| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # ONOS remote command-line client. |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| $(basename $0) [-w] [node] |
| - -w : Waits for ONOS instance to reach run-level 100, i.e. to be fully started. |
| - [node] : the node to attach to |
| ONOS remote command-line client. |
| The -w flag depends on 'onos-wait-for-start'. If [node] is unspecified, \$OCI |
| [ "$1" = "-h" ] && _usage && exit 0 |
| [ ! -d "$ONOS_ROOT" ] && echo "ONOS_ROOT is not defined" >&2 && exit 1 |
| . $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/envDefaults |
| . $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/bin/find-node.sh |
| [ "$1" = "-w" ] && shift && onos-wait-for-start $1 |
| [ -n "$1" ] && OCI=$(find_node $1) && shift |
| if which client 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && [ -z "$ONOS_USE_SSH" ]; then |
| # Use Karaf client only if we can and are allowed to |
| client -h $OCI -u karaf "$@" 2>/dev/null |
| # Otherwise use raw ssh; strict checking is off for dev environments only |
| ssh -p 8101 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $OCI "$@" |