| #!/bin/bash |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Creates a Europe-based topology (with regions) using ONOS null provider |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # config |
| host=${1:-localhost} |
| nports=24 |
| sleepfor=5 |
| |
| |
| ### start up null provider |
| onos ${host} null-simulation stop custom |
| onos ${host} wipe-out please |
| onos ${host} null-simulation start custom |
| |
| |
| ## unfortunately, it takes a time for the sim to start up |
| # this is not ideal... but we'll live with it for now |
| |
| echo |
| echo "Sleeping while sim starts up... (${sleepfor} seconds)..." |
| echo |
| sleep ${sleepfor} |
| |
| |
| ###------------------------------------------------------ |
| ### Start by adding Country regions |
| # Note that Long/Lat places region icon nicely in the country center |
| |
| # region-add <region-id> <region-name> <region-type> \ |
| # <lat/Y> <long/X> <locType> <region-master> |
| |
| onos ${host} <<-EOF |
| |
| region-add rUK "United Kingdom" COUNTRY 52.206035 -1.310384 geo ${host} |
| region-add rIT "Italy" COUNTRY 44.447951 11.093161 geo ${host} |
| region-add rFR "France" COUNTRY 47.066264 2.711458 geo ${host} |
| region-add rDE "Germany" COUNTRY 50.863152 9.761971 geo ${host} |
| region-add rES "Spain" COUNTRY 40.416704 -3.7035824 geo ${host} |
| |
| region-add rMilan "Milan" METRO 45.4654 9.1859 geo ${host} |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| |
| ###------------------------------------------------------ |
| ### Add layouts, associating backing regions, and optional parent. |
| # layout-add <layout-id> <bg-ref> \ |
| # [ <region-id> <parent-layout-id> <scale> <offset-x> <offset-y> ] |
| # |
| |
| onos ${host} <<-EOF |
| |
| # -- root layout |
| layout-add root @europe . . 4.66 -2562.93 -412.56 |
| |
| # -- layouts for top level regions |
| layout-add lUK @europe rUK root 14.82 -8533.83 -1377.96 |
| layout-add lIT @europe rIT root 8.93 -6055.26 -1626.86 |
| layout-add lFR @europe rFR root 7.94 -4694.70 -1092.92 |
| layout-add lDE @europe rDE root 8.20 -5367.29 -727.28 |
| layout-add lES @europe rES root 9.93 -5558.99 -2243.35 |
| |
| # -- layouts for country sub-regions |
| layout-add lMilan +segmentRoutingTwo rMilan lIT 0.86 68.58 54.71 |
| |
| # -- summary of installed layouts |
| layouts |
| EOF |
| |
| ###------------------------------------------------------ |
| ### Add devices, hosts and links for each of the regions |
| |
| onos ${host} <<-EOF |
| |
| # -- UK devices |
| |
| null-create-device switch London ${nports} 51.5073 -0.1276 |
| null-create-device switch Reading ${nports} 51.4543 -0.9781 |
| null-create-device switch Portsmouth ${nports} 50.8198 -1.0880 |
| null-create-device switch Bristol ${nports} 51.4545 -2.5879 |
| null-create-device switch Warrington ${nports} 53.3900 -2.5970 |
| null-create-device switch Leeds ${nports} 53.8008 -1.5491 |
| |
| # -- Assign UK devices to UK region |
| |
| region-add-devices rUK \ |
| null:0000000000000001 \ |
| null:0000000000000002 \ |
| null:0000000000000003 \ |
| null:0000000000000004 \ |
| null:0000000000000005 \ |
| null:0000000000000006 \ |
| |
| # -- UK hosts |
| |
| null-create-host London 51.8697 -0.0287 |
| null-create-host London 51.7225 0.7624 |
| null-create-host London 51.1437 0.4694 |
| |
| null-create-host Bristol 51.7500 -2.6000 |
| |
| # -- UK connectivity |
| |
| null-create-link direct London Reading |
| null-create-link direct London Portsmouth |
| null-create-link direct Reading Bristol |
| null-create-link direct Portsmouth Bristol |
| null-create-link direct Reading Warrington |
| null-create-link direct London Leeds |
| null-create-link direct Leeds Warrington |
| |
| # -- UK Peers |
| region-add-peer-loc rUK rES 50.4060 -3.3860 |
| region-add-peer-loc rUK rFR 50.4060 -1.8482 |
| region-add-peer-loc rUK rIT 50.4060 -0.1361 |
| region-add-peer-loc rUK rDE 50.4060 1.2491 |
| |
| |
| # -- France Devices |
| |
| null-create-device switch Paris ${nports} 48.8566 2.3522 |
| null-create-device switch Lyon ${nports} 45.7640 4.8357 |
| null-create-device switch Bordeaux ${nports} 44.8378 -0.5792 |
| null-create-device switch Marseille ${nports} 43.2965 5.3698 |
| null-create-device switch Nice ${nports} 43.7102 7.2620 |
| |
| # -- Assign France devices to France region |
| |
| region-add-devices rFR \ |
| null:0000000000000007 \ |
| null:0000000000000008 \ |
| null:0000000000000009 \ |
| null:000000000000000a \ |
| null:000000000000000b \ |
| |
| |
| # -- France hosts |
| |
| null-create-host Paris 49.5134 2.8882 |
| null-create-host Lyon 46.4590 5.2380 |
| |
| # -- France connectivity |
| |
| null-create-link direct Paris Lyon |
| null-create-link direct Paris Bordeaux |
| null-create-link direct Lyon Bordeaux |
| null-create-link direct Marseille Bordeaux |
| null-create-link direct Marseille Lyon |
| null-create-link direct Marseille Nice |
| null-create-link direct Lyon Nice |
| |
| # -- France Peers |
| |
| region-add-peer-loc rFR rES 42.6806 -2.1273 |
| region-add-peer-loc rFR rUK 50.6164 -2.1013 |
| region-add-peer-loc rFR rIT 45.1105 9.7450 |
| region-add-peer-loc rFR rDE 49.6307 7.9326 |
| |
| |
| # -- Italy Devices |
| |
| # these four in a mini fabric (data center?) |
| |
| null-create-device switch Milan-1 ${nports} 10.0 20.0 grid |
| null-create-device switch Milan-2 ${nports} 10.0 50.0 grid |
| null-create-device switch Milan-3 ${nports} 45.0 20.0 grid |
| null-create-device switch Milan-4 ${nports} 45.0 50.0 grid |
| |
| null-create-host Milan-3 60.0 15.0 grid |
| null-create-host Milan-4 60.0 45.0 grid |
| |
| region-add-devices rMilan \ |
| null:000000000000000c \ |
| null:000000000000000d \ |
| null:000000000000000e \ |
| null:000000000000000f \ |
| |
| null-create-device switch Venice ${nports} 45.4408 12.3155 |
| null-create-device switch Rome ${nports} 41.9028 12.4964 |
| null-create-device switch Naples ${nports} 40.8518 14.2681 |
| |
| region-add-devices rIT \ |
| null:0000000000000010 \ |
| null:0000000000000011 \ |
| null:0000000000000012 \ |
| |
| # -- Italy Connectivity |
| |
| null-create-link direct Milan-1 Milan-3 |
| null-create-link direct Milan-1 Milan-4 |
| null-create-link direct Milan-2 Milan-3 |
| null-create-link direct Milan-2 Milan-4 |
| |
| null-create-link direct Milan-1 Venice |
| null-create-link direct Milan-2 Rome |
| |
| null-create-link direct Venice Rome |
| null-create-link direct Venice Naples |
| null-create-link direct Rome Naples |
| |
| # -- Italy Peers |
| |
| region-add-peer-loc rIT rES 41.8942 2.7590 |
| region-add-peer-loc rIT rUK 47.0678 6.3919 |
| region-add-peer-loc rIT rFR 43.9538 5.1235 |
| region-add-peer-loc rIT rDE 47.3839 10.9857 |
| |
| # -- Germany Devices |
| |
| null-create-device switch Munich ${nports} 48.1351 11.5820 |
| null-create-device switch Berlin ${nports} 52.5200 13.4050 |
| null-create-device switch Bremen ${nports} 53.0793 8.8017 |
| null-create-device switch Frankfurt ${nports} 50.1109 8.6821 |
| null-create-device switch Stuttgart ${nports} 48.7758 9.1829 |
| |
| null-create-host Munich 47.4818 11.7441 |
| null-create-host Berlin 53.0537 13.5310 |
| |
| region-add-devices rDE \ |
| null:0000000000000013 \ |
| null:0000000000000014 \ |
| null:0000000000000015 \ |
| null:0000000000000016 \ |
| null:0000000000000017 \ |
| |
| # -- Germany Connectivity |
| |
| null-create-link direct Munich Berlin |
| null-create-link direct Munich Stuttgart |
| null-create-link direct Munich Stuttgart |
| null-create-link direct Frankfurt Stuttgart |
| null-create-link direct Frankfurt Bremen |
| null-create-link direct Berlin Bremen |
| null-create-link direct Berlin Frankfurt |
| |
| # -- Germany Peers |
| |
| region-add-peer-loc rDE rES 46.9845 2.1152 |
| region-add-peer-loc rDE rUK 51.6325 -0.1912 |
| region-add-peer-loc rDE rFR 48.5239 4.9598 |
| region-add-peer-loc rDE rIT 46.9118 11.1705 |
| |
| # -- Spain Devices |
| |
| null-create-device switch Madrid ${nports} 40.4168 -3.7038 |
| null-create-device switch Barcelona ${nports} 41.3851 2.1734 |
| null-create-device switch Valencia ${nports} 39.4699 -0.3763 |
| null-create-device switch Seville ${nports} 37.3891 -5.9845 |
| |
| null-create-host Madrid 41.0797 -3.9559 |
| null-create-host Barcelona 41.8507 2.0399 |
| null-create-host Valencia 38.8488 -0.5097 |
| null-create-host Seville 38.0110 -6.4442 |
| |
| region-add-devices rES \ |
| null:0000000000000018 \ |
| null:0000000000000019 \ |
| null:000000000000001a \ |
| null:000000000000001b \ |
| |
| # -- Spain Connectivity |
| |
| null-create-link direct Barcelona Madrid |
| null-create-link direct Barcelona Valencia |
| null-create-link direct Seville Madrid |
| null-create-link direct Seville Valencia |
| null-create-link direct Madrid Valencia |
| |
| # -- Spain Peers |
| |
| region-add-peer-loc rES rDE 43.0897 2.4361 |
| region-add-peer-loc rES rUK 44.0273 -6.4832 |
| region-add-peer-loc rES rFR 43.5896 -0.7197 |
| region-add-peer-loc rES rIT 39.8093 4.8966 |
| |
| |
| # -- Inter-Region Connectivity |
| |
| # Spain-France |
| null-create-link direct Barcelona Marseille |
| null-create-link direct Madrid Bordeaux |
| |
| # France-Italy |
| null-create-link direct Rome Nice |
| null-create-link direct Milan-1 Lyon |
| |
| # Italy-Germany |
| null-create-link direct Venice Munich |
| |
| # France-Germany |
| null-create-link direct Lyon Stuttgart |
| null-create-link direct Paris Frankfurt |
| |
| # England-France |
| null-create-link direct Portsmouth Paris |
| |
| # England-Germany |
| null-create-link direct London Bremen |
| null-create-link direct London Frankfurt |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| ### Set up debug log messages for classes we care about |
| onos ${host} <<-EOF |
| log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo.Topo2ViewMessageHandler |
| log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo.Topo2Jsonifier |
| log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.UiWebSocket |
| log:set DEBUG org.onosproject.ui.impl.UiTopoSession |
| log:list |
| EOF |