networkId(String networkId) {
this.networkId = networkId;
return this;
public Builder name(String name) { = name;
return this;
public Builder type(Type type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public Builder mtu(Integer mtu) {
this.mtu = mtu;
return this;
public Builder segmentId(String segmentId) {
this.segmentId = segmentId;
return this;
public Builder gatewayIp(IpAddress ipAddress) {
this.gatewayIp = ipAddress;
return this;
public Builder cidr(String cidr) {
this.cidr = cidr;
return this;
public Builder ipPool(KubevirtIpPool ipPool) {
this.ipPool = ipPool;
return this;
public Builder hostRoutes(Set<KubevirtHostRoute> hostRoutes) {
this.hostRouts = hostRoutes;
return this;
public KubevirtNetwork.Builder dnses(Set<IpAddress> dnses) {
this.dnses = dnses;
return this;