| #!/bin/bash |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Test utility to spawn an iTerm window for monitoring logs of current cell. |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| cellName=$ONOS_CELL |
| nodeCount=$(env | egrep "^OC[0-9]+" | wc -l | tr -d ' ') |
| |
| osascript -e " |
| tell application \"iTerm\" |
| |
| set cellName to \"$cellName\" |
| set paneCount to $nodeCount |
| |
| set theTerm to (create window with default profile) |
| |
| tell theTerm |
| launch session \"Default\" |
| tell the current session |
| set columns to 256 |
| set rows to 64 |
| set name to \"ONOS Log 1\" |
| write text \"cell \" & cellName |
| write text \"oi 1 && clear && echo Node \$OCI && ol\" |
| end tell |
| end tell |
| |
| tell theTerm |
| repeat with thePane from 2 to paneCount |
| tell the current session |
| tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"D\" using command down |
| set name to \"ONOS Log \" & thePane |
| write text \"cell \" & cellName |
| write text \"oi \" & thePane & \" && clear && echo Node \$OCI && ol\" |
| end tell |
| end repeat |
| end tell |
| |
| tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"I\" using command down |
| |
| end tell |
| " |