| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| |
| # TODO add onos-app-fwd to features |
| # TODO check if service is running... i think this might already be done by mn |
| |
| from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch, CPULimitedHost, RemoteController |
| from mininet.net import Mininet |
| from mininet.cli import CLI |
| from mininet.topo import LinearTopo, Topo |
| from mininet.log import setLogLevel, info, warn |
| from mininet.util import quietRun, numCores |
| |
| from shutil import copyfile |
| from os import environ, path |
| from functools import partial |
| import time |
| from sys import argv |
| from time import sleep |
| from sets import Set |
| |
| class ONOS( Controller ): |
| "TODO" |
| |
| onosDir = '/opt/onos/' |
| |
| def __init__( self, name, onosDir=onosDir, |
| reactive=True, features=[ 'onos-app-tvue' ], |
| **kwargs ): |
| '''TODO''' |
| |
| Controller.__init__( self, name, **kwargs ) |
| # the following have been done for us: |
| #self.ip = ip ('') |
| #self.port = port (6653) |
| #self.protocol = protocol ('tcp') |
| #self.checkListening() |
| |
| self.onosDir = onosDir |
| self.karafDir = onosDir + 'apache-karaf-3.0.5/' |
| self.instanceDir = self.karafDir |
| |
| # add default modules |
| # TODO: consider an ordered set |
| self.features = Set([ 'webconsole', |
| 'onos-rest', |
| 'onos-api', |
| 'onos-cli', |
| 'onos-openflow' ]) |
| self.features.update( features ) |
| # add reactive forwarding modules |
| if reactive: |
| self.features.update( ['onos-app-fwd', |
| 'onos-app-proxyarp', |
| 'onos-app-mobility' ] ) |
| # add the distributed core if we are in a namespace with no trivial core |
| if self.inNamespace and 'onos-core-trivial' not in self.features: |
| self.features.add( 'onos-core' ) |
| # if there is no core, add the trivial one |
| if 'onos-core' not in self.features: |
| self.features.add( 'onos-core-trivial' ) |
| print self.features |
| |
| def start( self ): |
| if self.inNamespace: |
| instanceOpts = ( '-furl mvn:org.onosproject/onos-features/1.5.1/xml/features ' |
| '-s 8101' ) |
| if self.ip is not None: |
| instanceOpts += (' -a %s' % self.IP() ) |
| self.userCmd( self.karafDir + 'bin/instance create %s %s' % ( instanceOpts, self.name ) ) |
| self.instanceDir = self.karafDir + 'instances/%s/' % self.name |
| else: |
| # we are running in the root namespace, so let's use the root instance |
| # clean up the data directory |
| #self.userCmd( 'rm -rf '+ self.karafDir + 'data/' ) |
| pass |
| |
| self.userCmd( 'rm -rf '+ self.instanceDir + 'data/' ) |
| |
| # Update etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg |
| self.updateFeatures() |
| |
| # TODO 2. Update etc/hazelcast.xml : interface lines |
| #cp etc/hazelcast.xml instances/c1/etc/ |
| self.updateHazelcast() |
| |
| # TODO 3. Update etc/system.properties : onos.ip |
| # TODO 4. Update config/cluster.json : with all nodes |
| |
| # start onos |
| self.userCmd( '%sbin/instance start -d %s' % ( self.karafDir, self.name ) ) |
| #TODO we should wait for startup... |
| |
| def stop( self ): |
| self.userCmd( self.instanceDir + 'bin/stop' ) |
| #if self.inNamespace: |
| # self.userCmd( self.karafDir + 'bin/instance destroy %s' % self.name ) |
| self.terminate() |
| |
| def updateHazelcast( self ): |
| hz = '192.168.123.*' |
| if self.ip is not None: |
| hz = '.'.join(self.ip.split('.')[:-1]) + '.*' |
| |
| readfile = self.karafDir + 'etc/hazelcast.xml' |
| writefile = self.instanceDir + 'etc/hazelcast.xml' |
| with open( readfile, 'r' ) as r: |
| with open( writefile, 'w' ) as w: |
| for line in r.readlines(): |
| if '<interface>' in line: |
| line = '<interface>' + hz + '</interface>\n' |
| w.write( line ) |
| |
| def updateFeatures( self ): |
| filename = self.instanceDir + 'etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg' |
| with open( filename, 'r+' ) as f: |
| lines = f.readlines() |
| f.seek(0) |
| f.truncate() |
| for line in lines: |
| #print '?', line, |
| if 'featuresBoot=' in line: |
| # parse the features from the line |
| features = line.rstrip().split('=')[1].split(',') |
| # add the features to our features set |
| self.features.update( features ) |
| # generate the new features line |
| line = 'featuresBoot=' + ','.join( self.features ) + '\n' |
| #print '!', line, |
| f.write( line ) |
| |
| |
| @classmethod |
| def isAvailable( self ): |
| return quietRun( 'ls %s' % self.onosDir ) |
| |
| def userCmd( self, cmd ): |
| # switch to the non-root user because karaf gets upset otherwise |
| # because the .m2repo is not stored with root |
| cmd = 'sudo -u %s %s' % ( self.findUser(), cmd ) |
| return self.cmd( cmd ) |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def findUser(): |
| "Try to return logged-in (usually non-root) user" |
| try: |
| # If we're running sudo |
| return os.environ[ 'SUDO_USER' ] |
| except: |
| try: |
| # Logged-in user (if we have a tty) |
| return quietRun( 'who am i' ).split()[ 0 ] |
| except: |
| # Give up and return effective user |
| return quietRun( 'whoami' ) |
| |
| |
| class ControlNetwork( Topo ): |
| "Control Network Topology" |
| def __init__( self, n, dataController=ONOS, **kwargs ): |
| """n: number of data network controller nodes |
| dataController: class for data network controllers""" |
| Topo.__init__( self, **kwargs ) |
| # Connect everything to a single switch |
| cs0 = self.addSwitch( 'cs0' ) |
| # Add hosts which will serve as data network controllers |
| for i in range( 1, n+1 ): |
| c = self.addHost( 'c%s' % i, cls=dataController, |
| inNamespace=True ) |
| self.addLink( c, cs0 ) |
| # Connect switch to root namespace so that data network |
| # switches will be able to talk to us |
| root = self.addHost( 'root', inNamespace=False ) |
| self.addLink( root, cs0 ) |
| |
| class ONOSCluster( Controller ): |
| # TODO |
| n = 3 |
| |
| def start( self ): |
| ctopo = ControlNetwork( n=self.n, dataController=ONOS ) |
| self.cnet = Mininet( topo=ctopo, ipBase='', controller=None ) |
| self.cnet.addController( 'cc0', controller=Controller ) |
| self.cnet.start() |
| |
| self.ctrls = [] |
| for host in self.cnet.hosts: |
| if isinstance( host, Controller ): |
| self.ctrls.append( host ) |
| host.start() |
| |
| def stop( self ): |
| for host in self.cnet.hosts: |
| if isinstance( host, Controller ): |
| host.stop() |
| self.cnet.stop() |
| |
| def clist( self ): |
| "Return list of Controller proxies for this ONOS cluster" |
| print 'controllers:', self.ctrls |
| return self.ctrls |
| |
| class OVSSwitchONOS( OVSSwitch ): |
| "OVS switch which connects to multiple controllers" |
| def start( self, controllers ): |
| assert len( controllers ) == 1 |
| c0 = controllers[ 0 ] |
| assert type( c0 ) == ONOSCluster |
| controllers = c0.clist() |
| OVSSwitch.start( self, controllers ) |
| |
| controllers = { 'onos': ONOS } |
| switches = { 'ovso': OVSSwitchONOS } |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| # Simple test for ONOS() controller class |
| setLogLevel( 'info' ) #TODO info |
| size = 2 if len( argv ) != 2 else int( argv[ 1 ] ) |
| net = Mininet( topo=LinearTopo( size ), |
| #controller=ONOS, |
| controller=partial( ONOSCluster, n=3 ), #TODO |
| switch=OVSSwitchONOS ) |
| net.start() |
| #waitConnected( net.switches ) |
| CLI( net ) |
| net.stop() |