Updating the README to test the build process

Change-Id: I4db415524372602dd609be547801de9d177b45ef
diff --git a/web/gui2/BUILD b/web/gui2/BUILD
index f315b5e..c3b700b 100644
--- a/web/gui2/BUILD
+++ b/web/gui2/BUILD
@@ -14,21 +14,8 @@
     Rules to build the ONOS GUI 2
     The GUI2 Angular 7 elements are built here with Angular CLI 'ng'
-    Some work is being done in the Bazel community to integrate Bazel and
-    Angular 7, (Angular Buildtools Convergence -
-    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OlyiUnoTirUj4gecGxJeZBcjHcFr36RvLsvpBl2mxA8/preview)
-    but it is in the very early stages (Aug'18) and not yet fit
-    for production and at present it works as a replacement for Angular CLI
-    (which is not desirable).
-    There are plans to extend Bazel it to work with Angular CLI, and if works
-    well this Bazel file may be rearchiteced in future.
-    Bazel and npm are incompatibe in how they deal with files. npm likes to
-    follow links to get back to the original canonical path names, and bazel
-    uses links extensively when populating the sandbox. To get around these
-    problems, the rules that follow use filegroups to specify the files as
-    dependencies and then use a genrule to convert the files into a tar ball.
-    Once the tar ball is unrolled into the sandbox, the links are broken, but
-    the build is still hermetic since those files are referred to as dependencies in the genrule.
+    This uses Angular Buildtools Convergence - https://bazel.angular.io/
+    in place of previous bash scripts that wrapped Angular CLI
 load("//tools/build/bazel:jdk_genrule.bzl", genrule = "jdk_genrule")