Moved and updated Web UI framework function service README.

Change-Id: I6fb2bd4945ad61e5c2893e9799fa27e2d7fff31a
diff --git a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/_doc/fw/ b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/_doc/fw/
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index 99515f0..0000000
--- a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/_doc/fw/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Function Service
-### Function Descriptions
-* Returns the argument `f` if it is a function, `null` otherwise
-* Returns the argument `a` if it is an array, `null` otherwise
-* Returns the argument `s` if it is a string, `null` otherwise
-* Returns the argument `o` if it is an object, `null` otherwise
-`fs.contains(a, x)`
-* Returns the index of `x` if it is in the array `a`, otherwise returns `-1`
-`fs.areFunctions(api, fnNames)`
-* `api`: API object to check
-* `fnNames`: array of function names expected
-* Returns `true` if functions defined on `api` _exactly matches_ `fnNames` list
-`fs.areFunctionsNonStrict(api, fnNames)`
-* `api`: API object to check
-* `fnNames`: array of function names expected
-* Returns `true` if functions defined on `api` include _all_ `fnNames` list
-_(to be continued)_
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diff --git a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/_doc/fw/util/ b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/_doc/fw/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfddb0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/_doc/fw/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+Function Service
+### Function Descriptions
+* Returns the argument `f` if it is a function, `null` otherwise
+* Returns the argument `a` if it is an array, `null` otherwise
+* Returns the argument `s` if it is a string, `null` otherwise
+* Returns the argument `o` if it is an object, `null` otherwise
+`fs.contains(a, x)`
+* Returns the index of `x` if it is in the array `a`, otherwise returns `-1`
+`fs.areFunctions(api, fnNames)`
+* `api`: API object to check
+* `fnNames`: array of function names expected
+* Returns `true` if functions defined on `api` _exactly matches_ `fnNames` list
+`fs.areFunctionsNonStrict(api, fnNames)`
+* `api`: API object to check
+* `fnNames`: array of function names expected
+* Returns `true` if functions defined on `api` include _all_ `fnNames` list
+`fs.windowSize(offH, offW)`
+* Returns current size of browser window (in pixels)
+* `offH` if specified, is subtracted from window height
+* `offW` if specified, is subtracted from window width
+* Return value: `{ height: h, width: w }`
+* Returns `true` if the current browser is determined to be a mobile device
+* Returns `true` if the current browser is determined to be Chrome
+* Returns `true` if the current browser is determined to be Safari
+* Returns `true` if the current browser is determined to be Firefox
+`fs.find(key, array, tag)`
+* Searches through the array of objects, returning the index of the 
+  first item that matches the specified key for the given tagged property
+* `key`: The key (value of tagged property) to search for
+* `array`: An array of objects to search
+* `tag`: If not specified, defaults to `"id"`
+* Returns `-1` for no match
+`fs.inArray(item, array)`
+* Searches through the array of items (e.g. strings) to find the first
+  occurence of the specified items, returning its index in the array
+* `item`: the item to search for
+* `array`: the array to search
+* Returns `-1` for no match
+`fs.removeFromArray(item, array)`:
+* Removes the first occurrence of the specified item from the given array, 
+  if any.
+* `item`: the item to search for and remove
+* `array`: the array to search
+* Returns `true` if the item was found and removed
+* Returns `true` if the object `o` is empty (has no properties)
+`fs.sameObjectProps(o1, o2)`
+* Returns `true` if objects `o1` and `o2` have precisely the same 
+  set of property keys
+`fs.containsObj(arr, obj)`
+* Returns `true` if the array contains the object
+* Note that this function scans the array and uses 
+  `sameObjectProps(...)` to determine the result
+* Returns the given string `s` with the first character capitalized
+`fs.eecode(h, w)`
+* Returns encoding structure for given parameters
+  (part of Easter Egg)
+* Returns the parameter `num` stripped of its `"px"` suffix (if any)
+`fs.noPxStyle(elem, prop)`
+* Returns the value of a DOM element's given style, stripped 
+  of its `"px"` suffix
+* `elem`: DOM element
+* `prop`: Style property (e.g. "height")
+`fs.endsWith(str, suffix)`
+* Returns `true` if the given string `str` ends with the specified `suffix`
+* Returns `true` if the specified debug tag is active
+* Debug tags can be specified in the query string, e.g.
+  * `?debug=txrx,foo`
+  * will return true for `fs.debugOn('txrx')` and `fs.debugOn('foo')`
+`fs.debug(tag, arg1, arg2, ...)`
+* Outputs debug message to console, if debug `tag` is set
+  * e.g. `fs.debug('foo', '1 + 2 is', 1 + 2);`
+  * will output to console, only if 'foo' is set in debug query parameter
+`addToTrie(trie, word, data)`
+* Adds `word` (converted to uppercase) to the specified `trie` data structure
+* `data`: the data associated with the word
+* Returns `"added"` or `"updated"`
+`removeFromTrie(trie, word)`
+* Removes `word` (converted to uppercase) from the specified `trie` data
+  structure
+* Returns `"removed"` or `"absent"`
+`trieLookup(trie, word)`
+* Does a lookup of the given `word` (converted to uppercase), in the specified
+  `trie` data structure
+* Returns:
+  * `undefined`: if the word is not in the trie
+  * `-1`: for a partial match (word is a prefix of an existing word)
+  * `data`: associated with the word, on an exact match
+`classNames(a1, a2, ...)`
+* Returns a space-delimited string of CSS class names generated from the given 
+  arguments
+  * strings and numbers are used as is
+  * arrays are recursively flattened
+  * objects use key names
+* For example:
+  * `var arr = ['foo', 'bar'];`
+  * `var obj = {goo: 2, zoo: 3}`
+  * `fs.classNames(arr, 'baz', obj)`
+  * returns `"foo bar baz goo zoo"`
+`fs.extend(protoProps, staticProps)`
+* Creates and returns a "child" object that inherits from the 
+  "class" that this function is defined on, extended with the given 
+   prototype and static properties
+* This function is not designed to be called directly, but a reference to it
+  placed on an object designed for extension
+* Used in the class object hierarchy for the "topo2" implementation
+  _(e.g. see topo2Model.js)_
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