blob: 84ef0b37b9fc2534c08291d8107cddfc8b4ce60c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onlab.packet;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.onlab.junit.ImmutableClassChecker.assertThatClassIsImmutable;
* Tests for class {@link Ip4Prefix}.
public class Ip4PrefixTest {
* Tests the immutability of {@link Ip4Prefix}.
public void testImmutable() {
* Tests default class constructor.
public void testDefaultConstructor() {
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix();
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
* Tests valid class copy constructor.
public void testCopyConstructor() {
Ip4Prefix fromAddr = new Ip4Prefix("");
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(fromAddr);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
fromAddr = new Ip4Prefix("");
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(fromAddr);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
fromAddr = new Ip4Prefix("");
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(fromAddr);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
* Tests invalid class copy constructor for a null object to copy from.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testInvalidConstructorNullObject() {
Ip4Prefix fromAddr = null;
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(fromAddr);
* Tests valid class constructor for an address and prefix length.
public void testConstructorForAddressAndPrefixLength() {
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix =
new Ip4Prefix(new Ip4Address(""), (short) 24);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(new Ip4Address(""), (short) 24);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(new Ip4Address(""), (short) 32);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(new Ip4Address(""), (short) 0);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix =
new Ip4Prefix(new Ip4Address(""), (short) 32);
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
* Tests valid class constructor for a string.
public void testConstructorForString() {
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
* Tests invalid class constructor for a null string.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testInvalidConstructorNullString() {
String fromString = null;
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix(fromString);
* Tests invalid class constructor for an empty string.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInvalidConstructors() {
// Check constructor for invalid ID: empty string
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
* Tests getting the value of an address.
public void testGetValue() {
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.getAddress(), equalTo(new Ip4Address("")));
assertThat(ip4prefix.getPrefixLen(), is((short) 24));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.getAddress(), equalTo(new Ip4Address("")));
assertThat(ip4prefix.getPrefixLen(), is((short) 0));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
equalTo(new Ip4Address("")));
assertThat(ip4prefix.getPrefixLen(), is((short) 32));
* Tests equality of {@link Ip4Address}.
public void testEquality() {
Ip4Prefix addr1net = new Ip4Prefix("");
Ip4Prefix addr2net = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(addr1net, is(addr2net));
addr1net = new Ip4Prefix("");
addr2net = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(addr1net, is(addr2net));
addr1net = new Ip4Prefix("");
addr2net = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(addr1net, is(addr2net));
addr1net = new Ip4Prefix("");
addr2net = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(addr1net, is(addr2net));
* Tests non-equality of {@link Ip4Address}.
public void testNonEquality() {
Ip4Prefix addr1net = new Ip4Prefix("");
Ip4Prefix addr2net = new Ip4Prefix("");
Ip4Prefix addr3net = new Ip4Prefix("");
Ip4Prefix addr4net = new Ip4Prefix("");
Ip4Prefix addr5net = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(addr1net, is(not(addr2net)));
assertThat(addr3net, is(not(addr2net)));
assertThat(addr4net, is(not(addr2net)));
assertThat(addr5net, is(not(addr2net)));
* Tests object string representation.
public void testToString() {
Ip4Prefix ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));
ip4prefix = new Ip4Prefix("");
assertThat(ip4prefix.toString(), is(""));